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Everything posted by Major_golf

  1. Not sure if srs If so Jp has one for sell http://clevelandracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=19009
  2. I will not sign a waiver Mom says that's cool. Wants to know if you can stretch them out so they fit better when she gets them back
  3. Drive it all you want but if you break it you fix it. To beat my fastest time you better bring a rear end with you Btw my mom said she needs her underware back
  4. " I fucking no this " followed by "who has the money" phil~ a race is a race pay up
  5. Wait didn't you tell that kid with the stang and I quote " don't race in the parking lot do it on 270 where it's actually legal " you lied to that poor kid.
  6. With the current gearing high way speeds are fairly loud 3000 rpm at 70 mph
  7. What have you broke in the supra
  8. Shut it jones before I shit on the hood of you Audi
  9. U pick it on refugee rd has alot of those right now
  10. +1 those motors usually start having problems around 140k so you have lucked out so far
  11. As stated you pulled a car on it completely untuned and if I'm not mistaken at that time it may have weighed mor than you with Matt and derick in it Now that I think about it that's funny you pulled 1 car on a car that has half the hp's and weighs the same Your absolutely right pual great job on that kill All hail pual the king of special olympics racing
  12. My car is quite H pipe to glass packs ftw Where did you hear it at
  13. On a serious note pull up your man pants fix that piece of shit neon turn your boost all the way up. That way when I smash your dick in the dirt you have no excuses My car only weighs 500 pounds less than yours. makes less than half the horse power Why are you so scared to put this thing back together and race me I don't wanna hear this bullshit of I beat that car already. Congratulations pussy cakes it had been together less than a month on a un tuned carb
  14. Depends you trying to race? If so 15.5 :gabe:
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