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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Who's going to "address the people?" The government?
  2. Funnily enough, I have a pretty big issue with it from a due process standpoint. It seems ripe for abuse unless extremely tight controls are put in place, and those controls might neuter the thing. #ragingliberal
  3. I don't think that's pretty much what happened in Florida. Authorities can't just confiscate guns based on "red flags." That's why we're seeing so many red flag bills being tossed out now, they don't really exist anywhere and authorities are currently powerless until a law is actually broken. Do you think we should have "red flag" laws in place to prevent shootings like Parkland? Based on stuff you've said here over the last couple of weeks, it seems like (specific details notwithstanding), you generally do. Assuming you do, do you think the lack of "red flag" laws currently in place represents a failure of adults to keep children safe? If you would agree with that, why do you object to students being pissed off at adults for dropping the ball?
  4. So do you support this demand: -- Pass a gun violence restraining order law that would allow courts to disarm people who display warning signs of violent behavior.
  5. They're also used for developing and executing active shooter drills and installing hardened access points. What a fucking waste of money. When I was a kid my schools weren't blowing all of these taxpayer resources on student safety measures. Admit it, you really don't care about the money.
  6. This is the thing with protests, though -- they're more effective they more disruptive they are, and they're disruptive by their nature, because a protest that happens in a sealed room where everyone can just ignore that it's happening is worth squat. And whether or not you think a protest is appropriately disruptive or not, in my experience, seems to have less to do philosophical musings about the nature and value of protests, and more to do with whether or not you agree with the cause itself.
  7. Do you actually have a problem with high school kids protesting, or do you have a problem with these specific kids protesting this specific issue in this specific manner?
  8. People are sick of trying to game the YT/FB algorithms in order to keep their revenue stream constant. That's why you've been seeing longer videos lately, people begging for "engagement," sharing, subscribing, etc. If they don't play the game, the algorithms stop promoting their videos and their ad revenues drop. They'll probably get a paltry fraction of their views once they move all of their content into their own app, but I bet they'll make more money short term. Whether that will hold true in the long run is the big question everyone's asking.
  9. There's no cat videos or race car parts in the politics thread. If you're not interested in politics, it's easy enough not to click in here, and easier still not to post.
  10. And you just glide over all the BS on your high horse, don't you.
  11. I love when Wags shows up every few days to remind us how much better he is than the rest of us rubes.
  12. I see now. I went through this once, if the title's not in his name then it's not his bike to sell. Have him see if he can submit the old title for a new one in his name via mail. If not, deal with the previous owner.
  13. He can get a duplicate title via the mail. The title you have now is worthless. Have him get a dupe title and sign it over to you. They have notaries in AZ.
  14. I'm not aware of any Washington statues that were erected to intimidate black people.
  15. You said you were fine with a case by case basis. So is Kerry, so am I. What's the issue exactly? Nobody is discussing taking down Washington staues so it is sort of a ridiculous hypothetical.
  16. Fair enough, I would have said, "The good people of Charlottesville voted to take down their own statue and the right collectively lost its shit, had a riot, and ran someone over to death," but Tim would call me Bob Ross again.
  17. IIRC, that's exactly what happened and Trump still lost his shit.
  18. What other evil assholes should we build statues for so we don't forget history? How about statues for all of these school shooters?
  19. You're right, the data shows that every time "family values" is brought up for some issue it's full of shit. We've gotten rid of anti-miscegenation laws and anti-homosexuality laws, and the doom and gloom that was supposed to come to pass as a result never did.
  20. Nonsense, we should keep bringing it up to the fling in the face of the morons who blame a lack of "family values" for school shootings and still vote for human garbage like Trump.
  21. I think you guys are still supposed to be outraged about football players kneeling and companies pulling support for the NRA, but I don't get the same newsletters you do.
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