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Posts posted by lexus005

  1. Just ban the fucking troll already. He can talk all the shit he wants because he lives in Cleveland and would never have to take on anyone in a race.


    PS: My volvo is faster than your MR2.


    lol my my has a volvo s80 so i know your statements inaccurate.

    • Confused 1
  2. Ooh yeah talk shit bout my parents boohoo. What, cant think of shit to say about my car?


    True redneck racer? Im not even driving a domestic car you dumb fuck.


    Once you get out of your 16 year old, fast and the furious scene, and get a real fucking car that might make more than 125fwhp get back at me. Id love to drag your fucking piece of shit around 270 several times, and dont even try ill bring this or this, cause you know what? Ill go get someone else to race you the, and youll get someone, and blablabla shut the fuck up you faggot ass bitch.


    Once you get a car thats worth racing, get back at me. Untill then you can sit there and play with your fucking ePeen wishing you pulled in bitches in your faggot ass fast and the furious convertible car.


    Fuck you bitch and get a life


    maybe your cant reed goud.



    You said before go fast parts lol..... thats a true redneck ricer for ya.yeee hawww



    i called you a redneck ricer. your still pathic your car weighs almost 4000lbs and will never be sweet in it. your tooo poor to drop that kinda money into it and its not even worth it to do it. you should just junk it by a gun, turn your head into a convertible and hopely you may get reincarnated.


    but as of now you failed everyone around you, the car industry, and most of all yourself with the worthless life and the metal box you call a car. i belive a petrock is a better investment that your hunk-a-clunker.



    and you think your cars FUCKING COOL looking? Dude it looks like a fucking hot wheels car some 8 year old would rock. how woudl someone whos 26 years old in their right FUCKING mind drive that car and think there cool.


    Also, 14.9. Damn bro, thats fucking fast. You MIGHT beat my moms corolla. Your hailarious man. Crappy life? Crappy whatever? Pfft gtfo. You dont fucking know me. And for your information, i got a great life you fucking faggot. 19 and livin it the fuck up. I think this whole situation is fucking hailarious man.


    Ill race you on WG setting and 75% throttle and still walk your shit.


    Get a real fucking car.


    Also, my cars not going to a junkyard anytime soon bitch.


    I bought this car with the intentions on bringing it back from the POS state i bought it in. Sorry, but i like what i build, not what your faggot ass buys.


    What tow company are you going to use to race me? Let me guess your dad abandon you as a small child cuz he knew you were going to growup to be a disappoint. Left you and your mom struggleing and she became a wh*ore to make ends meet.


    Put your mom back on the street and buy something else. That rust bucket is older than you and your not building anything. Your paying to have the work done.


    You said before go fast parts lol..... thats a true redneck ricer for ya.yeee hawww


    $50/race, let's rock.


    you never said what kind of lexus which is fine....dont tell me. make it $500 Ill bring my black suprise for you.

  4. Thats not even the right car you dumbass. :D

    Let me guess, you need the hood pins because the car goes so fast the hood might blow off?


    It doesnt matter its still box of sh*t. Please dont mock me when you cannot affored anything better or even close to my ''ricer''.


    If you drive North we in Ohio have a lake its called Lake Erie. Give your clunker the memorial it deserves and drive into the lake.

  5. Mine ran untill saturday, and its gettin fixed. Sorry i actually i put the money into the go fast parts, instead of gay lookin parts.


    your cars a 89 the only place its going fast is the junkyard.


    You know when you hope in your 89 Supra and you think to yourself as your driving whats that rattle or why does my motor sound off? Then you pull up to someone around your age in alot newer and nicer car maybe with a hot girlfriend in the passanger seat. And all you can think is why did god hate me and give me this crappy life. Well next time that happens insert a loaded gun into your mouth and pull the trigger......your better off.

  6. You obviously know nothing so please stop spewing shit from your mouth. :gtfo:


    you odviously are pissed that you drive a cutlass and 1 of my vertical hinges costs more than your redneck racecar. ill give you sometime to let it soak in.

  7. That "clunker" was SCCA champion back in the late 80's early 90's. :bangbang:


    still not impressed. it must of been that stickers than made it go faster, i know it wasnt the crappy 3.1L


    edited i like that toyota banner...that is funny

  8. you have shit for brains


    i know why your mad at me. when you joined cr they made you take all your ricer shit off your car....i seen your before picture.







    • Downvote 1
  9. im too rich for you


    ahahaha u edited your post. but ya prolly are after buying a house and paying all the bills its harder to buy toys for the cars. but you cant judge someone solely on money or the car they drive. i know you do cuz you odviously have a chip on your shoulder.

  10. im so jealous...


    theres no reason to be jealous or even kid about it.maybe if you stop being a flaming tool we maybe could have a decent conversation about cars or whatever in general.

  11. Funny a lexus tech I know told me the is300 was the biggest hunk of shit Lexus has ever built. :)


    a little under powered but a awesome car. definately not a hunk of junk. it was a good mix of sport luxury imho.

  12. So do you always fuck up every car you own?


    Nope sadly just that one.



    lol a 35k car when it was new, but you bought it used...don't try to be rich. 10k in mods? Jesus Christ what's your body kit made out of? Cause everyone on here knows you wouldn't spend that "10k" on go fast bits.


    I honor your attempt, but the young rich kid douchebag role has been taken by me on CR. move along.


    I bought the Lexus new it was a 03. ;) Not like the year matter they did change much of anything.

  13. Damn thats no fun, I was hoping you would get all defensive and start talking shit. Oh well. Thanks, I appreciate the compliment


    Sorry. but Im a camaro fan for all years except the mid late 70s idk what they were thinking.

  14. I just insulted you, and you respond with a compliment?


    Yep. I really do like them. Im a big fan of camaro's my dad bought his new in 89 RS which would be simular to your 92 but his is only a v6.

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