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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. To me, though, that's where the bias lies. People hate on CNN but were silent about Fox pulling the same shit for a decade. People hate on anti-white racism but brush off anti-everything-else bigotry as being a few bad apples. People complain about antifa like it represents mainstream liberal thinking, but the KKK is just background noise that we should all ignore. Now, I'm not saying we shouldn't hate on anti-white racism, CNN, or antifa, but when you see the same drums getting beat over and over and over again -- antifa, immigrants, and fake news, oh my! -- you take a step back and you see the pattern of manipulation designed to make people stupid. IMHO the people saying the KKK is bad, Fox News is bad, and homophobia is bad are at least doing so in good faith.
  2. I'm just going to quote someone who's much more eloquent than I am. Bolding mine. And I think my point is, I see shockingly racist things on the internet like every fucking day. But conservative media seems to be selectively blind to the mountain of anti-black, anti-gay, anti-Jewish, anti-Muslim bigotry that exists all around us, while focusing on the molehill of dumbass stories like Sinead O'Connor that spread like wildfire on conservative blogs in order to trump up this notion that whites are the real victims. Like, if you really care about extremist bigots, there's a lot of targets for your ire.
  3. You're saying that now, before you seemed to be implying that Sinead O'Connor's bizarre brand of anti-white racism was somehow a mainstream liberal position. Do you want to walk that back?
  4. Great, let's make more true statements. Many on the right don't want to hang out with Jews. Many on the right don't want to hang out with gay people. Many on the right don't want to hang out with Muslims. Many on the right don't want to hang out with atheists. All true? What's the point you were going for with your post?
  5. Good luck, took less than 48 hrs for stores to get cleaned out.
  6. I agree, it's a true statement if "many" is defined as more than 3 and less than infinity. And many on the right don't want to hang out with black people. True statement using the same definition?
  7. Y'all just need to suck it up and buy a minivan. It's the best suburban pickup there is. Swallows plywood sheets no problem.
  8. What do the ramblings of an Irish singer have to do with anything?
  9. Man, my sister loved Sinead O'Connor, I remember when she did her pope stunt on SNL my [very Catholic parents] were fuming mad. Never did see them get just as mad at the Catholic church when it came out that she was right to call out JPII for being a molester protector.
  10. Jefferson "Davis" Sessions is out as AG. NY Mag is running a poorly sourced piece saying that Don Jr. has been telling friends he might be getting indicted soon. Any connection?
  11. It'd be a lot cheaper to just make the bed longer, and 99% of buyers would rather have a cheaper truck than a truck that's easier to park. Didn't the Ranger or Frontier or something have bars that would flip out onto the tailgate to extend the bed?
  12. Anything broken in legislation can be fixed in legislation. Was there anything in the constitution preventing the state legislature from making these sentence adjustments? If not, then why does it require a constitutional fix? Special interest groups have figured out that they can bypass the legislature in Ohio with constitutional referendums. IMHO this should only be done in extreme situations, and this wasn't one of them. It doesn't matter if I happen to agree with the special interest in question.
  13. I want all drugs legalized and I still voted no on 1, and I'll continue to vote no on any constitutional referendum that's not a constitutional issue.
  14. Immigrants, like all human people, create demand for goods and services. They take jobs, they make jobs. It's all good in the end. It's how we've grown from a few thousand people to 330+ million people over the last 400 years and still manage to find work.
  15. I think you and other red-pill alt-right types like to paint this picture that everyone who doesn't agree with you is a limp-wristed emasculated soy boy cuck. It's nonsense and it's why so many people are going away from the Republican party. I hear more insults and blind stereotypical assumptions thrown out by hardcore conservatives more than anyone. From personal experience, a lot of these conservatives are the same ones who were preaching against "divisive" liberals, but in the same breath they call everyone who doesn't agree with them a sheep, NPC, etc. This is why Trump will lose in 2020. The hardcore conservatives are just too blind to see how bashing everyone everyday for not agreeing with them is hurting them, badly.
  16. Probably none, because I have a security clearance and GFE in my house and my various employers wouldn't approve it. Their rules, not mine. I've had issues in the past in this regard, I used to volunteer for an organization that would host foreign nationals and my security manager said OK as long as they didn't stay in my house unsupervised. It's kind of nonsense but I'm not willing to risk my income. But can we address the fact that this is a dumb question? You all seem to think it's some sort of a huge "gotcha," but how many of these asylum seekers are looking for a place to crash? I'd assume, like most people, they want a job and their own place to live. Let's give them that opportunity! All we're talking about is whether or not we should follow US law and allow them to claim asylum at the border and go through the approved process for doing so. It's a policy discussion, not a "where will we house these people" discussion. There are houses available for rent. Will I chip in to help them pay rent for a few months until they can start earning? Sure. Of course, as I've shown in this thread, when pressed, people opposed to letting this specific caravan in will ultimately say it's not about the money it's costing us, or even about the rule of law. It's just straight up "We don't want these kinds of people in our country."
  17. Oof, if this is how you feel, you must be pretty pissed at Trump and Republicans right now...
  18. Truly, this is a man who wants to bring our country together.
  19. Troops are fairly useless for processing asylum applications. Wouldn't it be great if he sent a bunch of state department employees and immigration lawyers instead?
  20. Well, Trump is against that. He's sending troops to the border to stop them all from even trying to go through the process. Tim here is telling lies here about how the caravan wants to circumvent the process. Brandon is parroting white nationalist conspiracy theories about George Soros funding the caravan, the same sort of conspiracy theories that Trump has helped to build momentum and the Pittsburgh shooter shot up a synagogue over. In fact, I'd say Republicans in general are against the asylum process because despite what they say, they think any immigrant who doesn't look and act a certain way is bad. In fact, I just heard Trump on the radio saying "If you want your children to have a country, vote Republican." Wink wink, dog whistle. eta: Of course, it's no accident that you think myself and others just want to "open the borders." Republicans have been telling lies about that for years.
  21. I posted the asylum law earlier, I'm not suggesting anyone be allowed to circumvent that. I don't think your list is exhaustive here in terms of reasons people can claim asylum, but I feel pretty comfortable letting whoever show up at our door and go through the process. Don't you?
  22. If they want to come here and they meet the legal requirements for asylum, who am I to turn them away? Seems like the right thing to do for the richest, best country on Earth. But you wouldn't be using ridiculous scenarios to foment fear of foreigners, would you? Or just certain...types of foreigners?
  23. Greatest country on earth, can't take in 4000 people. MAGA!
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