I parked downtown to take some photos one night. Meter had 30 min on it from previous car. So I walked to the bridge, took my photos, and came back to a ticket on my car. Had 10 minutes left, I was pissed. Opened it up, expired meter. WTF. I find the cop handing out tickets and ask her wtf I got a ticket for expired meter?? She said actually it was for no front plate. I said ok? So you made a mistake writing the ticket, I will see you in court when I go to fight it. She took the ticket and put it in her pile of other tickets to be canceled.
She said as long as you put the front plate in the windshield when you park, they don't care. But when they have to go to the rear of the vehicle to read the plate is when they ticket.
I don't run front plates on my wife's or my jeep. No holes drilled, not drilling them. I'll take the punishment for it.