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Posts posted by BStowers023

  1. With KJ Hill coming back, we will be stacked again at receiver.


    Dobbins will be back. He had a good year but a bit of a sophomore slump to the standard he set his freshmen year. I expect him to be better next year and Master Teague might be better than Weber. Similar running style but Teague is more of a bruiser.


    I can’t imagine our defense doesn’t get better. Unfortunately Borland will be back but I think he was playing at least slightly injured all season. No way he is actually that damn slow but maybe.


    A lot of positive energy going into next year. Pretty pumped

  2. Ryan Day making a huge splash already


    Immediately gets a 5 star QB transfer

    Gets a highly touted OC from Oklahoma State

    Gets 2 solid defensive coaches from Rival Michigan to come here and coach, leaving Harbaugh and their stupid fans wondering if they'll ever be good again

    Keeps current recruiting prospects

  3. OK, let's try this then. Two pages ago you said you didn't agree with the shutdown. This is good, because it means (hopefully) that you realize (unlike Trump) that we don't actually "save" any money during a shutdown -- it's just flushing taxpayer money down the drain.


    But worse, "billionaire" Trump has shut down the government because he wants to spend more taxpayer money than congress will let him.



    I don't get it, this should be an issue that we can agree on, but you're still making snarky comments, trying to catch us in some kind of liberal hypocrisy (I saw your post before you edited it), and making "orange man bad" jokes. Why can't we call a spade a spade on this one?


    I think both the left and the right are hypocrits in regards to the shutdown.



    Take the guns!!! tHe PoLiCe WiLl PrOtEcT uS

  4. He said liberal not libertarian.


    What issues are you talking about?


    I seem to see more liberals advocating for open borders than libertarians. Liberals also flip their views on subjects constantly so it’s hard to keep up with them. Essentially whatever Trump is for, they’re against regardless of what their views were prior to his Presidency. Libertarians seem to be more bipartisan than liberals though.

  5. From my experience buying at a local retailer runs about the same as online. Unless you know someone who can get it at wholesale you’re paying about the same. I’d be curious as well if there are sites I haven’t come across though
  6. Have you seen the first pitch perfect movie? No? Then who are you to talk.


    I loved the first MIB movie and the second one had enough jokes to keep it interesting, but not even the Mets and Andy Warhol could save the third one from how campy/corney it was.


    Still unless Brandon is putting in some after hours time at Axis or Southbend I highly doubt he is running into any people "getting offended" at the title "men in black" because it's not gender inclusive.


    Were you there? If the answer is no then fuck off fat boy

  7. Bigger game on paper today than in reality. I expect a double digit victory but if UCLA plays better than they have and we shoot cold like we have been in the first half of some games it could be closer than we want it.


    UCLA coming off a blowout loss to Cincinnati, a team we beat. Transitive property doesn’t mean much but we are certainly the better team we just have to prove it. A win today I think locks us a spot in the tourney assuming we go at least .500 in B1G play

  8. No, no... you're defending Trump, YOU get to tell me why he made a decision that undermines his defense advisor so much he quit.


    Clearly a stupid political and strategic move. CHANGE MY MIND, Trumper.


    You voted for him, not me. It really has nothing to do with Trump and everything to do with pulling our troops out of a situation we have no business being in.


    You think we should keep troops in harms way for what reason exactly? I’m asking you directly.




    Nice "I-know-you-are-but-what-am-I" answer, junior.


    Says the guy who started making assumptions based on nothing and was immediately proven wrong.



    Where's the winning economy? (Stock market, trade deficit...)

    Where's the country rallying around him?

    Where's the international respect?

    Where's your precious wall?


    I keep getting raises and everyone I know seems to be doing just fine. Economy seems fine to me. Are you assuming a crash is coming or something. We already know you’re bad at assumptions so it would make sense.


    I guess if all you do is watch CNN and MSNBC or read the Washington Post then yeah, I guess it does seem like nobody is behind him. You’ve been lied to. Congrats on falling for the narrative against Trump by the shitty media.


    What international respect are you referring to that we aren’t getting? Because Trump doesn’t bend over backwards for other countries like bitch boy Obama he isn’t respected? And if he isn’t, who fucking cares! They rely on us, we don’t rely on them. It’s more important they have our respect, not the other way around.


    Insults aside, my eyes are open to the world around us everyday, and I want to know how you're measuring his success as the best President ever.


    What’s going so poorly that has your eyes wide open? Liberals crying and complaining about a new “flavor of the day” issue? I think Trump is doing fine. Is he perfect? God no. He’s very rough around the edges, obviously but he’s not a political puppet like we’ve had.


    I measure his success by


    Staying out of unnecessary wars

    Putting America first

    Creating a new, effective healthcare plan

    Job creation

    National defense

  9. Wrong. America is the best, and it should always be getting better. I don't need to go anywhere, and you're a close-minded moron for suggesting otherwise.


    I think it is getting better outside of the unrest from the left complaining about being victims.




    Amazon and Google. You answered my question with a stupid sarcastic comment that wasn't at all funny. You suck.


    Good one!



    I didn't know that was part of any strategy for success in working with Syria. Given that Mattis quit the day after Trump announced the pull-out (something your mom should've done), I'm going to side with the SECRETARY OF DEFENSE, and not Trump, on whether that was the right move.


    Looks to me like a bitch move made by a guy who's used to quitting and selling the world on it coming from a place of wisdom. You and Trump share a lot in common, Brandon.


    K. Give me some good reasons why we are in Syria?



    Wouldn't even waste the time. If you and I have met in person, you're very forgettable. Your responses show a lack of intellect and understanding. Perspective is reality in this world, and you are lacking.



    We haven't and don't worry I feel the same about you. I also think you're a huge pussy. I'm sure I've been more places and seen more things than you. I am not the one lacking perspective. Maybe look in the mirror, little boy.



    Trump is my President. I voted for the guy, and I hope the country gets better under his term. However, the moves this guy makes wouldn't win in a game of checkers, let alone chess. He was the "anti-Hillary" choice, but it's stunning how low he's gotten.


    You can disagree, but every possible scoreboard keeping track of this guy shows a loss aside from his popularity with the FoxNews faithful.


    Trump is the best President I've had in my lifetime. He's far better than Bush and Obama and he's at least on par with Clinton but I like Trump more. Those 2 wrecked the country. But yeah, let's hear about how horrible Trump is because he's not a PC puppet like you want.

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