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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. I don't want to be "that guy," but if it's not completely obvious from the video itself that it's a fake, the fact that it was uploaded by "pipocaVFX" should remove all doubt. And if there's still doubt you can click on the user's other videos and see some more cool animations inspired by popular video games. Crazy that a guy who does video effects would be so good at the game, right?
  2. They're huge! http://www.ignant.de/wp-content/uploads/2013/09/Morales_005.jpg
  3. It worked great for me, I found it rather entertaining. It's like a sperm simulator -- you and a few hundred noble warriors struggling against all odds. After a few pipes it's you and a select few, and then one by one you get to watch as the last few survivors get picked off. No babies today.
  4. Kid stops having fun at 0:55.
  5. The big difference for me is that I don't have a truck and trailer, nor do I have the budget to buy one or the room to keep it. One of the appealing factors of ChumpCar was that I was able to form a team with someone who had a truck, and another guy who had a place to keep our car and trailer. I'd love to get into club racing but I can't see it happening unless I move With a track day, I can still drive my car to a track day and be reasonably certain that I'll be able to drive it home, so that's what keeps the costs down for me. Matt, weren't you renting out an ITA car for race weekends a few years back? I seem to remember finding someone renting out a Civic when I first moved back to Columbus 4 years ago; I was considering that as a way to get my SCCA license without having to break my bank.
  6. My old SVT suspensioned Focus wagon. http://steronz.com/gallery/albums/cars/wagon_craigslist/normal_IMG_4924.JPG Cheap to buy, cheap to run, only about 2700 lbs, fun to drive, and you can get it with a manual. It's a truly honest little wagon. But judging from the other replies in this thread, this won't get any love. Alas, they didn't make a SVT Type-ST Supercharged Roush edition wagon with 350hp and a RWD conversion.
  7. Looks like fun. LSD I presume? Did you seek out a 4-door?
  8. I'll defer to Mr. Downing on the finer arts of racecar building, but to give you an idea of the costs, here's what Hipster Racing burned through for a year of racing. We bought the car + trailer for $2200, incl. cage, racing seat, and I supplied a harness that I didn't charge the team for. This was divided 3 ways, plus gas to go pick it up in NC and we were in about $850 a person just to get the car on our property. So far, so cheap. We needed to add some things for Chump like a window net. We needed stuff for the pit, like fuel jugs, a 55 gallon barrel with a pump, a big fire extinguisher, and radios ($560 by themselves). We bought some spares to have with us, oil, filters, spark plugs, head gasket, new battery, etc. I don't have the pre-race stuff broken out from the shit we bought between races to fix parts that broke, but all told we're at just over $6000 for the car + trailer, or $2,052 per person for our core team. Getting less cheap. I spent about $500 for a decent used racing suit and shoes, my teammates all spent less on their suits but had to get helmets as well, figure $600-$700 per driver. The races themselves were $1650, $2540, and $2010, divided by either 4 or 5 drivers. That's entry fee, gas for the car, gas for the tow vehicle, transponder rental, and lodging. Doesn't include food. So if I'd have done all 3 races, plus my role in buying the car and the safety equipment, I'd have spent about $4000 for a year of racing an '86 Prelude, which wouldn't have been terrible if it would have run the whole time. I'm sure you can spend less, but you could also spend a whole lot more. And a lot of that stuff was one-time purchases that will be spread out. But still, that's a whole lotta track days.
  9. I did two events last year (VIR 10-hour and BeaveRun double 7), my team did a third event (LeMons @ NJMP) without me. Our car is an '86 Prelude that we bought from a LeMons guy who was upgrading to an E36. We made it through nearly all of the 10-hour with our timing belt off a tooth, which is to say the car was dogshit slow but it still proved its worth. Then the engine blew at NJMP, and it blew twice at BeaveRun. This after spending a small fortune (per the ChumpCar rules) on replacing parts in order to be "reliable." Call it bad luck, but we spent a lot of time and money for not a lot of track time, and I've grown to hate the ChumpCar organizers. The Prelude is in a barn right now pending some motivation to fix and sell it, and meanwhile one of my wealthier teammates bought a very clean E36 328i for us to campaign in 2015. Just running a couple of Chump races plus a scaled-back HPDE schedule has left me financially drained for this year. Maybe I'll see you out there in 2015. Check us out here: https://www.facebook.com/hipsterracing
  10. This car would get absolutely murdered by a stock, automatic trans C7 base model Corvette at pretty much every track in the country, and the Corvette would be cheaper to boot. Since everyone knows there, dare I say that nobody who buys a 4C is really buying it for its track prowess. As for me, I can barely afford $5,400 for a 2-seater toy, let alone $54,000, so I'll leave you all to your caviar and monocles.
  11. I don't want to put my foot in my mouth like I do every time I try to give tech advice on here, but a 96 Civic has double wishbones, so no struts or bearing plates. Could it be a tie rod? The Firestone on the corner of Northwest and King has become my go-to shop for things I don't want to deal with myself.
  12. Looks like there's a cam version of Jack Ryan: Shadow Recruit that was uploaded yesterday, so they're doing a shitty job.
  13. They'll also sell you a ticket while you text away on your smartphone, under the assumption that you'll put it away once the show starts. Maybe they assumed he had another pair of glasses, or maybe the 17-year-old minimum wage employee had no clue what Google Glass is. In any case, the guy in question is clearly somewhat tech savvy, but he has no clue that pointing a camera at a movie screen for 2 hours might not be a good idea? Has he been living under a rock? DHS is a hodgepodge of a bunch of random jobs. Recording a movie is a federal, not a state, crime, so whoever enforces that law needs to be a federal agent. If not DHS, then who, the FBI? My biggest complaint is that even shitty pirated copies typically use tripod-mounted cameras and telesynced audio. A Google Glass recording would be absolute shit, and the agency in charge of catching movie pirates should know that. eta: Here's a more thorough description. AMC called the MPAA, who called the feds.
  14. It's wood, it's pretty nice, only a few teeth marks. I think it was a little over $300 new. All 3 of my kids did time in it. The side drops down which means we can't sell it anywhere or something. Just want it out of my life. I suppose I can take a picture if I really have to.
  15. I'm assuming it's a 5 speed? eta: Ah, I found it. Not a 5 speed.
  16. Drift cars don't typically devote that much attention to aero, for obvious reasons. In fact, the article says, It looks more like a time attack car more than anything else, which is really the only sort of sanctioned road course racing he could do with a 1000hp crazy-ass build like that, but in the classes he'd be running in the aero really isn't aggressive enough. And then you see the nitrous bottle and the brakes and you realize that this is more of a show/shop car than anything else. But still badass.
  17. Maybe it was too cold the day they taught the difference between than/then.
  18. Been driving 18 years, never run snow tires, never hit anything or gotten stuck. When I lived in Omaha they would have been nice, but I was only there for 3 winters and I just dealt with it. Ohio isn't as bad. Also, FWD FTW.
  19. For what it's worth, they shut down WPAFB (I was supposed to be there today). I was also a bit surprised they closed school, but then I remembered that school sucks so I thought, good for them.
  20. It's not really a FWD/RWD thing, though. A Miata on stock tires is a lot of fun because you can push it a little on public roads. The first thing everyone does is put on new wheels with 180 treadwear tires and "ruins" them as DDs. It took me a lot of years to figure out that I should stop putting ultra-performance summer tires on my daily. Put me squarely in the "slow car fast, not fast car slow" camp.
  21. I'm not sure why the answer isn't just C6 Z06. I feel like once you put enough tire under the car to handle 500+ horsepower, it'll never feel like a hot hatch, even if you start with a hot hatch. eta: I'm going to +1 the 911 turbo. I've never driven one, but people won't shut up about how the rear-engine layout allows for putting down massive power while still having a nimble steering feel. That may be Porsche fanwanking, but it's worth driving one I suppose.
  22. The S&P 500 increased nearly 30%. Index funds FTW. If you didn't make at least 27% this year, you messed up.
  23. And for what it's worth, there's a cylinder position sensor AND a camshaft position sensor, both in the distributor (one's a 1-tooth and the other's a 4-tooth, I think), and OBD-2 cars also have a crankshaft position sensor under the crank pulley. The ECU has so many ways to figure out the timing, it's ridiculous
  24. Pull off the distributor cap and take a look. I had the same error once and what had happened was that a screw had backed out from the distributor shaft and knocked around inside, dislodging the hunk of metal that triggers the camshaft position sensor. Amazingly, the car still ran pretty well, but the distributor was toast. Of course, that was an autozone reman and not a new OEM unit like yours, so ymmv. Also, I don't know much about EKs, but on EFs and DAs the wet passenger floor is caused by the seal around the blower motor intake drying out (water leaks in through the cowl.)
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