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Everything posted by Major_golf

  1. Dumb people are dumb How much you gonna put on the table
  2. With the current gearing it will top out befor the mile way before
  3. I won't sell them back to you
  4. I bought the clubs I will sell them for $150 if it will make you feel better aaron
  5. Go eat more food shreck
  6. What did I tell you last week I don't play untill it gets late when you leave at 11:00 I ain't doin shit Being your shit to the track day. The price of the entry fee says I smash your dick in the dirt
  7. The day you raced Sean in the colt I left my car in 5th gear and was realing the both of you in Face facts 15 second gti is slower than than my car and you make more hp
  8. Really Aaron Really Pro tip When upset about something take the time eat somthing before posting And btw I would have sold them too Carry on shreck donkey is waiting for you he's making waffels
  9. The second gen is about 400lbs heavier I have a best of 13 flat at 100mph Turbo rust - derick High 12's at 109
  10. Yes they are substantially lighter completely stock motor 12.9 e/t
  11. She said he was quite the nut job a few years back
  12. Here is one of the wolfs my mom purchased from this guy http://i821.photobucket.com/albums/zz136/Paynechris87/3000d557.jpg
  13. Shit like this really pisses me off Comment on yahoo Having a hard time feeling sympathy here. Do it on the highway, it is illegal, do in on a track it is a sport. Sorry, I feel sorry that his wife and kids were left alone by a selfish man who cared more about his adrenaline rush than he did about his family. Sorry about the fan that didn't get whatever it was he was trying to win - whatever, it must have been important since the writer felt the need to mention it. But if we are going to feel sorry for someone who died a senseless death due to extreme driving speeds, how about we feel sorry for an innocent person who is killed by some @#$% going over the speed limit - not some egomaniac who was speeding himself.
  14. It helps if you take your foot all the way off the clutch
  15. I like to start by going to the store buying a 12 pack of my choice the go back home cary my beer down stairs and tell some one to rack em up
  16. + 1 more awesome job on my hair today as well
  17. 99% of every thing is broadcasted through satellites
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