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Posts posted by LS_Sonoma

  1. In all honesty, the best practice is to just be rational and kiss ass. With this approach you can just project to her that you are willing to assume the full time parent role and pray that she doesn't want the responsibility.


    Otherwise you have to prove she is unfit. It took two DUI's with the minor child in the vehicle before my best friend was able to get it as a man. (Tennesse) In Indiana, my neighbor lost her custody due to not providing stable housing for her children over a two year period. She liked to jump from bed to bed of the flavor of the month and drag her kids with her.


    Best of luck man. We get a hard path to walk being men who want to raise the children. There are websites for support. I personally had to deal with my wife using our children to alienate me during our separation. Hard road to walk.

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