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Posts posted by C-Mart

  1. The vibe you give off is that you are well read, but have one of the most extreme cases of confirmation bias that I have ever come across.


    I love when my views change because it means that I am learning something new and find it incredibly boring talking/debating people who I agree with. Having conversations with people you disagree with is a two way street and you need a lot of work on your road.

  2. The vibe you give off is that you are well read, but have one of the most extreme cases of confirmation bias that I have ever come across.


    I love when my views change because it means that I am learning something new and find it incredibly boring talking/debating people who I agree with. Having conversations with people you disagree with is a two way street and you need a lot of work on your road.

  3. I almost bought a 4 post, but really dislike not being able to do suspension/wheel work.


    Also, my car was designed to drop the motor out from the bottom and I don't think all 4 posts would work for that.

  4. So I figured out what I am going to do.


    Picked up a 10k bendpac for a steal and going to weld on lateral supports like the image on the bottom. Peace of mind.


    Wider than I was hoping, so I need to play tetris with it so I can still park two cars, but overall very happy with it.





  5. So it looks like my three options are a two post, four post, and small/portable unit - all have their pros/cons.


    4 post is nice because I have more confidence storing a car up top, but bad because it is harder to do work, especially suspension/wheel stuff.


    2 post scares me in a residential unit because the concrete thickness is is at the lower range of what they recommend.


    Portible units are nice for small jobs, but obviously no storing of other cars.


    I think I have decided on a 2 post, but am curious about an idea.


    Has anyone made steel plate base extenders that would widen the footprint? I think this would give me peace of mind on the 2 post and tilt the scale for me choosing that. Does anyone see flaws in this idea?

  6. So my new house has a 13-14 foot garage with 10 foot rafters and a ~8 foot garage door.


    How hard is it to raise the current garage door to get closer to the rafters?


    Reason being, I am installing a ~12 foot 2 post lift around the 10 foot rafters and would like the extra room to raise the vehicle if the door is open.


    Buying a taller track and raising the motor is easy enough, but I don't know enough about the spring.





  7. Its a reallllly easy formula these days.


    Maybe not 7.99- but you can throw some BS together and run high-mid 8s literally all day, every day, with some bullshit forma junkyard. If you consider what was "fast" even 5 years ago, this is really nuts.


    Any good formulas for aluminum blocks?

  8. The only explanation for Obamacare is that he and Congress are really stupid enough to have thought it would have worked or they tried to crash healthcare to pave the way for single payer. The people who worked in healthcare, myself included saw the consequences coming a mile away.


    GTO - you defending Obamacare is my last straw. I can now happily avoid reading every letter you type because you have proven to be the progressive cuck king.

  9. As someone who used to work in healthcare professionally, I can tell you the whole system is flawed from the hospitals to the insurance companies.


    From regulations that do not let the insurance companies compete to $50+ Tylenol being handed out like candy at hospitals.


    Every time we let someone else pay our bills those bills get very expensive. The same thing happened to college when loans were so readily available. It's like P.J. O'Rourke said - “If you think health care is expensive now, wait until you see what it costs when it's free."

  10. Everything is for sale at the right price.


    Unfortunately, what I would want out of the car is probably more than most are willing to pay. Either way, it would be best for everyone for me to finish it then explore other options.

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