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Everything posted by The_buster

  1. couldnt figure out how to embed...
  2. Lakewood had a girl on the 7-8th grade football team. when she got into high-school the coach wouldn't let her play.
  3. heres my two junk hondas... new car to come next week... first the hatch-burnt 5qts of oil in two weeks. http://sphotos-a.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-snc7/599620_10100591358934242_1824068532_n.jpg then traded for this coupe... http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/58847_10100591359103902_16687635_n.jpg http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/69125_10100591359178752_51745087_n.jpg
  4. this is cool. wish i had 1/4 of the knowledge to do this!
  5. Thank you for that it was really helpful.
  6. Not looking for shiny new. We just need a bigger car for both more storage area and mostly seatroom for the bigger side of carseats. Will carlots let you "test fit" carseats? Would prefer something with 4wd/awd its going to be the wifes car and she has lucked out and not had to drive in snow much if at all, and yes she knows it just helps you go a little better and not stop faster. The random cars I post here are ones she sees on the road and looks on CL and run in our price range. The 7k is what we can spend if there is a really good deal on something with low miles. She's looking around the 5k range.
  7. Were getting around 4k at tax time and using 3 of the 5k student loan. She doesn't like crv's. Says they're too tall.
  8. So he won because of a faster reaction time? I've never drag raced so I don't know how this works out sorry.
  9. Saw a focus wagon she likes those and the mazda 6 wagons. Also how are dodge calibers and pt cruisers?
  10. Ok. Thanks for the input.
  11. She's not fixed because we were told that because of her small size she might not make it through the operation.
  12. I'm just curious why now though? She's done the same thing to the kid so many times let alone walks under our feet all the time. She's not fixed could she be in heat and just irritable more easily?
  13. Forrest I think my dog would be a chew toy for his dogs. Mine weighs about 6-8lbs
  14. So the other day our three year old was playing with our dog, 5yo min dachshund/brussles griffin thing, the dog ran in front of her and tripped her she fell on the dog who then bit her across her chin/ upper throat. She's never done this before always good with people, did snap at her a few days before this. Any ideas why it happened? The dogs always running under her feet its how the have played for almost a year now just chasing each other. Really don't want to get rid of the dog, our kid was upset more for the wife yelling at the dog than getting bit. She said "don't yell at her she's only little". Lol
  15. I was looking for r32's and up but couldn't find any on ebay.
  16. what about skylines? found a 1975 on ebay only one on there that I could find. http://motors.shop.ebay.com/i.html?_nkw=skyline&_sacat=6371&_sop=7&LH_Price=..30%2C000%40c&_dmpt=US_Cars_Trucks&_odkw=nissan+skyline&_osacat=6371&bkBtn=&_trksid=p4506.m270.l1313
  17. So I decided to be productive on my day off and mow the grass.. ended up finding a yellow jacket nest near a stump I've mowed around all summer.. never showed up till now. Well I ended up getting stung 8 times, one got under my shirt and another under my hat. How can I get rid of them, the stump is about 5 feet from the front door.
  18. the guy that tore down my motor deleted the pics from his phone, but the plugs were covered in carbon/oil and the plug wells were cracked, valves were burnt and cylinder walls gouged.
  19. when i get them ill post pics of the civics motor that was burning 5qts of oil in 2 weeks...
  20. In highschool we had a band director from OSU and one that was from OU, who took over after the OSU one retired, after marching both styles I can also attest to the difficulty of making designs. We did a Moulin Rouge show and we made a windmill that was supposed to turn, hard as hell.
  21. got a short list of cars shes interested in: subaru forester/outback, mazda 5 or 3 hatch, toyota matrix, pontiac vibe, and the mitsubishi outlander. any one have any yay or nays about these?
  22. so do they install cameras in cars in other countries just for this reason? seems like alot of cars have them recording even when just parked.
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