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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. It WASN'T double sided tape that held it on. It was glue, and it was ONLY glued AT THE BOTTOM OF THE TRIM PIECE.... MEANING, that the build quality was OVERLOOKED. Had there been glue on BOTH ENDS LIKE IT WAS SUPPOSED TO... It would have been fine!!! SO, it is about the quality of the product leaving these production facilities for this company. Get it?
  2. I am not the only one... What, do they only overlook build quality on rental cars?
  3. So Hondas rot after 20 years? AND? THIS CAR IS A MONTH OLD AND IS FALLING APART!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. you don't get it so maybe u should.. :gtfo:
  5. eh, maybe... but they did get some help... http://www.reuters.com/article/2010/08/05/obama-ford-idUSN0517179420100805
  6. It wasn't applied properly to begin with. Poor quality control = shitty cars.
  7. blah blah. IT'S A BRAND NEW CAR THAT FELL APART IN A MONTH. GARBAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It's a shame my tax money went to saving this sorry ass company that can't even manage to get trim to stay on the door for more than a month after paying 30k for their shitty vehicle.
  8. I see American Car quality hasn't improved. This is a 2011 Grand Marquies with 2,000 miles on it. It was a rental... All i did was open the passenger door and when i closed it I noticed it had ripped this piece off. http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/hs056.snc6/168685_1641627398938_1184415665_31423247_5361563_n.jpg The fucking trim didn't have glue on the top part of the trim piece. That's clearly a quality control issue, which is what has made American cars crap for so long. I thought they had gotten better in the last 5 years but, it doesn't look like it. Not to mention, this car had a V8 that only had 224HP with 15/24 Fuel economy... REALLY? It was comfy i guess. I would be SOOO pissed if i just dropped 30K on this car and 2k miles later this happens....
  9. :D:D OMFG that is sooo funnny..hahahah +rep!
  10. mine are 6k DR2 Bulbs. they are blueish...
  11. everyone getting new cars and shit. i thought the economy was bad? lol one of the dopest factory colors i have ever saw.
  12. yeah i was thining of this one... http://www.brasagrillsteakhouse.com/ Don't know how we don't have one of these Brazilian Steak houses in Columbus. they are AMAZING!!!!
  13. On 33 near lancaster there is a Shell i believe it is that has 100 at the pump for like 5 bucks a gallon.
  14. http://reviews.cnet.com/2722-6452_7-717.html
  15. i meant on sprint.... BDAZGSX was sayin they get 4g with the sprint phone.... where at?
  16. there would have to be MILLIONS of combo's on this site since 90% of the board owns or has owned a fbody. look at some user pics.
  17. where in columbus do you guys see 4G? it can't be to many places... just like up north or something?
  18. droid x - rooted and overclocked with the 1900m battery! i have never had a better phone. the stock droid x kind of sucks as it's loaded down with tons of nonsense, if you don't plan to root and overclock maybe there are better options. but once those things are done and u upgrade teh battery, it's the fastest most stable phone i have had in my hands. it BLOWS AWAY any other phone u put beside it. Mine is overclocked to 1.3 with milestone and setcpu with the Z4 root. and the droid touch screen keyboard is the only keyboard that compares to the iphone touch keyboard... imo http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash1/hs732.ash1/162630_1614698085722_1184415665_31377934_2421965_n.jpg
  19. gimp is the best free one there is! and it's super easy to use.
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