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Posts posted by C-Mart

  1. I have a set of 6 piston front and 4 piston rear C6 Z06 brake calipers for sale in silver off of a 15k mile car.


    I was thinking about retrofitting them to my E30 M3 since the rotors would fit (5X120), but ended going with a wilwood 6/4 set made for the M3.


    Anyone know what they are worth or if this is a common upgrade for base C6s?


    I can get pictures in a week or so when I am back home.

  2. I have had one of those Eastwood media blasting cabinets for about 20 years. I have an inline desiccant dryer at the compressor and one at the box where the line goes in. The cabinet is big enough to hold 4 wheels so not massive, but not tiny. typically with blasting you aren't running a lot of pressure, over 30 and the sand starts to eat the nozzle really quickly, so clumping is something you have to stay ahead of. I haven't had a lot of clogs with it, and most of it due to humidity in the cabinet itself. I put one of the dryers at the box because the compressor is installed in the back of attached garage but we frequently rolled the cabinet outside to do blasting (it's very messy) and the line was getting condensation buildup.


    I can't speak for painting with that compressor, but I have one installed on my airbrush compressor and never had an issue. For a bigger setup you'll need a Filter and a Dryer either in a combo unit or seperate in tandem.


    With bigger tanks, I have been told the secret is draining them frequently. on the 60 gallon compressor, when I was using it regularly I used to drain before each use and was pulling 1/2 cup of water out the bottom.


    "inline desiccant dryer at the compressor"


    My understanding is that moisture is captured/formulated by cooling the compressed air. If your dryer is right off of your compressor than a setup similiar to the one pictured above with a simliar dryer at the end would do a better job and work for my needs. I have no desire to paint cars, but do have some wheels I would like to refinish.


    I could also build in a coil like the one shown below that I could be submerged in an ice bucket for things that I really don't want water in (painting).



  3. I am starting to get my garage setup with a full run of tools. I have a 33 gallon 110v air compressor and would like to do some media blasting and basic painting, which means I will need an air dryer setup.


    Any good/innovative proven DIY setups that would cause me to not reinvent the wheel?


    Best idea I have seen so far is the copper tubing and and down the wall with some 'drip legs' and then a basic in line air dryer.


    Any other ideas?



  4. Also, does the anti-gun crowds complete misunderstanding of guns really bother anyone else? It may be knit-picky, but I legitmately heard the argument the other day that "handguns are fine, but we need to ban automatics and semi-automatics". You would think if someone was so passioate about something they would educate themself on the specifics.
  5. I'm a second amendment guy, but isn't the gun show 'loophole' just a private transaction between to people at a gun show? Similiar to a gunbroker deal?


    Gun show or not, an FFL cannot sell (legally) without a background check.


    If so, that Crowder video is misleading.

  6. "A black man is three times more likely to be searched at a traffic stop, and six times more likely to go jail than a white person. Blacks make up nearly 40 percent of arrests for violent crimes. On the New Jersey Turnpike, for instance, blacks make up 15 percent of drivers, more than 40 percent of stops and 73 percent of arrests – even though they break traffic laws at the same rate as whites. In New York City, blacks and Hispanics were three and four times as likely to be stopped and frisked as whites.




    I'll just leave this here...

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