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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. greg1647545532


    I was gonna buy a shirt but they're all lame.
  2. It's just the natural progression of the dick-shooting scene in the original RoboCop. FWIW, that's a clip from a full fan-made remake of RoboCop, available here: I've watched most of it, there's maybe 1 or 2 other scenes that are good, mostly it's 110 minutes of jackassery. It also makes very little sense unless you watch RoboCop immediately before it, because many individual scenes are riffing on things that you just won't remember if you last saw RoboCop as a kid.
  3. Also, your children will fucking destroy whatever you buy so keep that in mind when you're cutting a check.
  4. $42K? FML. I got my Sedona for under $12k with 26,000 miles on it. Shitty Kia resale values FTW. My Mazda5 was a little more and had 39,000 miles on it, both were less than 2 years old when I bought them. Honda and Toyota minivans are for people in a higher tax bracket than me. The Mazda does about 7-8mpg better than my Sedona; we can't take it on long trips because there's not enough room for luggage; it's the most fun car you can buy with 6 seats; I've had multiple police officers tell me that it moves plenty fast on the highway. How many kids do you have? I can't see owning a minivan if I had less than 3, a wagon works just as well (car seats being the real deal-breaker, I found that I couldn't fit 3 of them in a back seat). Full size minivans should require a CDL now, there's nothing mini about them. But you get a shitload of space for the money, and the advantage of being able to access the back seat without having to re-engineer the car like you do in an SUV cannot be overstated when you're dealing with little ones. If the choice is between full-size SUV and minivan and you're not towing more than 3500 lbs ever, minivan wins every day of the damn week. If it's between minivan and a mid-size wagon, then get the wagon if it's at all feasible. The Mazda5 exists in a small niche, for people with 3 or 4 small children (no more) who either don't go on long trips or have another, larger vehicle available for trips.
  5. Hmm, great idea! I don't think there's much that's not being done right now. I'm not saying there couldn't be some breakthrough in fuel efficiency by some guy in his garage with some pickle jars, but at this point, with the millions of dollars being thrown at R&D, it seems unlikely.
  6. If you're doing that, it'd be cheaper to just use natural gas. You'd probably want to compress it to save space, though. Then you could call it a compressed natural gas vehicle, maybe even an CNG vehicle for short. I wonder why nobody's done this.
  7. Yeah, and that's the thing... these people aren't thinking big enough. You could put a water condenser on the exhaust and run a hose from the condenser to the water jar under the hood. You'd never have to refill it! 22 gallons to go cross country? Bogus, you'd need less than 1, and then you'd still have a gallon when you got there!
  8. Well, comparing chemical reactions to nuclear reactions is silly, but there's two points here. One, these hydrogen generators start with water, split it into hydrogen/oxygen, burn it to get some energy (which is just recombining the hydrogen and oxygen), and then you end up with what you started with, water in the tailpipe. If you started with a nuclear bomb, blew up a bunch of shit, and then still had a nuclear bomb, we could talk. Two, it absolutely takes more energy to build a nuclear bomb than the energy released at detonation. It's just that that energy was stored inside of stars billions of years ago.
  9. Good news! I'm going to save you a bunch of time. It doesn't work. First of all, a hydrogen fuel cell uses hydrogen to make electricity, which would then power an electric motor (like, say, the Honda FCX). What you're describing is using electricity to make hydrogen from water, and then burning that hydrogen. Due to the laws of thermodynamics, you're never going to get more power out of that process than you put in via extra strain on your alternator, so you'll never increase your MPG that way. Some claim that the hydrogen somehow improves efficiency, but combustion efficiency on any modern car (last 30 years or so) is sufficiently high that we can discredit this idea without thinking too hard about it. And, even on older, carbureted cars, this still didn't work. Here's some thoughts from the editor of popular mechanics about this myth that just won't die. It's not a thing because it's bogus. Think of all the things that automakers are doing to get tiny improvements in efficiency -- electric engine accessories like power steering, low rolling resistance tires, expensive hybrid systems, moveable aerodynamics, complex cylinder coatings, variable everything in the cylinder head, small turbochargers.... there's no magic here. I have a bridge to sell you....
  10. Most of these articles swirling about are speculating that yes, they're going to race it. In what class and to what extent, nobody can seem to agree in.
  11. Another logical fallacy is thinking that we can only working on one problem at a time. We've fought hard to get to an 80% graduate rate; our country has never been good at learning, apparently, but we're getting better.
  12. Yeah, seriously, don't bring that logic. I mean, why pay for public high schools when 20% of the population drops out anyway? Don't need a high school degree to dig a ditch. Don't need junior high either. Hell, why pay for any public schools? Think of all the taxes we'd save! There's no rational reason to cut off the normal public education track at 12th grade; I'm sure that's just some accident of history coinciding with the age of majority. As a society, we've clearly decided that there's a public benefit to an educated citizenry, so why brindle at the idea that maybe our arbitrarily chosen cutoff isn't arbitrarily correct? After all, the government already pays plenty of people to go to college in the interest of having an educated military, because the military readily acknowledges that a high school diploma doesn't cut it anymore. My dad didn't pay for college in exchange for 5 years in the service. I got 2 years of free college and half of a master's degree in exchange for... well, nothing, because I was already enlisted at that point. Like I said, I don't like the idea of allowing anyone to go to any community college for any degree on the government's dime, because I think that will lead to a lot of art majors, and I fucking hate art majors. Because of that, actually, free trade school is the idea I could probably most get behind. I'd listen to a reasonable proposal and I could maybe be convinced to pay a little bit more in taxes to make it happen.
  13. None of this matters because congress. Don't lose sleep. Put your head down, study, get a good job, live your life.
  14. Educated population = higher incomes = more income tax revenue.
  15. In some states you can already get 14 years of free education, 2 more doesn't seem all that crazy. However, I think that most for-profit community colleges are a fucking joke, and I'm not sure I see the value in people getting associates degrees with no skills. I'd like to see some restrictions on where people can go, and what degrees they can get. But let's be serious, this is just going to be a recommendation to a Republican congress, so....
  16. And a Snell SA2010 (2005 still accepted?) rated helmet. Not sure if AutoInterests has any rentals or loaners.
  17. Video was 6/10, internet comments make it 10/10 Yes, I'm sure Lewis Hamilton puts "driving high horsepower cars" and 3-day Skip Barber schools in 100hp open wheel cars on his resume. Remember, imperfect practice does not make perfect. Yes, that's gotta be it. Those analog gauges! Tricky little fuckers, always causing problems. Ze M4 requires much more precise tire pressure balance before mashing the gas with the traction control off. I'll tip my hat for coming out in public and admitting fault, but he still seems to think that this was all a lot more sophisticated than it was. He strikes me as the type of guy who gets torn up at the track by some 18 year old autocrosser in a 93 Miata and figures he just needs to drop a couple PSI on the left front in order to keep up.
  18. Kids play Minecraft when they're 8, use CAD software to design race engine parts to be cut on million dollar 5 axis CNC mills and 3D printers when they're 28. Progress marches on.
  19. alternate text for images, so <img src="CompanyLogo.jpg" alt="Company Logo" /> If the image doesn't load for some reason the words "Company Logo" will show up instead. Page readers for the blind will say "Company Logo," and web spiders can know what the image is.
  20. You need to send out kits for free to reviewers, magazines, bloggers, youtubers, etc. Google's pagerank algorithm is a secret, but the crux of it is that you can add all the keywords you want to your own page and Google rightly ignores those as shameless self-promotion. However, if there's several threads on AR-15.com with titles like "Tactical gift packs" or something and there's some links in there to your site, Google surmises that: 1) AR-15.com is a non-affiliated site with a large following (it gets lots of traffic) 2) People on this site are curious about tactical gift packs 3) Those curious people ultimately go to your site If they can establish that, then when I go to Google and type in "tactical gift packs," your site comes up as a suggestion. Links to your site on review pages, blogs, youtube descriptions, and forums will all help with your pagerank score. So get those kits out to people who will rave about them and link to your site.
  21. I didn't wonder at all, because it's groin-grabbingly fake. Wait, that doesn't make any sense. But anyone who seriously considered that that was a real pic for more than zero seconds needs to sit down and think long and hard about how they look at the world. Original (that I found in about 5 seconds with a reverse google image search): http://blogs.riverfronttimes.com/dailyrft/2014/10/jailhouse_tales_an_protester_who_was_arrested_sunday_night_tells_about_her_experience.php
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