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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. very cool. thanks for some other options, but it sounds like the AR15 is the one for me. i am going to piece one together so I can get everything I want. thank you!
  2. i use to rock one of the in wolfenstien 3d! haha or maybe it was golden eye.....
  3. i understand. i don't claim to be in the NRA or anything.. lol i get it though, and I won't make the mistake again.
  4. this is where i get the term from... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Federal_Assault_Weapons_Ban because these weapons that aren't called assault weapons, use to be banned under the Federal Assault Weapon ban.... i don't know... but whatever... that's why i used the term.
  5. ok, i did see some sites that talked about that. if I can save some money and learn more about the gun that way, I will research it more. can you recommend any forums I could read up on? i just started with this one... http://www.ar15.com/forums/ thanks for pointing me in a good direction! and it sounds like you have some real nice weapons, if you can make it out to a range let me know, I would love to shoot off a couple rounds!
  6. sorry... i can't change it.
  7. Right on. I am a decent shooter, no marksmen by any means but. i have handled several rifles and hand guns since being young. mostly 22's and shotguns growing up, and I now I own a 30 ought 6, a firestar .40 pistol, and a .22 bolt action. so I am not complete noob, I would like to fire one. i haven't really fired any type of Gas operated, magazine fed, semi-automatic rifle. i was also looking at tactical shotguns, I was really debating the two and decided I would like to go with aGas operated, magazine fed, semi-automatic rifle. The AR-15 seems to be all around great weapon, range, accuracy, mobility. All things I want. Is there another gun you would suggest that achieves those 3 things better than a AR-15? I know there are several guys with guns I have never heard of in here so, by all means... school me!! I wasn't planning on going cheap, I want quality. I have a budget of about 1,500. Is that enough for a quality AR-15? Looking around the internet I have seen lots of different pricing. This is a couple I was looking at recently... http://www.atlanticfirearms.com/storeproduct922.aspx http://www.atlanticfirearms.com/storeproduct356.aspx Is this even close to a quality weapon? Who is a good manufacture?
  8. very cool website!! thank you!!
  9. there aren't better deals online?
  10. Hey guys, can someone recommend a online store to purchase assault riffles. like a AR- style or something like that. i don't know much about them, but thinking of treating myself for Christmas.
  11. http://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16834200078
  12. yeah, i was thinking the same. FINALLLY some post presence. fucking awesome! cause the cavs are no fun to watch anymore.
  13. 04silvrz


    http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_rEgPZZmjwg4/SZyeqZocV-I/AAAAAAAAFNM/BFDurYGbQuY/s320/carl1.gif "wha da hella yous want alreadys."
  14. i have a droid x. not really a fan. thinking about switching to incredible. or the new droid pro. since mine is primarily a work device.
  15. i got $40 on someones copy... otherwise i will wait till i get can it for $40
  16. ^ that was a good movie! http://www.moviepulp.be/wp-content/uploads/2008/12/2008_death_race_007.jpg
  17. defiantly more thinking involved in Omaha. but when i play hold'em it's usually 2 tables. 1 table gets boring. if i play 1 table, i will end up surfing teh web off to the side. that's usually never good, playing 2 tables keeps me occupied.
  18. usally 1 / 2 no limit or micro Omaha for fun every now and then.
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