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Everything posted by greg1647545532

  1. Some footage: I gotta say, this course design looks top notch.
  2. We'd probably want to run heats. In for an answer on the max number of people, if I do go it'd be me +1.
  3. Sure it's shady, especially knowing now about the 2010 speech where he goes all Baptist preacher on America. I'm just really not sure where you draw the line on what "repercussions" are acceptable. Certainly I'm allowed to form an opinion about Phil Robertson based on what he says, and I'm allowed to stop supporting A&E because of it, right? And if a lot of people express a similar opinion, Phil Robertson may face repercussions for his words, right? I think we can all agree with that. On the other hand, I don't think the government should come in and tell A&E to pull Duck Dynasty off the air, because that's a pretty blatant first amendment violation; can we all agree with that? So clearly some repercussions are kosher, and some aren't. And to be fair, your involvement in this thread on page one displayed a common misunderstanding of our constitutional rights. I don't think you need to defend Phil Robertson or anything -- you seem to disagree with him and his tactics -- but when you make statements like that, about how his freedoms are being violated, yeah, you'd better be prepared to defend those. Feel free to continue to criticize A&E for making what you feel is the wrong business decision, even if you feel it's wrong on moral grounds, but be careful extrapolating from there.
  4. What, America was for slut-Miley? Because I seem to remember her being raked through the coals in the court of public opinion for being a bad role model, and lots of people called for boycotts of everything she was associated with. Christians need to remember that they hold a 78.4% majority in this country, and conservatives need to remember that they hold a 49% minority. Conservative Christians are still the goddamn norm around here, and yet they still get pissy that they don't always get their way. It's amazing.
  5. Phil Robertson from 2010 called and wants to clarify his views. Makes his comments in GQ seem almost family friendly, right? I'm thinking the real shame here is that A&E put this guy on the air in the first place.
  6. Yeah, those gays have it so easy. When are people going to finally stand up for the Christian majority?!?
  7. I have no idea what you're trying to say. You wanna go play pool sometime?
  8. Man, this guy is a piece of work. Don't believe in Jesus? You're basically a murderer. You know what, Phil? I'm an atheist, but I never beat the fuck out of somebody so bad that I had to empty my life savings to avoid jail and then flee to another state, and then refused to apologize for it because I'd found religion.
  9. Straight guys are icked out by gay sex, beg their girlfriends to do anal.
  10. I'll talk to my wife, see if anything's going on that day.
  11. I have a bag of coats taking up space in my car because I was out of town for the pickup at my kid's school. Anyone know of a business that I can take these two? Swan Cleaners used to do it, but apparently not this year. Thanks.
  12. Same with FWD or AWD. When you lose traction in the rear, you spin, regardless of the powertrain layout. There must be something else at work here. And there's the answer.
  13. For a lot of stuff you're describing, it doesn't matter who owns the dealership. If Ford took over Ricart's new car sales right now, they could keep the entire management chain in place, keep the entire sales staff in place with the exact same employment structure, keep the finance, accessories, undercoating, rust protection, and extended warranty people in place, annoying the piss out of their customers like always. Hell, Ford could just keep all of Ricart's profits as their own and keep prices exactly where they are, or even raise prices because they'd own all the dealerships. In that regard,you're exactly right; relaxing franchise laws isn't some magic panacea that will make the car buying experience a lot better. It will improve some things, though, like the barrier to entry for niche brands. How did Fiat start selling cars in the US again? They bought Chrysler. Obviously there are other hurdles with federalization of European cars, but if you want to buy a Citroen or a Renault, good luck with that as long as those companies either have to front the cash for a massive franchise network or buy a struggling domestic automaker of their own. Another area of improvement is controlling inventory. In the run-up to GM's bankruptcy, one of the things they complained about was their inability to shutter individual dealerships to match their falling market share, especially in urban areas where they often have 2 to 3 times as many dealers as the Japanese brands because those GM dealers were there long before Honda was selling cars here. Long after industry analysts had beat the "GM has too many goddamn brands" horse to death, GM had to keep Oldsmobile and Pontiac going because it took years to negotiate settlements with a dealer network that was unwilling to close down for the good of GM. There's a lot of redundancy across dealerships that could be eliminated if Ford consolidated the 10 or so dealerships within an hour of here. It remains to be seen whether any of those savings would be passed on to the customer, but the current system has got to be woefully inefficient. It'll be interesting to see how this all plays out.
  14. I finally got around to doing that on my track car, which I'll sometimes drive 6-7 hours to the track. Totally worth it, even though my car now falls on its face over 100mph.
  15. It's not Tesla the car company that he's worried about, it's Tesla the crafty lobbying company. If Tesla is selling cars directly to consumers, then other small, struggling automakers like Saab or Volvo can make the same argument. And after Saab and Volvo it's BMW and Mercedes, and then VW and Toyota, and then Ford and GM, and Ricart is left to earn money from his vast used-car network and service and parts, the poor guy.
  16. No, those are 2 way adjustable shocks with 14/18 settings for compression and rebound, respectively. They're legal in the stock class; until recently, even the remote-reservoir versions would have been legal. Adjustable spring perches are allowed as long as they're set for the stock ride height. That's all assuming he's talking about SCCA Solo. In any case, I don't have an answer for the OP. Have you tried contacting the company?
  17. I wouldn't think you'd be allowed to change the ride height if the rules require stock springs. Is this SCCA Solo?
  18. Sounds like some Sovereign Citizen, Freeman-on-the-Land bullshit.
  19. Facebook! Of course! "Grand opening after the second week of December" Thanks
  20. If you're willing to hold out for the right buyer, yes, but that could take months. You also have to be willing to say "no" to a lowballer, even if it's the only offer you've had in weeks. With an auto, you can ignore the lowballers and still sell it in a week.
  21. You can not keep a small arsenal in your house if you have a special needs kid. And you can also not train your special needs kid on how to use your arsenal. So heads up, Nancy Lanzas of the world -- if your kid is spending hours every weekend playing DDR at the local movie theater, sell your guns.
  22. Yes, if there's profit to be had, Subaru seems wise, but get the automatic (for resale value). Not sure if you can find something with a turbo for your budget, but a 2.5XT Forester would be sweet.
  23. Fun, cheap, reliable, and you can have all 3! Something like an SVT Focus.
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