Veal parm and a cold Rolling Rock for me, thank you.
Bored at work, figured I'd show you guys a couple of my old cars.
Had this from '01-06.
It's a '77 Chrysler Cordoba. It had a 400ci V8 with a Carter Thermoquad and Lean Burn Ignition on it. I swapped that system out and replaced it with a Mallory box, Mopar vacuum-advance distributor, and an Edelbrock 650 performer. Ran straight pipes on it for awhile, then switched to glasspacks, which was pointless because they were just as loud. From '01-03 it was basically a daily, as my shitbox LeBaron was always breaking down. Even with all the driving, it was almost mint when I sold it with 93k on the odo. Wish I coulda kept it, but I needed $$$ for a downpayment on a house.
Bought this in '05, I traded this in when I bought the Magnum September '09:
'02 Grand Marquis. Only mods were dual exhaust, transmission J-mod (.pdf link), and Mustang Bullitt wheels. Fairly reliable other than a blown trans at 44k, before the J-mod...and having to tear the front half of the motor off to replace timing tensioners.
Those are my two favorites. The rest of the list is:
-1987 Pontiac Firebird (V6)
-1992 Pontiac Firebird (V6)
-2004 Focus ZX3
-1986 Nissan rustbucket pickup
-1989 Chrysler LeBaron