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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. Buckeye Lake Tomorrow, Red white and Boom Tomorrow. Lancaster, Sat -Gahanna Sat. That's what I know...
  2. derp. nevermind, i had a space after the code. thanks!
  3. ^ that wouldn't really be fair. if he sends the "general route" to u, i want a copy so i can start plotting out roads in that general area. if anything this is the general route.... http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&geocode=FVjCYQId9okN-ylx3pC5wYk4iDEztbHP-GYy5A%3BFciXewIdeUEQ-yldtSpmKVQ6iDHNHoaL3napIA&q=columbus+ohio+to+put+in+bay&sll=39.878397,-82.883789&sspn=0.166512,0.236206&ie=UTF8&z=8&saddr=columbus+ohio&daddr=put+in+bay
  4. I am going to need some numbers. 999 bitch!!!!
  5. from 1970.... http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/3937/1970126x.jpg http://img204.imageshack.us/img204/7933/1970270x.jpg
  6. whatever dude, i was on the internet when you were a stain on your daddies pants. if i like a car, i will say what's up.. and i dig that car.
  7. there is actually a Rover Morning Glory channel that replays the show all day... no commercials. but otherwise, yeah Cleveland WMMS 100.7
  8. :funny::funny::funny::funny::funny::funny::funny:
  9. since this is kind of a RMG thread... Those of you who can't listen to it now cause 106.7 isn't broadcasting it. Download IHEART radio for your phone. All you need is a data plan, there is a RMG channel. It replays the show 24 hr period, then on the weekends you can listen to all of them.
  10. I was thinking about going.
  11. Good looking Mach 1. Welcome!
  12. waiting for my EVO 4G to arrive from being back ordered.
  13. http://www.amazon.com ^where i got my latest, got the same head unit best buy was selling for about $150 cheaper. not sure an employee discount will get ya that much off.
  14. think i am finally going to make it out to one of these.
  15. i use to go to the truck shows in Peigon forge, tn. Some of the BEST TIMES!! Sorry, don't know any local shows, would like to know too though!
  16. yeah, the logic is they charge more so people can't AFFORD to drink as much. that has became the American way. Cigs, 6 bucks a pack. logic: people won't be able to afford them. instead, people go broke trying to support their habbit.
  17. ^ u should try flycast if you haven't! i like it much better than slacker. slacker was always super slow for me. <3 some iheart radio though, it's my fav!
  18. you can listen to RMG on iheart radio....
  19. damn. i paid 30 for DS2 bulbs upgrades.
  20. i listen to radio on iheart through my blackberry. it's free and it's MUCH better. there are some cities with decent radio stations. also for more EDM type stuff I use flycast, again. free. just run a cable from your phone to the aux port on your head unit.
  21. i hope to see that truck this summer. that things looks fucking sick. that body style s10 was my first vehicle. loved that thing!
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