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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. And Trump is continuing to rant about his wall this morning and trying pathetically to pin the shutdown on Democrats, saying that they have "left town" and need to "get back here an [sic] fix now!" How is the minority party supposed to reconvene a congress that the majority has sent home? What on Earth could he possibly mean with this nonsense? How am I suppose to react to this other than complete dismay that this idiot is supposed to be leading our government?
  2. I just don't understand, nobody appears to like shutdowns, nobody seems to want this idiotic wall, but apparently we can't criticize Trump for any of this. Amazing.
  3. I'm trying not to get personal but you need to pick up your reading skills.
  4. Was the 2013 shutdown over repealing Obamacare? Did you support it? Do you still support it in retrospect?
  5. You said the 2013 shutdown was good. That shutdown was an attempt by Republicans to do a back-door repeal of Obamacare. Ergo, you thought an attempt to repeal Obamacare was good. Do you deny that you said that?
  6. So you want to repeal it? Why has nobody tried that yet!?
  7. Well you have that in common with all Republicans. Good thing they wasted money on that shutdown though, just to show everyone how angry they were about Obamacare. And then got elected in large numbers over that anger. And then dropped the issue because they had no other ideas. Tax dollars at work.
  8. You know the ACA still exists, right? Like the shutdown didn't actually get rid of it...
  9. Really, it's Schrodinger's Wall at this point. It hasn't been built yet, but it's mostly finished; it's both a Concrete Wall and a Steel Slat Barrier; Mexico will pay for it, Mexico has already paid for it, it's paying for itself with NAFTA which has now been repealed, the Democrats must pay for it, it'll be paid for with "Shutdown Money" saved from the shutdown that's more expensive than the Wall will ever be, which is supported by federal workers who are mostly Democrats but also want Trump to keep it shut down until the Wall is paid for; it's needed to stop the Caravans that have already been stopped, and there are no more Caravans coming even though word is there's one on the way right now; and if there's no wall, we're going to have to shut down the entire border with the wall that does not exist. The Wall currently exists in a state of quantum flux where attempting to observe it only changes its nature. (stolen from another site I'm on)
  10. In terms of SCOTUS nominees Trump is probably better for liberals, but in terms of "having an adult in charge of the executive branch" Pence is about 1000x better. I haven't talked to anyone who wouldn't take that trade in a heartbeat.
  11. That's assuming Individual 1 is still around to make a nomination in 8-12 months. Might be Pence's first pick. Or Pelosi's.
  12. I agree Brandon from 2017. Dodging debate and lobbing insults isn't something to be proud of. Oh. I see. Well I guess we should update this: Still waiting for a single example of something the media has blinded me to.
  13. I don't have a strong opinion either way. What else you got?
  14. The government. You clearly have no idea how shutdowns work. Nor, apparently, can you answer a simple question. Or stay on topic. Or read a one page resignation letter.
  15. Everyone's pulling money out to the stock market and putting it in Bitcoin!
  16. You're right, based on the timing Syria may have been the last straw but the letter doesn't mention Syria at all (nor did I in my post, so I'm not sure why you claim I mentioned it). edit: Nevermind, I see what you're saying, your sentence structure is confusing there. It's a short letter but he talks at length about treating allies with respect, that doing so gives us strength. Trump has a pattern of disrespecting our allies and allowing the strategic interests of "malign actors" like China and Russia to advance at the expense of the US and its allies. This is why he is resigning. It's all right there in the letter, which I'm starting to think you didn't actually read.
  17. That's according to Mattis. Did you read his resignation letter?
  18. Mad Dog Mattis is out, says the president deserves a secdef who shares Trump's hatred of NATO and love of Russia and China.
  19. I just signed up for BSM (Thanks! Had no idea that existed) and there are indeed 3 bottles of the MWND currently selling for $125 shipped, less if you buy all 3. That's all I got, carry on.
  20. Pretty much all YouTube videos can be reduce by about 85% viewing time without missing much. Just watched all 19 minutes in about 3 and I feel satisfied. I'm jealous of everything that dude owns. RS Cosworth!
  21. Don't think I've posted here but my Miata blew its 3rd motor at VIR in October so I bought a K24 out of frustration, still need to finish that install. I'm getting a new garage sometime in the spring, so that's exciting. My current garage is 90 years old and looks it's age. New garage will still be a 2 car but will be much bigger so I can actually get two cars in there. At that same VIR event my Chumpcar team finally got our (now properly caged) E36 to stretch its legs, we're targeting only 1 race next year to keep costs down, Pitt Race in October. Because of that I'm keeping travel to a minimum, I'll do all the Monday Mid-Ohio events with auto interests and I might do one NASA event there as well, but no Nelson Ledges or anything else for me. All in all a pretty big year for car stuff I guess.
  22. Kerry and I are going to Make America Gay Again by Making Anal Greg Adores. I'm going to erect something South of Kerry's border and Mexico will pay to watch. You can call me Stormy Daniels, because when Kerry fucks me with his mushroom dick I don't make him wear a condom. I'm going to slather Kerry in Country Crock because I can't get enough of buttery males. The thing I love most about Kerry coming over is him Putin his cock in my mouth. My pecker is so small Kerry started measuring it in Mooches. Kerry and I shouldn't drink so much when we get together because every time we do we end up spending the whole night boofing. You can call my cock Michael Cohen, because when Kerry comes over it's going in the hole for 3-5 years. If you're going to make Trump themed fag jokes about me and Kerry at least make a fucking effort.
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