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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. He can be good. Matchstick Men - is by far one of his best! He can be pretty good! Lord of War - real decent Kick Ass - thought he was real decent in that as well. He just does A LOT of movies, so of course some of them are going to be bad.
  2. that is the mentality of the average apple product owner.
  3. so wait, he was trying to say a manual method of determine speed was more accurate than a LASER!!!!!! LMFAO. wow.
  4. fuck me!!!!!! i sooo wanted the evo 4g, but ended up with the droid instead. FML
  5. aussie aussie aussie oy oy oy
  6. my droid x will arive august 31st. blah. back order fml
  7. yeah, i am sick of them rolling up on me close as fuck too, then on through the stop / traffic signs. it's fucking annoying when you are traveling the speed limit, approaching a a corner to find mid corner some bicycle fuck peddling along 3 foot out in the road. only to slam on the breaks, or quick-look-swerve-wide. either way, not fucking safe
  8. keep the stupid bicycles off the road for cars. it's dangerous for a car to be going 25mph under the speed limit, but for some reason jack asses think it's ok to ride their bicycles on a 55 mph (riverside) road with curves. GTFO of the way!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. turns out I am getting the droid x instead, i thought we were still using sprint, but i guess we switched. anyone have a droid x?
  10. bicycles only allowed on bicycle roads.
  11. i hope not. i have a bb 8830 right now, it's just plain bad. slow, reboots randomly, poor design. can't wait to get something with android!
  12. um. i didn't order shit. My work ordered, they told me it was back-ordered. i haven't payed for a cell phone is 5+ years.
  13. EVO phone ordered, back ordered i should say. 1 to 2 weeks...
  14. 04silvrz


    since the whole tunnel from mexico season, that's when it started to fall off for me. then when they moved to mexico last season, it really fell off. but, i like what I am saw so far this season.
  15. 04silvrz


    new season OFFICIALLY starts tonight. ha
  16. lol. sorry, had to get that in there! the styling is similar. love the lines!
  17. http://i183.photobucket.com/albums/x7/hotass6gt/240Z9.jpg http://i123.photobucket.com/albums/o309/impreza88/z_front-quarter.jpg http://images.superstreetonline.com/featuredvehicles/130_0706_03_z+1971_datsun_240z+right_front_view.jpg http://cache-08.gawkerassets.com/assets/images/12/2008/10/Datsun-260z-classic.jpg http://motormavens.com/emAlbum/albums/Antonio%20Alvendia/Feature%20Cars/Yuta%20Akaishi%20Shakotan%20S30%20Datsun%20240Z/IMG_9496_yuta_shakotan_S30_240z_copy.jpg http://motormavens.com/emAlbum/albums/Antonio%20Alvendia/Feature%20Cars/Yuta%20Akaishi%20Shakotan%20S30%20Datsun%20240Z/IMG_9432_yuta_shakotan_S30_240Z%20copy.jpg http://i49.tinypic.com/n6xb1j.jpg SEXXXXXXXXXXXXX
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