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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. my AIM id is djbillybb just add me, i will look you up when i get home. it will take awhile to transfer that shit, so it would be best to start it late and let it go overnight.
  2. it doesn't matter the size, it's all about how much music you want to have at your disposal. do you use AIM messenger or something? I could send you whatever you want through there, or I could throw whatever onto my laptop and I could transfer it to your USB stick at a meet or something. Do you go to cars and coffee?
  3. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash2/hs187.ash2/44979_1433335271765_1184415665_31040013_5048000_n.jpg
  4. How big is the USB stick? it's hard to transfer GB's of music through email, you will prob want to send them through messenger or something. i could load it up with whatever, i have almost a 1TB of music on my home computer. New, Old, Rap, Rock, EDM.
  5. there are a couple young kids with that story and sweet cars. that kid with the NSX is the same way. i guess i can't blame them, if i had a fam member die that's prob how i would have spent the money at that age
  6. YES!!!!!!!!!! love me some vigilantly justice!
  7. that car is BAD ASS, but overpriced as fuck!
  8. :bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang::bangbang:
  9. HOLY FUCK! that's some GREAT video! how the fuck... someone needs to add the dukes of hazzard horn to that. lol
  10. 04silvrz

    Madden 2011

    no one still have this game??
  11. you just have to have good credit to get a loan on a older car.
  12. try my company. LKQ / Keystone (614) 575-8200
  13. http://streetlifetour.com/ Kilkare Raceway 1166 Dayton Xenia Rd Xenia, OH 45385 http://streetlifetour.com/images/front-banner-2010.jpg
  14. 04silvrz

    hci lt1 camaro

    wow. wish i had the money. glws.
  15. heard it on the radio this morn. mean to look it up and post it!~ thanks!
  16. awesome song. i pretty much only listen to EDM. Aphex twin FTW!
  17. I dont' have NFL network right now. I am in the process of moving, have no cable or sat right now. SUCKS! can't wait to have it back!
  18. yeah, what's up?? i am down!
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