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Everything posted by 04silvrz

  1. yeah, i need to hit him up myself.
  2. creatine never really seems like it does much for me. i just do muscle milk 2 times a day on teh off day, and 3 times a day work out day. also, used Beverly protein with real good results. i was doing really good, then stopped for about 6 months, then recently just got back on.
  3. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=V8rZWw9HE7o
  4. i haven't watched commercials in awhile. DVR and fast forward FTW!
  5. what is making battery prices go up?
  6. Chris Tucker does a better MJ impression. Chris Brown is garbage.
  7. and if you see one of these ya better slow da fuck down with that setup... http://s3.images.com/huge.0.3212.JPG
  8. 14 pages about a GSR. this car must be sweeet! gotta read this.
  9. http://www.anti-rice.com/rice8/whale-tail-911.jpg lol
  10. i just paid 95 bucks for one for my nissan. that was the mid level one, the one below it was 10 bucks cheaper and 150 less CCA.
  11. that can't be good for the car. being super low looks great most of the time, but I am too old for that shit now... haha can't stand the bumpy ride and all the hassle of being low.
  12. http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/hs152.snc4/36940_1376341206949_1184415665_30895550_3295122_n.jpg
  13. i stopped. didn't really see anyone i know, and it was CRAZY hot. so i didnt stay long. some nice rides though! couple old school nissans there that were nice!
  14. thinking bout checkin it out, it's right around the corner.
  15. yeah, all bad. i did a drive by, SMALL group.
  16. thinking bout heading to sawmill, it's right around the corner...
  17. i am going over to mienke on brice, they are usually pretty good. talked to them they said they could do it.
  18. it wasn't a straight exhaust shop. it was a good year "service center" by my house. they didn't have the welder to do it.
  19. so, the bracket that is right past the engine, right before the cat has broke off. there is a small hole in the exhaust. just needs a quick weld to reattach the bracket, but it's stainless and the shop i was at said they couldn't weld stainless. anyone know where I can get this done pretty cheap?
  20. blocks bagels has some of the BEST bagels!!!!
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