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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Clearly religion isn't the issue because I'm an atheist and I still have the human decency to want to be nice to the less fortunate. I'll stop toying with it, don't want you to get your panties in a bunch and start feeling persecuted.
  2. Tim should ask his pastor/priest that question. I know he's very religious. Why help those in need? And why not help both groups of people? What would the big J do? That you do to the least of my people and all that...
  3. Regular non-disabled adults can't be long-term dependent on the US government because we have no programs that do that. I say this knowing full well that Kerry has already schooled you, specifically, on this fact at least half a dozen times, and he's probably typing up a response right now that will school you again, but you refuse to educate yourself on the policies of the country you live in.
  4. ??? I literally answered your question.
  5. Here's the US law on asylum. What part are they trying to circumvent?
  6. I honestly have no clue what you're talking about, I'm not aware of any demands they're making to circumvent US law.
  7. Isn't that following the rules though?
  8. Lol OK. Nice tautological argument. "We can't take in asylum seekers because we already know it's bad to take in asylum seekers." Can't argue with that stellar logic.
  9. Fine, I'll retract the words I injected into the discussion. You characterize these immigrants as "not pulling their weight due to lack of skills or willingness to do so." What are you basing that on? What makes these [potential] immigrants different from all the other immigrants who came here with nothing and have gone on to make this country great?
  10. My grandparents were literally immigrants who came to this country with nothing... What reasons do you have for thinking that these folks are going to be a generational burden on society that totally aren't based on xenophobia?
  11. Pointless non sequitur. That's not the situation we're in, nor is it the hypothetical I proposed to Tim where he has to pay nothing out of pocket and still refuses to share "his" country with them for reasons that I'm sure totally aren't based on xenophobia.
  12. You're repeating more white nationalist propaganda. https://www.factcheck.org/2018/10/no-evidence-soros-is-funding-immigrant-caravan/
  13. So they're lazy, unskilled, and unwilling to work? What are you basing this characterization on?
  14. Yeah, the Republicans were actually pretty clever in realizing that nobody really cares about deficits, and they can borrow an extra half a trillion dollars to pump into the economy right before an election.
  15. Keep calling me a beta soy boy cuck though, that's super helpful for your credibility that you're not steeped in alt-right nonsense.
  16. False. But if someone shares white nationalist propaganda and uses the language of the alt-right (white apologist? seriously?), yes, I consider them part of the alt-right.
  17. Tim, if George Soros agreed to take in every single one of these refugees and agree to pay any and all costs associated with their stay *for life* in exchange for the US granting immediate citizenship, would you be cool with that?
  18. The alt-right: Jews will not replace us! Also the alt-right: Why do you hate freedom?
  19. Calls Kerry a white apologist. Complains about identity politics.
  20. Why bring up a new subject? You actually want to talk about it?
  21. Seriously Brandon, the discussion is about how much emphasis we're putting on curbing racially motivated crime. You can't stroll into that discussion with a pepe face and say "what racially motivated crime? I DON'T SEE RACE" and expect us to humor you.
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