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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Banging an intern is a wildly inappropriate, and when you're the CEO and the the intern is 21, I'm sorry, but that's an abuse of authority and borderline sexual assault. I'm not saying a 21 year old can't consent to blow a CEO, but given the power imbalance, coerced consent would look a lot like consent. As the adult in the room, Clinton should have known better, and the choice he made was completely despicable. I'll cop that when I was a teenager and the blowjob was on the news every day, I didn't think it was a big deal. But the public dialog on sexual consent, especially over the last year, has convinced me that I was wrong back then. Clinton's oval office blowjob would be a disqualifying event for me, were he to somehow come up on a ballot. For as terrible a person as Trump is, at least his affairs didn't involve subordinates. He's still a pussy-grabbing rapist though. Back to Clinton, he's a shitbag and I feel bad for defending him back in the 90s. But then, Washington owned slaves and he's on our money, so what are you going to do?
  2. The real problem in this country is the breakdown of the family unit. As a dedicated husband of 15 years and a father of 3, I've clearly misunderstood what a proper family unit should look like. I've already banged my porn star and started divorce proceedings with my wife, who's preparing a tell-all book about how abusive I've become. My kids are thrilled knowing that they'll someday get to live 300 miles away from their estranged 2nd stepmother, working jobs they're wholly unqualified for because of nepotism. I can only hope the rest of America follows Trump's lead as carefully as I am, it's the only way to MAGA.
  3. Oh fuck all, we couldn't get a mandatory background bill through congress because of all the "not one inch" slippy slope morons. Do I need to go find all of the CR Gun Crew folks who said as much in the recent gun thread? If you're saying you're a conservative who has no problem with gun control as long as you're not personally affected, then la di da for you but that's not where we're at as a country, and I'm flabbergasted that you'd pretend otherwise. That's not even where we're at on CR. What if someone were to make an anonymous tip that you were going to shoot your family and the cops came and took your guns away. You're cool with that?
  4. Yeah, I'm sure once the Molan Labe types carefully consider the positives of gun control they'll get on board. This is perhaps the dumbest thing you've ever said. I don't know how you can say something this dumb and still be able to hold down a steady job. Your wife and kids must be saints for feeding you, dressing you, and wiping your ass, which I'm assuming you're unable to do based on how dumb this one sentence is.
  5. Kerry, I don't profess to understand economists and their fancy math when it comes to calculating an ideal trade deficit, so I can't say if there's any reason to fact check Trump on this one. $800b seems pretty close to a real number, but if it's actually $550b after factoring in services, I don't think that matters. It doesn't matter to Trump's target audience, which is people who think any big number there represents a dearth of American manufacturing. Nor does it matter to people like me, who just don't understand the finer details of global trade policy. So let's just let that one slide. My issue, as someone who wants government policy based on actual proven evidence, is that tariffs have been show time and time again not to work. Pro-union Democrats eventually had to get over that one and get on the free trade bandwagon, which was good because free trade is clearly the right policy. It's baffling now that Trump's nationalist, anti-globalist agenda has found any purchase among conservatives.
  6. I see that at least some Republicans are moving to block the tariffs. Good. -5 internet points for me for not checking the news today.
  7. He also proposed these metal tariffs, upending the Republican platform on protectionism (I guess free trade is a Democratic plank now). This is reportedly going to raise the price on new cars by several hundred dollars, presumably in order to protect the profits of steel and aluminum magnates in the US? Fuck you, people who buy cars. In classic Trump fashion he announced this in a completely ramshackle way, catching everyone in his own administration off-guard, not consulting with any of the agencies that will actually be tasked with implementing this tariff in order to get their advice and consent, and generally throwing everyone not in the room with him at the time under the bus. And, according to Slate's reporting, it's possibly not even legal, since the president can (apparently) only unilaterally impose tariffs for national security reasons. Steel and aluminum would certainly fit the bill, accept he went out blabbing about how he'd consider changing his mind if our trading partners gave us better trade deals. Uh oh, that doesn't sound like a national security reason. But whatever, executive overreach only matters if Democrats do it. 10 internet points, please. Conservative hypocrisy is off the fucking charts this week.
  8. Within the last week Trump said he thinks the gov't should take away people's guns without due process and suggested that he wants to get rid of term limits like China, and nobody's flinched. I think that means we're all losing.
  9. This explains why you wanted Kerry's address then.
  10. We probably shouldn't let him buy a gun.
  11. Oh man. Surprisingly, most conservatives aren't on board with Brandon's "fuck due process" plan. I'm just gonna keep quoting this shit because it's so amazing. This was all televised. Indeed. Yes, if only he could focus. Thanks Obama. Fucking Democrats, afraid of the NRA. Who knew that was the problem? I remember fondly Trump's "Don't be scared of the NRA" rhetoric during his campaign, don't you? Don't worry guys, I'm sure "All of the gun control bills currently on the table" is just a starting point for Trump's masterful negotiation skills. I don't even know what to make of this. Just read the whole thing. It keeps going.
  12. I gotta admit, I'm surprised they threw in the towel. Like, I have absolutely 0 international connections, so my background investigation basically amounted to making sure I'm not a degenerate gambler. I figured the hold up for Kushner was just the extent of his international dealings, but that they'd throw resources at it and eventually get him signed off. The fact that they're admitting at this point that it just isn't gonna happen makes me think there's something there.
  13. Back to politics, Jared "middle east peace" Kushner was stripped of his interim security clearance and basically can't do his job anymore because he couldn't pass a background check. Is anyone else in the IC here upset that someone so unqualified and unable to get a proper security clearance was able to access top level classified briefings for so long because of nepotism?
  14. I wonder what the sales ratio is between the two. I know lots of people who own AR-15s, the only reason I've ever heard of the mini-14 is from gun debates.
  15. On the one hand, you're absolutely right that this is a bullshit PR move. On the other hand, I think you're going to far in saying this will "fuel hatred of a certain type of rifle." Hatred? The NRA has done a masterful job over the last 15 years of making suburban men feel like owning an AR-15 is wholesome and patriotic, evoking imagery of dads teaching their kids to plink with a .22 on the back 40. But when I was a kid, owning an AR-15 with a bunch of 30 round magazines was fucking weird. And I think that's how it should be. Like people who own ferrets. Good for you that you want those stinky little fuckers crawling all over your house, but let's not sell them at every corner store and pretend like its normal. I want fewer ferret owners in my country, not more. So I think fueling hatred is a bit much, but certainly this move (and others like it) will make it less mainstream, and that's the exact culture change I'd like to see in this country.
  16. Well they're not mutually exclusive problems, but yes, school shootings get the press. Tell your mom thanks for the response. I would absolutely get behind increasing funding for local government services like public health, police/courts, after school programs and special needs intervention. In fact, I've voted for every tax increase that's ever come up on a local ballot, except for the one last year for the zoo. Fuck the zoo.
  17. I'll let them know to be prepared for anything because you're "ready for them," and a well known anti-government type.
  18. - Owns multiple guns - Quick to anger - Dares people to "say it to his face" - Targets a public event with lots of potential victims Maybe we should report this to the FBI, this is the sort of stuff that will come out after the fact and we don't want to look like we didn't take action
  19. Threats like those should show up in a background check so you can't buy guns.
  20. And besides, I think we're all missing the real issue here, which is the devastating effect of the Nunes memo on the Parkland survivors.
  21. Yeah, and like, the guys in the Humvee 3 vehicles back from an IED explosion have no business getting PTSD. I mean, it was their friends who died, and it's not like they were ever in any real danger.
  22. I haven't heard of David Hogg, I just did a google search and maybe 70% of the articles were literally about how he was attacked by conspiracy theorists. Is it possible that alt-right conspiracy theorists chose to attack him, and that notoriety gave him a larger platform?
  23. Us Americans really like to pretend like all of our freedoms are unique. But what else would you expect from a country forged under the banner of "liberty" that then proceeded to enslave human beings for another 100 years.
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