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Posts posted by greg1647545532

  1. Well Trump is out there ranting about FAKE NEWS on twitter. I am truly shocked that the stock market hasn't responded favorably to this sort of powerful leadership.


    People can rant about media hype all they want but the facts on the ground are that there are 500+ cases that we know of, and based on other countries and data we have that number can be expected to DOUBLE as little as every 3 days.


    That means that, if it's not contained, 30k Americans will be infected by April. TWO MILLION infected by May. Thus is the nature of exponential growth. It makes absolutely no sense to talk about the number of infected right now, as though it will never spread. Because spread it has, and spread it will. The questions, then, are: can we contain it? and can our health care system handle the load? Those are both very difficult questions to answer, and I'm not getting any kind of warm fuzzies from the CDC and a bunch of governments (federal and state) that don't seem to be willing to take the kind of drastic measures that, say, Italy is currently taking. This is not about fake news or media hype right now, it's about a void of leadership.

  2. Is it a CX? The CX had different (loooong) gear ratios and was only available as a hatchback. That's the only thing I can think of that makes sense given the context. Any d-series transmission will bolt up, any 96-00 transmission will be plug and play. I believe there were 3 different gearsets (DX/LX, CX/HX, EX).
  3. I was just saying, during peak Trump Trade War when the market was fluctuating this much on a near daily basis, I realize that nobody knows anything and the market is all just gamblers who aren't "worried" about anything other than desperately trying to guess when to buy low and sell high.


    Let's see what happens tomorrow. I have no idea what will happen of course, nobody does, but if it goes up 1000 points what are we going to say, investors suddenly stopped caring about COVID-19? Come one, they don't even care now. People are just trying to guess better than other people.

  4. I'm on Ohio Health's frontline team that will respond to any COVID-19 patient that lands in any of our facilities (and it eventually will). We formed during the Ebola crisis about five years ago and train specifically for outbreaks such as this.


    You want the low-down? It's ALL media scare. It's very similar to SARS and MERS (also both coronavirus strands). It'll burn itself out eventually. In the meantime, quit fucking worrying. You might, however, keep granny in the house if she has end-stage COPD and is prone to pneumonia.


    Be America: 10,000 people die from the flu, 0 die from COVID-19; freak out about COVID-19.


    Wash your hands. Cover your cough. Stay home if you're sick. Quit being nasty fuckers.


    As a public health expert, exactly how much ammunition do I need to get through this?




    (CR: I must be able to reload indefinitely in case zombies. Actual advice: Like, maybe wash your hands every once in a while?)

  5. Just curious, like what?


    When I visited Boise last year all the locals had the same complaint, an influx of Californians were ruining their town somehow... fucking Boise, Idaho.


    Sorry to get off topic OP.


    Old people and their sense of entitlement. "Wah, my ancestors squatted on this square of dirt 80 years ago and now I'm entitled to it never changing." Damn snowflakes.

  6. Pros: No winter, good tex-mex everywhere, hill country is beautiful


    Cons: Sprawl, everyone drives 5mph under the speed limit, you have to drive everywhere, no character other than people getting raging hard-ons over Texas itself


    I've spent somewhere between 1 and 2 years of my life in San Antonio for work trips, I'm always happy to eat some good food and then I'm always happy to leave.

  7. my sarcasm at the fact that Iran won't turn over the planes black boxes for review. likely because they know it will show it was shot down.


    You were responding to my post about flight 655, the one we accidentally shot down in 1988. I'm wondering what Iran's response to that was, and if that's more your style?

  8. I haven't heard much else about the 2 missiles that hit the green zone in Iraq. Anyone heard if there was any damage or causalities from that?





    No reported casualties, CNN says:


    There have been numerous rocket attacks on the Green Zone and the area surrounding it in recent months. However, the whole of Iraq is on an heightened state of alert as tensions between the US and Iran have dramatically increased over the last couple of weeks


    So this has been life in Iraq for a while now and it's just finally making American news.

  9. I think it’s “conveniently” labeled as Canadians, I would bet there are Americans on that plane but those are “contractors” or “agents”


    I think we would have heard about any Americans on the plane by now, the stop in Ukraine was a connection with service on to Canada hence all the Canadians. Do you want there to have been Americans on the plane for some reason?

  10. Them.


    Well twitter people really.


    Media in general were are not criticizing lack of response to the missiles too much.


    Oh OK. Are you on twitter or did some conservative website find 2 or 3 tweets that they thought represented the "hypocrisy of the left" and blog about it?


    It just seems strange, like nobody in America is calling for additional hostilities at this point, that includes both parties. At least not that I've seen.


    Maybe Russian trolls?

  11. I thought you were against climate change.


    All I said was nuclear reactors can't go supercritical like bombs do so they don't "glass" things, that's not an opinion so I'm not sure what's up your ass.

  12. Looking at the satellite photos it's clear that Iran didn't "intentionally miss" so much as "intentionally target buildings with only aircraft and equipment in them." This wouldn't be entirely unlike when Trump spent millions of dollars to blow up some empty buildings on a Syrian air base in order to "save face" against Assad (after telling Russia we were going to bomb said buildings so they could conveniently not be there).
  13. Nuclear power plants can't go supercritical and "glass" anything either, the U-235 concentration isn't anywhere near high enough (5% for a reactor vs 90% for a bomb IIRC).
  14. Should I accept my fate and take out two new credit cards with that high APR but keep them paid off each month?


    Yes, this. Two, three, four cards, the higher the limit, the better. Use them once a year for a small purchase to reset the "last used" date.


    If you have 100k in available credit that you're not using that means you're responsible and also that if you get in a pickle you have access to credit to bail you out (e.g., you won't default).

  15. This is what I heard from someone who I would consider an informed source (retired Navy SEAL).


    I'm just enjoying the triggered people screaming on both sides all over social media.


    So we have US troops sitting in bases in Iraq having ballistic missiles lobbed their way, but it's OK because they intentionally missed! That makes it not at all terrifying for them and their families. I'm sure nobody has ever gotten PTSD from being woken up by attack sirens in the middle of the night and hearing missiles exploding around them.


    I'm glad you're enjoying some aspect of this "game."

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