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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. not to mention, there really isn't shit on instant watch that i would even care to download.
  2. some sort of forced induction.
  3. i would go directly to the video card manufacture for the driver... again, u should be able to get the model etc etc from CPU-Z, or pop the cover off of the machine and look at it. if it's built on the motherboard that's another thing...
  4. reinstall the drivers. i would completely uninstall, then do a fresh install of the latest drivers for that hardware... u should be able to get your model number of the vid card from that CPUZ software under the video tab...
  5. i already have a case, cleaning, and ammo... i can't buy a stock and light?
  6. Here are some things i just ordered for mine.. http://www.amazon.com/Pistol-Rifle-Flashlight-Weaver-Mount/dp/B000U6FZGI/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I2O56P89DB7IK&colid=2MTGDOP1BK77U http://www.amazon.com/Blackhawk%C2%AE-SpecialOps-Shotgun-Stock-Forend/dp/B001MVFVHS/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I282CHEC20S5ID&colid=2MTGDOP1BK77U http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B001WJ4GCG/ref=oss_product
  7. mossberg 500, cleaning kit, cleaing oil, axe, Jack Daniels BBQ kit
  8. my girl ALWAYS had to work on holidays at the hospital. now she does home health care... barley works at all! lol
  9. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs1193.snc4/154507_1551700230815_1184415665_31255693_25073_n.jpg
  10. Amazon.com is my guilty pleasure.
  11. ^ nice. kind of looks like the one i am about to get!
  12. here are some of the invicta's that are on my wish list... http://www.amazon.com/Invicta-Collection-Black-Ion-Plated-Chronograph/dp/B001T9NWNI/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=IRK515CMDJLJD&colid=2MTGDOP1BK77U http://www.amazon.com/Invicta-6250-Collection-Ion-Plated-Stainless/dp/B003APFQQA/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I28P6ROU2PIUNI&colid=2MTGDOP1BK77U http://www.amazon.com/Invicta-6724-Collection-Chronograph-Ion-Plated/dp/B003APJSD2/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I1JPTSPKY55M6D&colid=2MTGDOP1BK77U http://www.amazon.com/Invicta-Speedway-Collection-Ion-Plated-Chronograph/dp/B001T9NW5Q/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I316ZD1GW68S2U&colid=2MTGDOP1BK77U http://www.amazon.com/Invicta-Corduba-Collection-Ibiza-Techno/dp/B001CTI51Y/ref=wl_it_dp_o?ie=UTF8&coliid=I20F11U922XCDP&colid=2MTGDOP1BK77U
  13. that's a cool watch! i have looked at that one a couple times! i am going to get a bold color watch soon. i am about to buy a sweet new mechanical this weekend though i think!! swiss quartz just means they used some swiss made parts in your quartz system. like i said, that's a nice watch that will keep great time! nothing to worry about there. and at 52mm it will be bling!
  14. best place to buy invicta is Amazon.com
  15. i know. i am being OVERLY optimistic!!!!! i know it would never happen. but, there is always that chance till he goes somewhere!
  16. DAYUM!!!! very very nice, you win the thread so far! lol
  17. ^ me too! i ran out and forgot a watch, i feel naked!! lol
  18. yeah, Bengals need lots of work. NO DOUBT ABOUT IT! Hopefully they bring in Jon Gruden. oh how awesome that would be!@! Because with the talent that is there, coaching is what is needed... imo browns do have MUCH better front office at this point, i will have to give them that.
  19. right on, u just seemed like you had something against them. and it is pretty crazy they do that with the MRSP. but they are not the only ones that do that, lots of different companies do that. i think sturling does that, as well as several others.
  20. that was a nice present! hah. wish i had the extra cash. glws
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