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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. OK CR, I impulse bought this group deal when livingsocial enticed me with an extra discount. It's a "super sprint" session for 10 people: http://gpindoor.com/plan-your-event/group-events-activities/ Depending on how many people sign up, I'm thinking somewhere between $45 and $50 per person, with anything extra collected going to prize money for the top 3 drivers to make it interesting. If y'all just want to keep it for bragging rights it be $35 to $40 per person. That's just me spitballing, I'm open to suggestions. Thursday night? Sept 18th, maybe? Gimme some feedback and I'll make something a little more concrete.
  2. Back up, not sure how long. https://www.livingsocial.com/cities/19-columbus/deals/1229762-race-day-package-or-group-event?afsrc=1&city_name=Columbus%2C+OH&cvosrc=email.blast.digest_dailyus&preferred_city_id=19&utm_campaign=digest_dailyus&utm_content=19&utm_medium=email&utm_source=blast
  3. Took my daughter there this afternoon with my niece and nephew. Actually took all my kids but the baby karts aren't running yet, so there were some waterworks from my 5-year-old. My close-enough-to-8 year old, who maybe weighs 40 lbs if she's wearing a 5 lb backpack, looked unbelievably tiny in even the junior karts. Aaron took the time to make sure she was comfortable and walked her through all the controls. She went from a 1:45 on her first lap down to a 1:08 in her second session, and seemed to have a good time. Meanwhile, I got one run in myself and managed a 37.7 on the reverse course. It was awfully quiet for a Saturday, but for the first time I saw the junior karts getting a lot of use. I'm sure we'll be back.
  4. My pit bike: http://steronz.com/random/integro.jpg I chopped down the handlebars and brake lever so it fits in my back seat better. Never breaks down and gets me around. I also just bought this minibike for my kids: http://www.sears.com/mini-bike/p-00601085000P I'd found it on sale and then got a coupon, came to $296 and some change after tax. It struggles up hills with an adult but it should be pretty good for getting around the pits, and it's reasonably well built for the price. You can drop the handlebars down and tie up the foot pegs and it won't take up much room.
  5. I asked on another forum and was offered up the specific part of the Ohio state code that allows non-residents to drive in Ohio. People provided similar cites for Texas and Michigan. Some lawyer also hinted that not having a reciprocity law on the books might violate the commerce clause, but I'm not really sure how that would play out in court. Suffice it to say, it appears that all 50 states have legislated reciprocity for driving privileges.
  6. I agree, I'll just head on down to the Saab dealership and... I saw one of these the other day, it's a good looking car. I'm sure I'd have some massive sticker shock, though.
  7. It's in the constitution, specifically the Full Faith and Credit Clause. Note that the thrust of this clause is to prevent a county clerk in state A from rejecting a birth certificate from state B; the constitution says that a birth certificate is a birth certificate, and everyone needs to accept it as such. In the case of drivers' licenses, all it means is that state A needs to accept that the drivers license is indeed a real drivers license if it's been properly issued by state B, but it doesn't necessarily have to grant permission for drivers licensed in state B to drive around in state A. (As a quick aside, in the same article there's the Privileges and Immunity Clause, which, for example, would prevent state A from forbidding drivers from state B for discriminatory reasons.) There's a public policy exception that's been carved out by the courts to the full faith and credit clause. From the same wiki article: In other words, if Ohio says that nobody can get a driver's license without passing a yearly physical, and Michigan has no such statute, Ohio doesn't have to accept a Michigan license because they're not equivalent. Or so the idea goes; in practice these things seem to be hammered out in court, such as whether states have to accept gay marriage certificates from other states (they do). Based on that, I suspect that Ohio specifically allows by law that all drivers with valid licenses from any state can drive in Ohio, but I can't seem to find the specific law. If anyone knows where it is, that'd be awesome.
  8. He didn't mention anything. The resurfacing, from what I read, was limited to patching only the worst parts; those that needed direct attention to prevent motorcycles from being destroyed. I don't think it's currently any better than it was last year, but I could be wrong.
  9. It's still being run by the motoseries guys. I forget where I read it, but they had a disaster of a race weekend a while back; water shortages and sanitation issues, incredibly long grass that became a safety issue (cars went off and disappeared, apparently). They've since spent money improving the water system and have made some track improvements. They're back to running FunDays, my friend went up for one and didn't have any complaints. The old website is dead, here's the new website: http://nelsonledgesracecomplex.com/ It looks like they're doing a FunDay this weekend.
  10. Were both cars speeding? If so, then in our limited sample size of 2, the accuracy of this method is 100%. I've found some limited case law that upholds speeding convictions by air, which generally include statements like I feel pretty comfortable thinking that's how it would actually go down in court; the pilot would say that he confirmed that it was the correct vehicle from the air, you could argue that you weren't speeding, and then the jury could decide whether or not to believe you. I don't see anything that suggests you could get the ticket thrown out just because the pilot can't read the license plate or anything. Keep in mind that the Ohio supreme court recently upheld the ability of an officer to issue a speeding ticket by visual estimate alone. The word of the officer (or pilot in this case) carries a lot of weight in court. eta: If it makes you feel any better, I'm also reading that enforcement by aircraft is very expensive, doesn't generate much money, and is falling out of favor as budgets get squeezed.
  11. I don't know anything about these specific companies, but if you wanted to fuck with the Russia's ability to fight wars, you'd stop giving money to their arms manufacturers while encouraging them to make a shitload of booze. We should also support their prostitution industry, maybe they'll forget all about Ukraine. Just sayin'.
  12. Like Stretch said, it's not going to be hard for the guy in the plane to continue watching the car as the trooper pulls it over and radio down, "Yep, that's the right car." It's not like they give a vague description and fly off, they're not going to be travelling much faster than the traffic.
  13. While I find it very strange that people worry about arming themselves while going out for a run, I asked my friend who does adventure races what he carries in when he runs and he sent me this link: http://www.hillpeoplegear.com/Products/tabid/762/ctl/ProductDetails/mid/1916/ProductID/67/Default.aspx He said he usually doesn't bother, but when he does that's what he uses.
  14. Makes sense, thanks much for the explanation! So are they watching a timer in the car, or do they just go on instinct at the end of the track?
  15. You've got me really curious but I don't understand of word of this. Can you translate for those of us who are drag-racing retarded?
  16. You get the start menu back, but the metro start page is still accessible.
  17. Or for $5, Start8. http://www.stardock.com/products/start8/
  18. Windows 7 and up have a built in middleware, but it doesn't cache the pin, so on any sites that use a lot of stylesheets or other resources it prompts for my pin about 5 to 30 times before it lets me proceed. This includes Outlook Webmail. Hmm... I'm only familiar with v6 (6.0 through 6.2). Version 7 is supposed to work with Windows 8 but the official USAF stance is that the built-in middleware is the good enough. This is on my personal computer, I'm just trying to log into my webmail and the AF Portal.
  19. I've been struggling with using my CAC on Windows 8 every since I upgraded, and with 8.1 it seems to somehow be worse. I'm now reading that ActivClient 7.02 may be able to solve the pin caching issue, but the USAF doesn't provide version 7 and ActivIdentity is a bunch of a-holes about people redistributing it. Does anyone have an AKO account who might be able to download the latest version and rehost it for me? There's a link on militarycac.com or I can PM it. Thanks.
  20. My memory is hazy of that event, but was that another situation where the state investigated a report of something, found no wrongdoing, and everyone was allowed to go about their business? If the worst thing that comes out of this pencil twirling incident is that a kid had to go to the doctor for a few hours and his dad has to make a few phone calls to clear up a misunderstanding, then who really cares? Why is this national news?
  21. Both of those are just regurgitating the PIX11 story. The byline on the 2nd link is actually the PIX11 reporter who wrote the original story... I'm not saying that PIX11 is lying, but the state wouldn't comment, so all we know from a single source is that this guy maybe got some letter in the mail. Maybe it was sent in error, maybe it's just a routine followup, maybe the state is on an evil mission to put this kid in foster care for some reason. I don't know. No matter how you slice it, this story seems pretty ridiculous and I feel bad for the guy, but this is also what we call Recreational Outrage.
  22. I got a couple of emails about it, first one was about a week ago and then I got a "reminder" yesterday morning.
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