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Everything posted by Major_golf

  1. The wife and I had a blast today. We will be going again next year
  2. Nick will the old farm truck be there
  3. You need at least another 15 mph still
  4. Me and the wife will be going what time do we meet at starbucks
  5. Let me say it again it looks really good in person
  6. Already sent will send again
  7. What does towing have to do with work Btw I'm fairly sure you should bring that slow car to the november track day and get drug Dow the strip
  8. Hay I could drag you to the track
  9. Just let me know when you want to be drug around
  10. Don't need it I'm just dragging shit
  11. For real paul I was hoping you would be my second customer
  12. I'll drag your slow shit round 270 any time 71 no problem up or down easy peasy 20 per roll 50 per dig Prices subject to change for modifications
  13. Settle down old man I'm all jacked up on Mt.dew Do you need a hug?
  14. I'm going to make over to hd
  15. At home No chance of DUI and lot cheaper
  16. No problem doc I'm always down for helping out Btw I left my coffee cup at the club house is there any way you could bring that out with you to night if you come out Preferably full of that magical liquid you call coffee but I call heaven in a cup. Jk
  17. Wtb good running Audi Jones I'll gib ya 1200 cash
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