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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Counterpoint, forcing a bunch of rank amateurs to play paintball with someone who does it all the time is fun for... who exactly? Planned activities at bachelor parties are tough, especially the more people you add. I did a bachelor party where we did skeet shooting and go karts. About 2/3 of the group found the skeet shooting tedious (and regrettably sober), and another 2/3 of the group found the go-karts expensive and pointless (and also regrettably sober). The party was kind of awkward until we made it to dinner (super late at that point because we spent all day registering for activities) and started drinking. Everyone likes drinking. +1 on camping/cabin + booze, but also +1 on knowing the audience and finding something that everyone will find enjoyable. Yeah it's the groom's event, but if he has any empathy he won't have fun if his friends are bored.
  2. greg1647545532


    Well that's the thing, "his content in general" which you claimed to want to discuss in the OP is clearly wackadoo. When presented with that opinion, you claim to actually want to discuss some specific topic present in a specific video. But if there's some specific thing you want to discuss, why not find a non-wackadoo source for it? Maybe make a synopsis of the video and discuss it without linking to the wackadoo guy, or find an article we can read without watching 13 minutes of a wackadoo talk as slow as possible. Do you honestly thing you'd be getting this reaction from CR if you'd posted a National Review article by a respected author, gave a 3 sentence summary, and asked us to discuss?
  3. greg1647545532


    Maybe I misunderstood your post, my apologies. Neither do I but I do have google, I googled Black Pigeon Speaks and his twitter was the first thing that came up for me so I clicked on it. What does your not having a twitter account have to do with anything? Does the stuff he posts on twitter not count because you choose not to look at it? State it then, do you take this jabroni seriously?
  4. greg1647545532


    Here's what his twitter feed says when posting the video you linked in your OP: I gotta say, this is the first I've heard of the horrors of gynocentrism and childless leaders. You actually take this guy seriously? What's wrong with you?
  5. greg1647545532


    I mean, you did ask for "Thoughts on his content in general." Seems like that's what you got... As a rule of thumb, Youtube videos are a terrible medium for discourse, he talks soooo slow and I'm not interested in burning 13 minutes waiting for him to get to a point, does this jabroni have any articles I can read?
  6. "No way to prevent this tragedy!" says president responsible for tragedy.
  7. Truth be told, I don't really care about Trump as much as the millions of people who didn't find his racist lies to be disqualifying and still voted for him. That's what's really depressing. I know you voted for him, but since you don't seem to have any problem telling or spreading lies here, it's not surprising that his racism and lying wouldn't bother you. Just depressing. Sad. For America.
  8. We're all humiliated at this point. We elected as birther as president. Spreading racist lies has no consequences in America. Truly embarrassing.
  9. I went to Trump because it's an egregious example that debunks your claim. Trump's twitter feed doesn't exist in a vacuum. He didn't come up with birtherism. Seriously, if you don't count birtherism as an abuse of social media under Obama, what can I say? I mean, fucking BIRTHERISM! It's a thing that exists, and the current US president rose to political prominence on its coat tails. How is that not an example of how shitty people were towards Obama?
  10. "The social media soapbox hasn't been more abused [than since Trump was elected.]" Are you saying that Trump and his supporters spreading easily debunked racist rumors about Obama being a Kenyan Muslim is somehow a lesser offense than whatever abuses you've observed since Trump took office? I find that hard to believe. I really can't think of any worse use of a social media soapbox in recent memory than a bunch of lies about a birth certificate designed to foment racial and islamaphobic hatred of a sitting US president. Care to point out an example of a widespread use of a social media soap box that's worse?
  11. Must be fake news, nobody ever badmouthed Obama apparently.
  12. Lol, Trump rose to political prominence by using social media to spread racist rumors about Obama being a Kenyan Muslim, but you're right, this is totally new kekekekeke
  13. "Sorry about these provocative war games, Mr. Kim. We'll cut those out." At least Obama apologized to our allies, not some worthless despots like Kim and Putin. Oh wow, war remains? That's never happened before. So NK has a history of holding war remains hostage to get concessions during talks. What a hardball player, that Trump! And you still don't understand that the training we do over there isn't a show of force, it's actual, you know, training, so we can fight better when it comes to it. Training is about 95% of what the military does you dolt. What else you got to convince me that you wouldn't be right here saying racist shit about Obama if he had accomplished all the nothing that Trump accomplished?
  14. I hate to resort to partisan sniping but come on guys, this is ridiculous. Tim, you know goddamn well that if Obama had sat down with Kim Jong Un as equals, without any preconditions, and made concessions without getting anything in return, Fox News and the conservative media would have spent weeks raking him over the coals. We know this is true because they already did, even though Obama's supposed failure of leadership never actually happened. Change my mind.
  15. Lord knows Fox News didn't approve. Racism? Blatant partisanship at the expense of our country's unity? Gross ignorance/incompetence? All of the above?
  16. Oh dear, I'm going to have to explain it. It wasn't relevant, except to point out how irrelevant your own post was. See, you seem to be starting from an assumption that the Trump/Kim summit was a success, perhaps because Trump has unilaterally declared it to be one. That would mean that we're somehow further away from nuclear war than we were 2 days ago, and you're bewildered as to how I could be against that. What I'm telling you is that, based on stuff I've read from foreign policy experts on both sides of the aisle, the Trump/Kim summit had as much effect on preventing nuclear war as if Trump had fucked your girlfriend. In addition to doing nothing other than getting meaningless platitudes out of a Kim, which has happened several times in the past 25 years, the US has apparently made concessions that nobody agrees are wise. To put it simply -- the summit was ineffective at best, and damaging to our national security at worst, and it's Trump's fault -- change my mind. You're more likely to find me mid-Ohio but have been to C&C 2 or 3 times. Not sure when I'll make it out there again because 3 kids and a reserve commitment makes standing around in a parking lot costly.
  17. What would you rather see, the world on the brink of nuclear war, or Trump fucking your girlfriend?
  18. There you have it folks, Tim admits to being a piece of shit.
  19. If Trump spent billions of dollars doing nothing and then claimed to have cured cancer without actually doing anything y'all fuckers would still attack me for pointing that out. eta: "At least he's doing something, unlike all of those scientists who haven't even tried," Tim would lie.
  20. Trump is everything Republicans said Obama was (From die hard conservative, professor at the Navy War College, avowed Obama hater, and admitted Never-Trumper Tom Nichols) Trump's negotiation style is pure art of the moron (From conservative Never-Trumper Rick Wilson) South Korean military leader left speechless Fuck you allies, get in line, or ask NK what Trump agreed to. Apparently that's how things are done when you suck at negotiating.
  21. How do you lie so freely and still live with yourself? History of negotiations with NK. I teach my kids that lying is wrong, and being willfully ignorant isn't much better. What do you teach your kids?
  22. Come on now, the past 6 years have been a cultural paradise in NK because Un is not his father or grandfather. He's totally turned that place around.
  23. Shit happened overnight for NK, they got us to stop our "provocative" military exercises. Maybe your business/sales deals suck because you give shit up without getting anything in return. Oh sorry, those are "free-bes", I forgot.
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