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Posts posted by lexus005

  1. What are you 13? This isn't myspace you boob, we don't wanna know what you look like. Your face makes babies cry.


    I agree with you being in the picture and holding a sign with something mentioning CR. I'll give you till 5PM today and then I will ban you and your IP.


    Dover wanted it...best i could do

  2. How in the fuck did I look over this thread, That car looks like my work shirt :p


    Ugly as fuck and I only gotta wear it to get paid, unfortunately you choose to rock that thing thats totally ok cause the Short North has a ton of parking spots for it out in front of the Havana Club...


    Attention Jeep Owners and 4x4 Enthusiasts!

    If you are interested in participating in a Gay and Lesbian Jeep Enthusiasts Club

    in the Northeastern United States, please send an email to: GALJEC@hotmail.com


    Its said to be over 80% off Jeep owners are homosexual:marc2:

  3. :lol:




    lol Is that the best you can do? It takes a fucking codebook to understand half the shit you type and we're inbred? Take a good look at your car. Go ahead. Only a retarded, stump fucker would have taste that results in that disgraced pile of MR-S. And really, lowering yourself to pedophile jokes? At 26, I'd have thought you could do better. I guess it's to be expected from someone with your complete lack of imagination, (as proven by your posts/comebacks) and fascination with Paul 'what's his face' from F&F.


    However, don't think for a moment I'm asking you to stop as this thread has been quite entertaining. I mean, let's be honest, everyone loves to watch a trainwreck. ;)


    PS - I fixed your quotes here, too, since using it correctly is apparently beyond your grasp, as well. I wonder, do your parents still wipe your ass? :)


    Shouldnt you be shaving your chest watching friends? Call me ingorant but Id asume thats what homosexuals do in their spare time..

  4. So if "going fast" wasn't your intent with the whole "shitty body kit = better aero", then what were you aiming for?


    more "appealing" front end. thought it gave it almost a lotus style look. 3/6will be the second year i owned this car....could you guys cut me some slack on go fast mods?

  5. the wing is too fast and furious for me.


    i like Littleguy's. It doesn't try to be anything its not and it looks like it'd be a lot of fun to drive to, during, and from an auto-x.


    edit: does anyone else thing that thing is riding really high to acommodate the front lip? the side skirts look way high off the ground


    lip is photo shopped on. the company's still working on it.


    this post made me LMFAO. Let me get this strait, you cant afford go fast parts, but you can afford a gay ass 1500 dollar hood along with some other gay crap? you fail...


    making it "go fast" isnt high on the agenda. sorry



    Kind of interesting how he doesn't mention the Expedition or C5 until the 16th page. OHHH YEAH, by the way guys, I have a Corvette too, but I didn't figure it was worth mentioning. My baller status MR2 is way cooler.


    After seeing pics of the MR2, I could only imagine what his C5 would look like (if he had one, that is)


    I made mention of my expedition in prior post pages back. My mom, dad, and I all have C5's ;) and were all stock....well i have the factory mag rims on it.

  6. Your fail has hit such a level we do not have the ability to measure it.


    Please stop taking our bandwidth up you will never get on this site.



    Have a bitchin day


    ya your right. i should of started off with pics of my expedition or my c5. o well. i like my mr2 better.

    • Downvote 1
  7. ...and ban.


    Rich people don't go around talking about how rich they are, unless its actually their parent's money, or if they are in fact not really all that rich but like to make others think they are. Also by looking at your terrible spelling, I find it very hard to believe that you are capable of being rich. Even if you are, which I highly doubt, it just proves that money cannot buy good taste.


    never said once i was rich but im definately not poor. I do come from a good family and work extemely hard to earn every penny.



    Tasteful exterior mods are never frowned upon here. Canards that don't even effect performance until triple digits or so, are probably pretty useless on an MR2. The only time they would even make sense is after all or most GOFASTBITS have been added and the car may then actually make use of such an item.


    Wings I never really have too much of an issue with given they're not on a FWD car, and are at least functional. Though again, speed is what counts, if your car can barely get up to a functional MPH to take advantage of said item, why waste time doing it. Lots of ricers are surprised to learn that CF hoods, and canards, and functional body kits were invented to serve a purpose and not to look cool.


    I know.... a side business I have is selling bodykits ;)

  8. Lol what the fuck are you talking about. A. Im done w/ highschool and im in college, B. Im not tryin to pick up lil 15 year olds light some people do in there convertible yellow mr2's with ugly ass body kits.


    And also, why you keep changing the subject man? I keep talkin shit bout your car, but your not sayin shit back. Stock suspension, stock wheels, some added faggotry with the body kit and wing, and your tryin to call me the F&F imitator and ricer? Get the fuckkkkk outta here.


    Last time i checked dumping money into the engine and not the body wasnt called ricing a car out, and wait, isnt that the exact opposit of what you did? You bought this "JDM TYTE" convertible mr2 and then slapped a ugly ass body kit on it, went to a highschool and pulled off a section of the bleacher for a wing, and then left your car at stock height/stock wheels, and didnt put shit into the motor, that my friend is the definition of rice.


    Once you get a car that can beat my moms corolla in the 1/4, get back on here. Untill then, i think this website is more fit for your bitch ass.



    o man you have no hope in life your mom drives a corolla...thats a nice $15k car new:rolleyes: thats why your so angery you and your familys poor. again my wing is cf and costing more than your whole car. :eek2:


    last time i checked they didnt make cf bleecher seats but go check next time your at your community college.


    see little boy when you have 3 cars and own a house buying "go fast" parts isnt a high priority. i wouldnt expect someone comming from government subsidized housing to understand (section 8 i belive the poor people call it...you would know).




    So do you have problems when trying to get to highway speeds on the onramp with that fuckin lawnmower motor you got in there or what.


    Id ask you the same question cuz i can drive mine and u cannot :cool:


    HAHAAHAHA my co worker just thought to add your going to be like billy madison but in your 81 supra...when he pulls up infront of highschool with his firebird. Glanced at then ingored.

  10. Here. So as not to show any hard feelings, I spent some time in Paint and fixed your car for you. It's happy, now. :D




    o god another relic supra owner. are you people inbreeding? dont be like this guy fubar hes in his 30's and drives the same car. but he must of smoked dope or went to prision for along time touching young childern and thats why he cannot afford to get a vette like most middle aged men. :rolleyes:


    Also, 350-400rwhp is a clunker? 18-20psi on a 57trim turbo with supporting mods in a clunker? Beating cars that run 12.5 make my shit a clunker? Get the fuck outta here.



    Honestly im done being a prick at the moment. But really your cars wayy to old to be cool no matter how fast it goes (there is no jap muscle cars). You honestly cannot tell me that you would rather have something else to modify.


    Please do even try to come at with a suspension remarks.

  12. yea right... If you fail at that game as bad as you do with cars, i dont think anyone here will want to play with you...


    im at a 1.10 kill ratio not that bad? i think mw1 was still better in some ways.

  13. You should put similar effort into your mods.


    Is that an official callout for Fubar or what ? LMAO though, the more shit this noob spits the more I like him though.


    The way things are looking at work I should be swapped by June. My stock motor doesnt have a resell value I may just put on my Zex kit I have lying around. Just for fun when I get close to having enough funds.

  14. http://i46.tinypic.com/vry1qp.jpg


    At the end of the day your the broke version of Paul Walker and that nothing ever to be proud of. Your car will still be old, heavy, ugly and never sweet.....basicly just needs to be recycled to better the earth.


    Go Green and put that clunker in the crusher.



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