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Everything posted by greg1647545532
1 in 5 EV owners in Cali going back to ICE
greg1647545532 replied to BuckeyeROC's topic in Passing Lane
A 110 mile daily commute is an edge case. Eta: well I guess I'm late to the party. -
1 in 5 EV owners in Cali going back to ICE
greg1647545532 replied to BuckeyeROC's topic in Passing Lane
Alternate headline: 80% of EV owners are satisfied with the EV ownership experience. -
My buddy's ex-wife was doing pretty well for herself in commercial real estate sales, she started to let it go to her head. She got pulled over in DC and started doing one of these "Just give me a ticket so I can go" arguments. She ended up screaming in handcuffs in the back seat of the cop car until she calmed down. As funny as that was, it was yet another example of a cop flexing his authority to prove that he could.
Let's do a little reductio ad absurdum here. What do you think the arrest statistics looked like in Atlanta, GA in 1895. Do you think they also showed black people getting arrested at a higher rate than white people? If so, do you think that says more about the people who were getting arrested, or the people doing the arresting? I don't doubt the FBI statistics. But if one possible explanation for those statistics is that racist cops going around looking for black people to arrest, like the white racist cops in Atlanta, GA in 1895 were probably doing, then I don't think we can infer much from just those statistics. (Note that I'm not saying cops today are just as racist as cops in the post-reconstruction era South. I'm not saying any cops today are racist. I'm just making a point about how prejudice can bear itself out in statistics.) I'm a comm weenie, I did all of my shooting at 25m with someone carefully looking over me to make sure I didn't accidentally shoot myself in the foot.
Cops say "we don't use racial profiling," and then others say cops are justified in their use of racial profiing. Curious. Honest question, do you see any fruitful benefits of you and I discussing this?
I'm lashing out apparently. Relax dude, I was just trying to say thanks to a fellow poster for doing something I thought was decent. It'll be OK.
Hmm, good point. Otis, were you attempting to point out that Panduh's racist statement was racist? If not, I'll have to retract my note of appreciation. Sorry, I was going to let it be but Panduh really wants to clear this up.
Mace..... come on. Can you think of any way that prejudice in policing tactics (stop and frisk, driving while Black), prejudice in enforcement (Blacks getting disproportionately charged for the equal crimes, and receiving harsher sentences), and prejudice in institutions which affect poverty rates (which is disproportionately high in black communities) might manifest itself in African Americans disproportionately showing up more in FBI crime statistics? You can't just drop a turd like that into the thread and then say "no prejudice" when the entire national discussion is about how prejudice can affect black communities in exactly the way that you're pointing out. Plus, this is a fucking meme at this point..
I read it. I still appreciate Otis calling you out, which is why I said what I said to him. Didn't need you to jump in.
It's what I gathered when you said pretty much exactly that. Shrug. Maybe you were just being friendly. Anyway, I wanted to say thanks for calling Panduh out on his blatant racism in this thread. Nobody else seemed to want to.
Without the bystanders filming, would we even know about George Floyd? Without the protests dating back to Ferguson, would the MPD have even investigated this incident? We can say these are "one in millions" events, but black communities have been saying they aren't since... forever. We can say that, sure, these things happened after Reconstruction, or sure, these things happened during Jim Crow, or sure, these things happened until the Civil Rights Act of 1965, or sure, these things happened until body cams became a thing, but now, in 2021, they're "one in millions." Except black communities are still saying they're not. And now that cops are under a spotlight and being recorded constantly, we're finding more. I don't want to sound like I'm obsessed with Otis' scolding of me, but he did recently accuse me of not wanting to listen to what the "other side" had to say, and rather just spouting off about how right I am and hearing the sound of my own voice. In that light, what I see in this thread is a bunch of mostly white people spouting off to black Americans (indirectly) about how it is -- saying these events are one in a million, and these events wouldn't happen if black people knew how to act around cops, and this perceived ongoing systemic problem of policing in black communities is actually just the media fanning the flames of division. And really, haven't similar arguments been used for 150 years? Maybe it's time to spend a few decades listening to what black communities are saying and trying to understand, rather than dismissing their concerns and whitesplaining how it's just "the media" or a "victimization complex." I mean, I'm white, and in all of my interactions with the cops I haven't been shot. It's easy for me to watch the video of Ma'Khia Bryant and see a suspect with a knife get killed in order to save an innocent victim. It's a little bit harder to see a troubled 16 year old foster child and a system that failed them. And it's really hard for me to see the decades and centuries of distrust that might lead black Americans to watch that video and still not be inclined to think that the police did the right thing. But I'm trying to see those things more.
Any of those examples we posted result in prosecutions?
Is it just me or did he fired directly into the rear passenger door of a sedan without knowing who or what was inside? Good thing babies aren't ever strapped into rear passenger seats. What do they teach you about knowing what's behind your target?
Sure, it's like someone who wants more crashes during NASCAR races because they're exciting, but doesn't want anyone to get hurt. Even though they know people will get hurt. I don't understand how you can say that person is not OK with people getting hurt in crashes.
????? How the hell else do you understand it? And yes, I understand that it's a quote, a very famous one at that, which is why I said "Your choice of quote" as opposed to "your words." I think I get accused on here of twisting peoples words, or putting words in peoples mouths, or being good at "spin," when all that I'm really doing (IMHO) is pointing out the logical consequences of what people themselves are saying. Consequences that they themselves might not even realize. I understand what you were getting at -- you want politicians to be reminded from time to time that THEY work for US, and not the other way 'round. But you specifically want them to be reminded of this by being afraid every once in a while, and you specifically cited an incident that made them afraid via the use of violence, violence that was threatened, some of it actually happened, and was physical in nature. I think you're holding two incompatible positions. On the one hand, you don't want anyone to get hurt, ever, in the name of politics. On the other hand, you agree with the sentiments of many of the people involved in the insurrection, and are glad at some of the outcomes. But... those outcomes -- namely politicians being afraid -- were not possible without the violence you specifically don't/didn't want. After all, if there were 0% chance that anyone would get hurt during the insurrection, why would the politicians feel fear? Am I way off base?
Fine. You're not glad, you're not happy with anyone getting hurt. You ARE ok with political violence that "shows them a little fear," it seems. Your words, not twisting. And political violence of any stripe has a natural consequence that people can get hurt or killed, so it's hard not to come to the conclusion that you're OK with "a little blood being spilled" (again, your choice of quote) to further your political goals. I don't agree with that, and I'm surprised some of the people decrying leftist political violence didn't jump on you for that. That's all. When CR cries big crocodile tears about leftist violence but doesn't step in to even say 2 words to you about your endorsement of political violence, I don't know what to think.
None of that was known at the time that the poster here said that it was OK if cops died as collateral damage during political violence as long as it sent the message to politicians that they weren't untouchable, and nobody besides me said shit about it. Right?
What Maxine Waters said was unacceptable. Should be censured for it, lose her committee assignments, and I hope she loses reelection. CR has also made it clear that none of you give a shit about hearing what I have to say, so you'll forgive me for not running in here to speak up on current events. Glad to know you're still thinking about me, hot stuff. Thanks for your concern [trolling] though. Naturally the hypocrisy cuts both ways, like when a poster here in this very thread said that it was OK for cops to get killed during political violence as long as it reminded our elected officials that they weren't untouchable. I was the only one who even bothered to express concern about that attitude. But here's your "liberal" condemnation of Maxine Waters. I hope it puts your mind at ease.
Dow over 34,000 and clueless Joe Biden isn't even tweeting about it. Doesn't that moron know the president controls the stock market? Someone give him some coffee and a goddamn newspaper!
Wow, Clay thought all that?
We'll see if the government vaccine passports go anywhere. I don't think they will, given the logistical and constitutional quagmire, plus the aforementioned discriminatory nature, AND on top of that I've already had one shot and all I have for proof is a 3x5 index card that they had me fill out myself. While my shot record is tracked in my provider's database, a lot of people don't have much more than this easily forgeable card. At this point the ship has sailed (pun in ten did) on tracking vaccinations as far as I'm concerned. Now I can certainly see cruise ships et al require "proof" of vaccination, which should be pretty easy to fake, but cruise ships are not the government so their decision to require them is a business one and nothing more. I can see the average (re: elderly) cruise ship passenger not wanting to rub elbows with a bunch of anti-vax wankers.
Where do you even find these websites? This is a NEWSBREAK.COM article that sources a NATURALNEWS.COM article that sources a NEW YORK POST coverage of a white house press briefing from back in January. Is this what you consider a good source of information? For people railing about tHe mEdiA constantly y'all sure go out of your way to find stuff that tells you what you want to hear. Can't go to primary sources because they're biased, better to let it filter through 3 different "news" sites first until it's ready for my consumption.