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Posts posted by BStowers023

  1. I'm pretty sure we took my wifes impala to them before Mardis Gras two years ago. Super friendly and decent price even with the last minute call


    Good to hear. Daewon the owner is super nice and very knowledgeable. A few guys that worked for him and learned from him went out and started their own shop.

  2. They need to upgrade their defense before they become real Super Bowl contenders. That offense appears legit though.


    Their defense has some nice pieces. They were pretty young last year and they can continue to build now through the draft since their offense is pretty set. If the offense can stay on the field, it will also help the defense quite a bit. I think that's one of the most underrated aspects of football is how much the offense can help the defense by not going 3 and out consecutive + drives. Navy for example last year (college I know) had a really stout defense but their offense couldn't move the ball for shit so by the 2nd half the defense was so worn out they could barely stop anyone.

  3. Why..... Because Browns.


    I do hope they do better, but again, its the Browns. They have almost had good teams a few times. Then they start over with new coaches and new players.


    The new front office has revamped this team. Before they would replace a piece or two at a time and add some draft picks. The majority of the team was used to losing and had a losing mentality. This team will have an edge to it. Different culture, different team. I am not a Browns fan at all, actually I’ve hated them most of my life but it’s hard not to get at least a little excited to see this team. Browns fans deserve this more than anyone.

  4. They've got as much talent as any team in the NFL. Their defense was really solid last year already and they've added a ton of legit pieces to their offense. I don't think they will make the super bowl but a 10-12 win season is not a stretch by any means. This coming from a Bengals fan.
  5. I think it takes more than ideas to be president. It's an executive job, I like Andrew Yang as a person but other than being a nerd and having run a $6 million dollar company, I don't have any reason to believe he has what it takes to manage a multi trillion dollar budget and/or build a political consensus to get any of his ideas executed. But I suppose we'll see how the primary shakes out. Maybe he'll impress.


    I’m willing to give him a chance. I like different

  6. He's interesting. So far he's the only person talking about automation as a cause for unemployment that requires government intervention and solution. I'm not sure how he plans to pull of $1000 a month universal basic income, but my interest is piqued.


    Im indifferent about this as well but curious. My initial reaction was I don’t like it, but I need more information to determine my stance. If my net income is more than I make now, the country’s economy becomes better not just in the short term, but long term as well I could probably get behind this. I just need to research more on it or hear more info on it to determine that. He has very different views and ideas along with potentially real and feasible solutions for problems. He seems like at the moment the best candidate from the democrats but we will see as time goes on.

  7. Anyone here like Andrew Yang? A lot of the stuff he says about Tech I believe is hard to argue with.


    He's very unique. He has a lot of ideas that haven't really been presented yet, at least not that I've seen.


    I really like the idea he had on eliminating lobbyists and giving everyone who can legally vote $100 "democracy dollars" to give X amount to whatever candidate's campaign they choose so the people can dictate the candidates power and not corporations (as much at least).


    The democrats can go one of two ways with this direction. Present someone more center leaning to have a real fighting chance or go off the grid with a socialist and lose even more voters. The choice is easy to me but we will see.

  8. They mentioned the Transportation Bill this morning on NPR, complete with no front plate.


    I think this has a chance. There's a lot of other items that I'm sure the State government would want to see.



    I personally don't have a problem with the 10.7cent gas tax: it's a use-tax that will hopefully provide funding to infrastructure improvements. If you can't afford higher gas prices, get a more fuel-efficient car or take the bus/ride-sharing option.



    If they can’t afford $0.10/gas tax they probably can’t afford buying a more fuel efficient car. Columbus can’t even get plowing roads correctly, I guess we will see if this tax will actually improve anything.

  9. Might be able to file a claim. Not sure what can be done legally. Being in the construction industry myself, I know I don’t trust anyone without a good amount of credentials and backing by people I know. Seems like a shitty situation. I’d tell your friend to talk to a lawyer before anything at this point. The sooner the better
  10. Absolutely correct, teachers in schools teach about white priveledge and attempt to teach about racism in America. What they teach is the same rhetoric I see here, how white people are racist to other ethnicities, forgetting about black racism towards Asians, Asian towards blacks, Muslims to Jews and blacks towards whites. Liberals seem to forget that point, again the ignorance factor.


    These agendas are dangerous, and the people who believe them even more so. These people don’t want the truth, they thrive on this controversy, and let you know you are wrong, because they or something they read says so.


    Don’t forget to throw in how stupid you are, how smart they think they are, and something about them performing sexual assault on your mother while wondering how on earth would somebody threaten them and their family. Pompous ignorance at its best.


    Not all but a lot of liberals believe in absolutes in regards to social issues. It’s a slippery slope and we’re seeing it become steeper everyday.

  11. I hate to say the victim agenda is very real and has infected our society. I had to deal with this week in the racing industry and it's very sad.


    There is no place in this world for hating someone based on their race. I've distanced myself from a few people within the industry that push stereotypes on social media, I don't need to be around people like that.


    The current political climate has only made it worse with all the "news" that gets thrown around these days and what you're supposed to be outraged about this week. The whole Brett Kavanaugh shitshow demonstrates how far people are willing to go to push the agenda of one group over the truth.


    The media and some of society has put a currency on being a victim. It’s a problem

  12. Progressive politicians gave you the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act, GI Bill, Social Security Disability Insurance extension to military members, and Retired pay for U.S. Armed Forces among other things.


    Why are you so bad at history? Actually why are you so bad at current events too? As recently as 2008 Senator McCain and other Conservative politicians lobbied for limiting and reducing veterans rights.


    here is a book review for a book I think you should read:



    And democrats started the KKK but I’m sure you won’t acknowledge that

  13. My first vehicle was a 1993 Jeep Grand Cherokee which was a nice SUV at the time for a 16 year old but the 10mpg's or whatever it was got old VERY quickly.


    I wouldn't buy a Wrangler for a first vehicle. They aren't very easy to drive and tip fairly easy.

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