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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I've driven both, for track duty it's no comparison. M > non-M
  2. I guess just get the M then, do those exist for under 12?
  3. I always watch VinWiki videos with my hand on the fast forward button because my attention span has been ruined by videos that are actually interesting. This guy seems like a douche.
  4. Libruls are so dum they'll probably drown. In less funny news, the deficit increased this year by $222 billion to nearly $900 billion (so far, still 1 month to go to hit 10 digits!) thanks to Republican tax cuts and Republican spending increases. Fuck you, American children! And Trump pulled $10 million from FEMA right before a big fuggin hurricane to pay for deportations. With a broader request of $200 million to do the same. Who knew importing all them damn illegals would be so complicated? Your tax dollars at work. Or rather, your children's.
  5. For someone who hasn't been to a drag strip in like 15 years, are Friday nights still a thing? I have a friend who thinks his dick is bigger than mine and this needs to be resolved. Where do you go to battle out 15 second cars?
  6. I've been following ETH since it was my coin of choice last year, it's a goddamn bloodbath. BTC is pretty much the only thing holding any semblance of a late 2017 value. It's pretty entertaining reading all the prognostication on r/ethtrader though.
  7. Alex Jones is a crisis actor, this is all a false flag op. Wake up sheeple.
  8. Are you new at this, rook? Get her the MacBook she wants, otherwise you're on the hook for every annoyance she has with whatever you talk her into.
  9. In Soviet America, negative news about party leaders will be addressed. Only positive news will be available. Republican party and Comrade Trump have always been great. Is this real life?
  10. America is a bunch of partisan assholes without values? Say it ain't so!
  11. And Cohen says that Trump directed him to violate the election laws. I'm sure the law and order folks will be here any minute to start chanting. Lock him up?
  12. Two more witches burned. #releasethememo
  13. Have the tax cuts paid for themselves yet or are my kids still on the hook to pay them back?
  14. You say the fewer the better but then you say some are necessary. If we get rid of the necessary ones, isn't that fewer? And therefore better? See my point?
  15. Yeah but only Fox News viewers think that communism is going to come roaring back any day now. I hate this saying though. What does "as little as possible" even mean? Who are these people we're arguing against who are calling for unnecessary regulation? Are there people writing regulations just for funsies? Every regulation seems absolutely necessary to somebody. We need to clearly define the metrics that we want to use to define what makes America successful, and we need to measure every regulation against whether or not it results in better or worse outcomes based on those metrics. If that ultimately means a "lot" of regulations, then I guess a lot of regulations are necessary. If it ultimately means not very many regulations, then so be it. (At this point, I know several posters who are thinking, "Of course fewer regulations will result in better outcomes," believing that without evidence of course).
  16. Not for nothing, but people looking at the history of capitalism is why socialism and communism exist. People got fed up with poor working conditions, ravaged environments, and lack of social equity. The success of capitalism can't be ignored, that's true, but to say that it's a system that results in "greatness" only works for certain definitions of greatness. At its core, it's just a system that self selects for maximum economic efficiency. Whether or not we want maximum economic efficiency is still a matter that should be debated on a case by case basis. Certainly, economic efficiency results in lots of affordable goods (a rising tide lifts all boats, as conservatives love to say), but what if those are fishing boats and there's a limited supply of natural resources? In unregulated capitalism, the fishermen would try and out-compete each other until there were no fish left, at which point they'd all starve. That doesn't sound like greatness to me, nor to the fisherman, who have generally supported fishing quotas in the interest of long term survival. Quotas which need to be debated by politicians, documented by lawyers, and enforced by a strong government, of course.
  17. Because the alternative sucks? I mean, Reagan's "Government is the problem" was pretty successful marketing to the moron demographic but let's be honest, it's a lot easier to complain about society than to offer up suggestions for how to improve it. If we consider government a necessary evil, keep a close eye on it and make sure we're collecting good data to ensure it's working, that's really all we can ask for. Electing a bunch of anti-science, anti-intellectual troglodytes who rail against government while refusing to consider actual "evidence" of things that "work" or "don't work" isn't any better at ensuring liberty. That's how you end up with brown kids in cages and people believing that it's Clinton's fault. But I digress.
  18. Everyone's aware of what's happening in that dictator-run shithole. Do I honestly strike you as someone who's not informed? Venezuala's problem isn't that they want "too socialist," it's that it's a mismanaged fuck up of a government. And they gave us Pastor Maldonado, so there's really no forgiving them. Capitalism can work great until it doesn't. Socialism can work great until it doesn't. Treating either one as the savior of mankind is a mistake, but so is ignoring obviously successful systems, or treating some metric of success as the end-all be-all of success (e.g., touting the potential economic mobility of capitalism while ignoring that very few people actually move up or down the socioeconomic ladder in practice).
  19. What about all of those Western European and Asian countries that have embraced certain aspects of socialism and are doing just fine? Are they gonna grow out of it too? Certainly there are a lot of low information voters across the political spectrum, certain posters in this thread would be wise to take a look at what their walls are made of.
  20. What part of "I'm a libertarian" do you twats not understand? Panduh, explain to me what socialism is and why you think it's bad. Bonus points for not googling it first.
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