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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I don't know where it's going to shake out but the trading volume is insane right now.
  2. I owned a bunch of Ripple back when it was a quarter, I got bored after a week and moved that money back to BTC. Ended up being a good move but I just moved it all back to Ripple this morning based on last night's rally. Every time I try shit like this I end up losing money but I have high hopes this time.
  3. I think the reduction in the corporate tax rate is probably a good thing, I'm not sure it's been offset enough with "closed loopholes" but at 35% America is an outlier in theoretical corporate tax rates but pretty normal in terms of actual corporate taxes -- in other words, the current system is pretty dumb and I don't think this plan is the worst thing in the world on that front. On the personal side, I stand to save a good chunk of money, but it seems pretty clear that this is going to increase the national debt. So... why? Where are all the deficit hawks now? Supply side economics does not work. This isn't going to pay for itself with economic growth, it's just going to lose the government money that my kids are going to have to pay back. Every time Republicans have an opportunity to balance the budget they fuck it all up, and people still think they're the party of fiscal responsibility.
  4. I think a lot of people think about IT certifications in the wrong way, and it's created this cottage industry of scamming people out of money for courses and promises of passing a test. Can you imagine if there were fly-by-night vendors promising to get you to pass an ASE Master Tech course in 3 weeks of training, having never worked a day as a mechanic? An A+ certificate is about the equivalent of 6 months of working as a desktop support technician, which isn't to say you can go get your certificate and get jobs that require 6 months of experience you don't have. Instead, you should be able to do the job for 6 months and then go in and get the certificate without studying. It's not a hard test for anyone who's been doing the job (IMHO), and cramming for it completely defeats the point. Like an ASE cert, it's not a way to get your first job, it's a way to prove to either your current or your next employer that you're not BSing about your experience. Yes, this is a bit of a cart/horse situation, but that's life now. The real opportunity is going to come from changing jobs, which is well documented as the only way anyone gets promoted in IT anymore. Having certifications might help with that depending on where you're applying. I know a lot of government contracts require them. FWIW, the AF made me get my A+ and Security+, they expire after 3 years now and the upkeep is retarded so I'm just going to test again next year (out of pocket) and then hope that lasts until I can retire.
  5. Really wanted to go try out the new pavement but I've got 5 soccer events this weekend I'd have to skip. Effing kids.
  6. greg1647545532


    Anyone going to Carfest at Mid-Ohio next weekend? Curious if interest has spread beyond the normal HPDE crowd.
  7. If Trump's intention was to pivot the news away from the Russia scandal, then holy fuck, what a moron. It's not working out for him, his party is completely turning their backs on him on this one.
  8. Everyone wants to feel persecuted. Gives one a sense of purpose. The idea that white men are persecuted is laughably stupid. Do you think white guys in Seattle feel threatened walking around? Would an Asian guy in a MAGA hat catch flack? Seems that it'd be the hat, and not the color of the skin, that would determine the reaction. For that matter, do you think a chubby white woman with a butch haircut wearing a Hillary 2020 shirt would catch shit in just about any small town in America? Probably. Is that because she's a chubby white woman? Are chubby white women persecuted in rural America? Here's the thing, depending on your surroundings, you might catch shit for your political beliefs or who you voted for, but all of that is under your control. White nationalists and racists and xenophobes hate people for who they are, for things outside of their control. There's no moral equivalency here. I said it a few months ago, you seem to read news sources that try to convince you that you're under attack for who you are, a white man. That's just not reality. I'm a white man and nobody gives me a hard time ever about anything. I try to be decent to people and treat them with respect, and it's been working out just fine. If you're having issues feeling threatened or persecuted, it's probably not your dick or you skin color.
  9. They were less of a problem until recently , but they've been coming out of the woodwork. They had a big rally not too long ago, you may have heard of it. It was in Charlottesville I think, someone even got killed there. It was all over the news.
  10. So do we agree that Trump fucked this up royally? That this was a disgusting display of his complete ineptitude at leadership? That we all now have reason to question his association with white nationalists and racists?
  11. Let me put it another way. It's not about the violence. The fact that there was violence and someone got killed is just the catalyst that made this 24 hour news. This is about a group of racists, white nationalists, and MAGA hat wearing alt-right fucksticks who all had the gall to gather from great distances and march in unison. HOLY SHIT, right!? Yes, of course, they should be allowed to march, and the ACLU in fact fought for their right to protest where they wanted to and would be most effective. But being allowed to march is one thing, we should all be alarmed that there were that many people coming to march in the first place! And people hold Trump partly responsible for their chutzpah, so they demanded answers. And rather than recognize the big picture here, which is that racism seems to be going mainstream again, he focuses on the small stuff -- did they have permits (apparently they did, fwiw), who was throwing punches, statues as art, bad apples on both sides, yadda yadda.
  12. I kinda hate the "can you imagine if Obama" trope, but let's try this on for size. Let's pretend, for the sake of a hypothetical, that Bernie Sanders won the DNC nomination. Let's also pretend that, nomination in hand, the Blank Panthers, representives from Antifa (of which I don't think there are any, but bear with me), and other outspoken black radicalist preachers throw their support behind Bernie. These previously marginalized groups now have a voice in government that they didn't have before. Bernie, once elected, appoints BLM activists to key advisor positions, repeats Black Panther talking points in speeches, and otherwise seems to tacitly approve of the support of all of these disparate groups, who now walk around all the time in Bernie silhoutte shirts. What would the right be doing during all of this? Probably freaking out, like, "What the fuck is going on with our country, radical leftists seem to be running the show!" Let's say, furthermore, that a rally is held to protest some thing, and all of these formerly marginalized and disparate groups with violent histories are invited. Let's say there's a catchy name, like "Unite the Left." Let's say some of these groups show up with torches, guns, and clubs, and one of them drives a car through a crowd and kills someone. Let's also say that some white supremisists show up in counter-protest and throw some punches. Do you think, having just witnessed a horrid shitshow such as this, people would be demanding to know what Bernie Sanders was going to do about it? Do you think they'd want him to explain how he could allow these shitheads to organize and strengthen their influence? Do you think if he waited 2 days, and he pointed out, perhaps accurately, that there were bad people on both sides, that conservatives would be pissed?
  13. Then why did he say he was firing them?! Trump is the sort of man who waits for all the facts to come in before issuing a statement. I know that because he said so, and if you can't trust Donald J. Trump with the facts, who can you trust?!
  14. Aaaaaaaand Trump just fired his entire economic council -- at least the ones who hadn't quit yet -- actually, rumor is they already had all quit and he "fired" them to save face. This guy couldn't lead a teenager to a strip club, what do you clowns see in him?
  15. I think people want Trump to take responsibility for his actions. Actions like encouraging violence at his campaign rallies. Actions like giving white nationalists or white nationalist sympathizers jobs in his administration. Actions like retweeting alt-right memes and talking points. Actions like enacting policies in line with the stated goals of racist/nationalist organizations. Trump has built a base around encouraging white nationalism, and in the shadow of the consequences of nationalistic violence, this is/was a great opportunity for Trump to make amends for his actions. Instead, he doubles down on white nationalism. But hey, you say this is all fake news drummed up to slander the president. Who am I going to believe, you, or my own lying eyes?
  16. Don't forget the batteries themselves are water cooled, and there's all kinds of circuitry and valves designed to keep the batteries at optimum temperature for battery life and to prevent, you know, explosions. I think there's generally a lot of paranoia about battery lifespans, but there's also a lot of unknowns. The amount of energy going into and out of, say, a P100 battery pack is really something, and it generates a shitload of waste heat in both directions.
  17. I have a splice in kit for my Miata, for my Sedona I was able to find one with pass through OEM plugs so I didn't even need to splice anything. Just add +12V and grd.
  18. Lawsuit Alleges Fox News and Trump Supporter Created Fake News Story
  19. Based on that convo he had with the New Yorker, that'd be one hell of a children's book.
  20. Eh? eta: Ohhhh, because he's a "leaker". I see.
  21. Aaaaaand Priebus is out. I wonder if he got the news via Twitter along with the rest of us.
  22. Nah, WH Anon kept posting after the Awan arrest, including as recently as this afternoon, saying big things were still to come. In real news, Derek Harvey, a member of the national security council appointed by Mike Flynn, has been let go. Drain the swamp indeed! This would be terrific news if it weren't so terrifying.
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