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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. British tabloids are indeed a paragon of good ethics. And we all remember the ethical restraint from the French tabloids when Princess Di died in a mysterious manner.
  2. I'm just amazed how the rest of the world seems to have solved the problem of 24/7 news coverage while the US lags behind.
  3. Regardless of performance, just a car that non-car people would look at and be impressed with. Go.
  4. I'm just amazed how the rest of the world seems to have solved the problem of bad parenting while the US lags behind.
  5. And after Parkland everyone was talking about "red flags," but in this case the narrative seems to be that nobody saw it coming. Sure, he wore a trenchcoat and posted pictures of guns and knives on his IG, but that's pretty standard "don't tread on me" conservative fare, isn't it?
  6. This kid grew up in a conservative (Greek orthodox) Christian house in Texas with a gun-owning father, but somehow it's still hippy libtards to blame? Are all of these other kids who shoot up schools learning how to use AR-15s and getting a hold of them from their tweed-jacket professor-in-gender-studies parents?
  7. The real problem in America is that people are mean to each other. Now let's make fun of these snowflakes.
  8. Stop making fun of them, bullying people on the internet causes school shootings.
  9. Forgive me, I'm just a dumb liberal and I don't know anything about guns, is a pump action shotgun semi-auto? Dumbass.
  10. Plus, you know, maybe 5, 10, 15 children are alive right now who probably wouldn't be if he'd had an AR-15. I'm glad for that. But hey, you do you.
  11. Regardless, Cohen wasn't registered as a lobbyist and didn't register as a foreign agent despite taking foreign money, which makes him fuuuuuuuucked.
  12. Taking bribes to pay off mistresses rather than using his own money, that makes Trump smart.
  13. Fortunately all of these companies have admitted to cooperating with the greatest witch hunt in American history, so hopefully we'll find out soon enough.
  14. Fortunately all of these companies have admitted to cooperating with the greatest witch hunt in American history, so hopefully we'll find out soon enough.
  15. Neither were these companies, apparently. Novartis had one meeting with Cohen, realized he couldn't provide them with shit, and ended the relationship (they kept paying though). So Cohen got 1.2m from them for 1 meeting. The good news for Trump is that this might not be a case of bribery, but instead a case of his personal lawyer being a con man.
  16. God, if you want to see just how incompetently the Trump administration rolls out policy, read this entire trainwreck of a State Dept press conference.
  17. Not to take away work from any of the aspiring carpenters here, but the Bunk and Loft Factory stuff is extremely well made, priced reasonably (IMO) and built right here in Columbus. Their showroom is somewhere around 71 and Hudson.
  18. Trump says fuck you to our allies, pulls out of Iran deal. Pros: - World now understands that deals with the US are meaningless because we can back out whenever we want even if they're complying - Iran free to resume nuclear program - John Bolton closer to the war he so desperately wants Cons: - Oh wait, I put all the cons in the Pro column
  19. Just picked up a hardtop for the Miata, perfect timing...
  20. Why did you quote geeto and put my name there?
  21. I must have missed the national news cycle about emoji guns, got any link to the AP coverage of the emoji gun scandal?
  22. 1) phrased better that's actually a fair criticism, breast cancer gets a disproportionate amount of research dollars relative to its risk, as a society that's probably not the best use of limited funds, and 2) people who get "worked up" over breast cancer don't typically ignore, excuse, or downplay the existence of lung cancer
  23. I'm sure someone is all worked up about that, I almost guarantee it. But then people are worked up about black men marrying white women because it's white genocide or something, probably 500 times as many people are in fact worked up about that, but somehow that's just noise that conservatives can ignore and people who care about the bride emoji are a sign of the end times.
  24. I think the VA probably should get out of the business of directly providing health care. I'm still on Tricare so I don't need to spend a lot of time digging into the weeds on this. I only have so much bandwidth. But what does VA related legislation have to do with Trump? His only role in all this is to execute the law, and nominating an unqualified doctor to head one of the largest bureaucracies in existence is a complete dereliction of his duty as president and commander in chief.
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