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Everything posted by Rocky31186

  1. For those that care the bird is gone. Saw it flying outside my fence.
  2. Note to self. I'm sunburnt. I didn't realize I was baking in the sun.
  3. Great car show.. Lots of cars. A few of us won awards. Here are a couple photo's I took. Didnt take many. Yes... I was just as amazed of this.. :dumb: http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/coughlin.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/coughlin2.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/coughlin3.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/coughlin4.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/coughlin5.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/coughlin8.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/coughlin6.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/coughlin7.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/coughlin9.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/coughlin10.jpg
  4. If you need help lifting it let me know, I'm also right down the street.. I've been looking to rent one of their trucks to haul bags of mulch...
  5. At the car show at coughlin. Lots of cars
  6. Ill be going out there with a couple people..
  7. RT 62 BBQ is very pricey compared to city bbq. 12-15 servings is 80$ We looked into that for a get together we were having.. Now I would rather eat 62 bbq than city bbq.. Baked means are so faking good.. I eat the left over beans like chili. with crackers. 45-50 servings 50$ for each side Cheesy Potatoes • Baked Beans • Potato Salad • Slaw • Spicy Southern Greens • Skillet Corn • Macaroni Salad • Broccoli Salad • Fresh Cut Fries
  8. The baby was hanging out on my fence earlier.. The dogs flew out the door when I opened it. They went to the bathroom then got on the smell trail. My younger boxer couldnt locate the smell, she was just looking around like WTF. And it was right behind her. She went over to it a couple times to smell it and left it alone. One of the parents came flying over screaming so I got the dogs in. Then she jumped on the fence and fed the baby. I was not ready with the camera, so picture came out like shit. http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/june2012.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/june20123.jpg
  9. Thank you for the info. I've been keeping an eye on it.. and Im almost sure once I put it back in the nest it will jump back out thinking "That was fun!". When its raining, normally the birds are hiding. Today they are all out on my fence and around the baby. So I'm thinking it will lean how to fly soon and be gone.
  10. That was almost what I looked like when I was using the stick yah, I can only imagine the video outcome.. The bird is still in the yard, hes in the corner now.. It seems the other birds are finding worms for it on this rainy day..
  11. I mean, hes really close to being able to fly. Ill check tomorrow and see whats going on. I dont want to mess with it, if I dont have to..
  12. No the nest is 3.5' off the ground, he didnt fall he flew and crash landed. He is not hurt as he was walking fine (drunk walking) and tried to fly. But only made it a couple feet.
  13. Did some google searching and they said to pick it up and put it in the nest in a towel / gloves.. EDIT, well I take that back. Its says not to.. "Never disturb a baby robin! The parents will come back" "If a young bird looks fully feathered, it may have fledged early and simply have been over-eager to leave home! The parents will hear its distress calls, and bring it food until it can fly."
  14. It does sound like a pussy thread.. but I dont fuck with birds.
  15. Mine dont normally pay attention to birds.. but when I took them out on the leash they instantly caught on to the smell of the bird in the grass and were on track going strait toward it. There is one cat that walks the streets, but I've never had ANY animals in my yard. Ill check in the AM and see whats going on.. Hopefully its gone.
  16. If I do it at any time during the day it will be at night. LOL when all of them are sleeping. I can picture the youtube video.. Helmet, gloves, leather motorcycle jacket, bat. Sadly Im not afraid of alot of stuff, but birds sometimes freak me out.
  17. Should I just keep leaving my dogs on the leash until it goes away?
  18. LOL, I've seen people get attacked by birds. And animals.. This may make a good Youtube video..
  19. This is mom thats fucking pissed http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/bird2.jpg http://i477.photobucket.com/albums/rr133/probin007/maybird.jpg
  20. After earlier with the 4' stick, I know they're all sleeping right now but if that fucker makes that noise im gonna get fucked up
  21. As some have seen my pictures I've been trying to catch this birds life from egg to flying.. Well today I was by the tree playing with the dogs, when all of the sudden it leaps out of the tree and tries to fly.. It went 3' before hitting the ground.. And just sat there. I got the boxers inside so they wouldn't eat it, as Mom and Dad birds were fuckin PISSED.. Screaming and shit. The baby just sat there. I got my camera and took some zoomed in pictures of him. I left him alone for a couple hours thinking he would try to fly again, or mom would help him back in the nest. I come out later after dinner and check, hes in the corner of the fence lost. So I got a stick and edged him to the tree. Right by the tree he made this horrific fuckin noise. And 10 birds came flying out of no where to attack me. I pretty much ran for my life. They were PISSED. So I left him alone, put my dogs on leash and let them go to the bathroom on the other side of the yard. I come back out 3 hours later and the bird is in the same spot (sleeping now) but it looks like mom and dad dont care about it anymore.. but theres no way it will be able to clear my 6' fence.. What should I do? I dont want to let my dogs kill it, as thats the LAST thing I need is medical bills for my dogs getting hurt somehow. Should I put gloves on, pick it up and put it in the nest? Will it flip out on me at night while its sleeping? Please dont say BB gun or to harm it.. Maybe when I was 15, but im not a teenager anymore.
  22. The Dakotas are pretty solid trucks. I don't know much about the v6 as I've only worked on the v8 4x4.
  23. Happend to my buddy.. Someone in califonia opened a cable account in his name.. Had cable for over a year without paying. He went to close on his house and they put a hold on everything and told him he had to pay 1000's of dollars.. I know he first filed a police report. He said it took him about a month to get everything fixed. He had the address to CA where the cable was going.. WE thought about paying a visit.
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