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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I never read CNN but I saw this headline and thought it was relevant to this thread. I'm still waiting for COVID to just magically go away after the election. Sure would have been nice. I'm still waiting for word on the vaccine, AFRC hasn't received any yet.
  2. Well Tulsi has been firm in her rejection of any and all endorsements from white supremacists, and as far as I know hasn't welcomed any of their praise or accepted their money. For that matter Trump had absolutely no problems rejected endorsements from the KKK and David Duke, but fell on his face when dealing with Charlottesville or the Proud Boys because he lacked the intellectual curiosity to understand the nuance and the attention span to sit through a briefing explaining it. I really meant nothing more than a laugh that the asshat racists of the country seem to really be in support of a full on democratic socialist because she agrees with them on trans issues or something. Just shows what a rich diaspora our voting population is.
  3. I can imagine many things but I can't imagine what that must have been like. Growing up I was taught generally to trust the establishment since it was all "on my side," whether that was the church or the government or what have you. It must have been awful not knowing who was on your side.
  4. Don't know who you want the rage from but as far as racial progress goes I don't think the Democrats could have picked a worse ticket than Biden/Harris. Harris especially because she doesn't have the excuse of being 90 years old but both of them have a really awful track record with racial issues. What are you getting at, though? Why are you pointing the finger at Sleepy Joe and friends just because I pointed out that only the racists and bigots who support Tulsi Gabbard are willing to ignore her socialism? What is honestly going on right now? I thought we were against finger pointing at the other side when things weren't going our way here at CR.
  5. Don't want to start anything but I think that's fake news. Cite 1, cite 2, I wish I had better cites but then those claiming these are real are far worse. Must have been wild to have been there when Duke was running for governor, sounds like it was a complete shitshow of a campaign.
  6. All the racists in the South ran as Democrats before the parties switched, David Duke was oddly slow to catch on to the fact that all of his supporters had become registered Republicans. I highly recommend Slate's Slow Burn podcast season on Duke if you haven't listened to it. His whole schtick was using "lower taxes" as a Trojan horse for getting his racist ideas into the Statehouse.
  7. I don't know why we're talking about Tulsi G in the Sleepy Joe thread, but I'd argue that the only reason you think you'd vote for her is because she hasn't been enough of a realistic threat to the right for the corporate wing of Republican media to mount an attack on her. See, yes, she shares some isolationist ideals with libertarians, as well as being against things like NSA and CIA overreach. These qualities I like in her. And being a left-leaning libertarian as opposed to the right-leaning kind, I really didn't have any huge beefs with her platform as a whole. But let's not forget what her platform as a whole included -- - Universal Healthcare - Free community college for all and free 4 year degrees for most - THE GREEN NEW DEAL - Strong consumer protections in banking, aka anti-Wall Street She's the exact same raving socialist that Fox News spent years attacking Bernie Sanders for being once Bernie emerged as a possible threat. Heck, she endorsed Bernie when she dropped out, right? I'm sorry, but by the time Tulsi got the DNC nomination in a hypothetical world where she won the Democratic primary, Fox News, OANN, and Newsmax, beholden to their corporate overlords, would have been railing against her socialist policies for months. And you and everyone else who thought she sounded reasonable on JRE would have had a good rethink about your support of her. "She seemed OK at first, but she's moved way too far to the left for me," you'd say, and then blame CNN for something. The only people on the right who wouldn't abandon her after a 25/7 onslaught of anti-socialist propaganda are the hardcore racists, bigots, and white nationalists who endorsed her, like David Duke.
  8. Was it shaped like a mushroom?
  9. https://abcnews.go.com/US/video/arrested-portland-riot-inauguration-75401624 https://abcnews.go.com/US/portland-police-arrest-rioters-damage-democratic-party-office/story?id=75398433 Seems like it's being covered by "the media" including your own ABC News and people were arrested. Am I living in crazy town?
  10. No it's not, why would you say that's OK? Don't you support the police?
  11. In the Duke lacrosse rape case, was the truth somewhere in the middle? Maybe only 1.5 of them committed rape and she made up the allegations about the other 1.5? The truth isn't always in the middle, gents. Sometimes it's important to remember that too.
  12. sleepy joseph biiden Oh. My. God. How deep does this go?
  13. Trump no, mob yes. Lot of talk about healing the divisions in our country and whatnot but he didn't mention Trump by name at all. It was a short speech as far as these things go.
  14. Saying, "Boy, I'm glad the guy who provoked a mob to storm the Capitol (Mitch McConnell's words this morning) isn't president anymore" is CLEARLY the same thing as thinking Joe Biden is our new lord and savior who will personally breastfeed us the COVID vaccine. CLEARLY. Expressing even the minimum of acceptance that there's a new president who's not Donald Trump levels of crazy is the same thing as BEING A SHEEP. You just don't know how the world works, spankis. This inauguration is a circle jerk and it's very bad and must be called out, and if you don't call it out then you're OK with the government inserting tracking chips inside your peehole. Also it should have been a BIGGER circle jerk like Trump's inauguration but we all know Joe Biden couldn't pull those kinds of crowds so he had to invent COVID to explain why his CIRCLE JERK was so small compared to other, better circle jerks. Except we also hate THOSE circle jerks but we hate THIS ONE most of all because Sneaky Joe isn't as open about what a shitstain he is. That sneaky fuck.
  15. The proportions are all wrong, but the black color on the one on BaT works in its favor.
  16. Vote with your dollars. Fox News has made a fortune on programs like Tucker Carlson that it emphatically argues in court are "entertainment, not news." So all we need to do is get millions of Americans to agree with you and voluntarily stop watching Hannity because it's all just his opinion of the news and not real news. Problem solved!
  17. Repealing section 230 would be disastrous for the internet. CR, for instance, would go down about 5 minutes after the ink dried.
  18. On that note, I don't know if I mentioned it here, but so far the vaccine is optional at Wright Patterson. Firstly, I don't understand that at all, I've been pumped full of who knows what over the years and I was never given the option. The anthrax vaccine they were giving out during Iraq wasn't optional, and that was a sketchy fucking vaccine (I never got it because they never had enough and eventually decided it was silly). But anyway, the covid vaccine is optional and only 52% of those who have been offered it have accepted. 52%. Bunch of people who signed up to give their lives for their countrymen and they won't get a damn shot to save granny.
  19. Hey, if anyone understands being skeptical, it's this guy. But at the same time, 4000 Americans are dying a day, #1 cause of death since November... I just saw a headline that the average life expectancy for all Americans in 2020 went down by over a year. This thing is fucking people up and if we don't have the fortitude as a nation to literally lock ourselves in our apartments like the Chinese did, we at least need the fortitude to take a whatever small risk of vaccine side effects there might be.
  20. Maybe not, but... consider my point of view. The smartest public health experts in the world, who want no fame, money, or power, have studied viruses for the whole lives only to say, "If everyone who's healthy gets this vaccine it will save lives. We've tested it to the best of our abilities and believe it to be safe." That's all I need -- sign me up. I'll do my part, as a citizen of the country I love, to help my fellow human beings. So when you say, "Meh, I just don't want to get it," what I hear is "I just don't want to do my part as a citizen." If you're not able to articulate a reason why you don't save lives, one that doesn't involve tin-foil hat arguments about not trusting scientists, then maybe you should just get the shot. Then you can go around shaming anti-vaxxers for being selfish twats. It's fun!
  21. I'm not willing to do a ton of research on this, but the initiative described in the linked article that kicked off this discussion doesn't involve the gov or a database. So when you got vaccinated you'd get a digitally signed certificate using VCI's PKI structure. You could then present that certificate to anyone who wanted to know your vaccination status and they could verify the certificate via VCI, but VCI wouldn't be tracking your certification status. In other words, this is a digitally signed PDF that only you would have a copy of. I still think it's questionable but the tech is solid and non-creepy.
  22. Lol yes, pointing out the great 20th century successes of global vaccination campaigns is "spin." Look, smallpox isn't gone because weak people got the vaccine, smallpox is gone because everyone got the vaccine. Those with strong immune systems especially, because the vaccine works especially well in people with robust immune systems. In fact... that's the whole point, really. Vaccines DO NOT WORK on people with weak immune systems, because there's not much to stimulate. So please, get the vaccine, don't be a selfish chode. Show the world how tough your immune system really is by building up the biggest, toughest immune response SARS-COV-2 has ever seen and ensuring you'll never be a carrier.
  23. Smallpox: you won't catch it. Come back when you've figured out why.
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