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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. Counting on you to do everything you can to help "us" (god it feels strange saying that) out in Wisconsin on Tuesday, ol Kirk ol Buddy ol Pal . http://www.jsonline.com/news/opinion/only-john-kasich-can-beat-hillary-clinton-this-fall-b99697922z1--374145721.html
  2. This Election had me seriously worried I wouldn't be able to bring myself to cast a vote. That bothered me, alot. Im not worried anymore. It's clear as day Kasich is the best man for the job. I can sleep easy now . Again, Kasich just nails it at 9:05. I love this guy "I mean thats a Crazy thing to think about, who can actually run the Country?". This. Clinton or Trump are a fucking horrid choice for the Country as a whole. So many people are missing out on the bigger picture. Kasich "gets it".
  3. First off, no trolling, no bullshit. Im being serious. Secondly, despite my Registered Democrat status, I simply do not like nor trust Hillary Clinton to run this Country. Im terrified of Donald Trump. Honestly I was debating not voting. I never been in a situation where I couldn't 100% get behind the front-runner of a Party. Almost every last time that person is a Democrat. Big surprise, I don't follow Republican politics much (Evil, Republicans are Evil :gabe:). However, in years past, I can specifically recall several of my staunch liberal buddies commenting on how they really couldn't bring themselves to hate on Kasich, given what he's done for the State of Ohio. And honestly, I have to admit, it's been pretty good times for our State with him in office. Up until a few days back I didn't really like nor hate the guy, shit I didn't really know much about him. I just knew that the State of Ohio (which for some strange reason I deeply love) is doing pretty damn good with him in charge. Then, two days ago I randomly happened upon his Queens Town Hall Broadcast, and figured what the the hell, I'll hear what he has to say (I gave him about two minutes, because evil, all republicans are evil :gabe: ). Enough of that. I don't do Republican politics, I hate those guys. Channel Changed The more I thought about what I heard in those two minutes the more I thought about giving him another chance. It wasn't necessarily that I agreed with what he was saying (I didn't listen too much), but more the way he was saying it. Something about his tone and demeanor put me at ease. So I went back and watched the first 7 minutes of the town hall: Mind = Blown. Holy Shit does this guy deserve to be the next President. While not attacking Trump directly, and clearly stuttering while speaking off script, he manged to make me realize why exactly I hated Trump: Trump keeps attacking our Country as though its fatally flawed, as though things are so bad off that we, the people, are about to abandon ship and move. Yes, things may get dicey from Administration to Administration. But Jesus Christ, when the hell did our Country not become "Great"? When did this country Ever not become a Great place to live? "Where would you like to live if you didn't live here?" Fucking nailed it. Yeah, I didn't like Bush ( I hate Dick Cheney), but never once during their Administration did I even remotely question the integrity of our Country. Sold. I let out a sigh of relief (seriously, Clinton or Trump as President gives me nightmares). Then felt compelled to do something I've never done before; I felt compelled to donate to a Presidential Campaign, a Republican Presidential Campaign. It's no secret CR leans just a "tad" to the right. Guize (I think im one of you now :no:), you want a Republican back in office? *90% of C.R. nods up and down with a twinkle in their eye* get your ass behind Kasich. There are more where I come from, trust me. You're never going to get us with Trump. Ever. In 7 minutes Kasich got me, a fairly liberal registered-Democrat to not only back him but make a god damn donation to his Campaign. He will win this Election if he gets the Nomination. :thumbup:
  4. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/picture.php?albumid=867&pictureid=8401
  5. Either way we're seriously fucked.
  6. Hilliard LOL. Mill Run is where its at Westsyyyyde. Welcome to C.R.
  7. Dear Grant: Please Refer to Lesson #1 to avoid embarrassing yourself, again, in the Future. http://www.columbusracing.com/forums/showthread.php?t=124131
  8. I fully understand your attitude, which is why I really wasn't that upset with your earlier comment. And yes, I have one of those 3. Even then i'd rather not go down the SS route. Personally, I want more for myself then that. And despite widespread misconception life isn't all that fun when your "unemployed".
  9. So how come about age 25 I got letter in the Mail stating that I had put enough $ into Social Security such that I was Eligible for benefits?
  10. This is true, but you still have to work your ass off in order to be eligible. Working my ass off: Check.
  11. I have a disability. Im losing the ability to walk. Im not bitch-made though (unlike some people), Im not going to sit around and withering away while waiting on a check for the rest of my life. Fucking CR. "Oh, he's not working, he must love not working, he's a lazy hand-out sucking bum, I got it all figured out because Im the absolute smartest guy that was ever born" http://i.imgur.com/xG5Rnxc.png
  12. BTW, Kirk, The thread was never really about Trump
  13. It's the strongest part of the amendment only if you have the balls to follow the first. It's a weakness. A foe might someday say "hey, all these guys ever talk about is us infringing on their guns, but they seem to have forgot all about organizing Militias and using said guns to the Secure the Freedom of State, are these guys really that big of a threat?" If I was a gun owner fighting gun ban legislation I would Organize a Militia. To send a Message more then anything.
  14. I love how people assume that simply because one isn't working they have never paid a dime on taxes. Paid taxes for since I was 14. I could claim SS right now but I don't . I like to work, thank you. Be CR, Judge someone on 2 posts out of 50000000 :dumb:
  15. Mark Twain and his "Patriots" need serious professional help.
  16. http://www.pbs.org/wgbh/frontline/film/united-states-of-secrets/ Watch the entire thing.
  17. Free Health Care :gabe: Seriously though, felt like I was a prisoner in my own country. Dick Cheyney and John Ashcroft gave me the willies. ol Bushy? Poor dude actually wasn't half bad.
  18. But them Bush years, man-alive we had it good then, right? :dumb: And im not upset, I never was. :gabe:
  19. When did I say I was anti-2A? You were spot-on about the whole deal, even came to the conclusion I was hoping. Except for one thing, I bash people who are over focusing on the the last four words of the 2A. I bash them because some day someone might use that weakness against them.
  20. Thread was really never about Trump. But yeah, go ahead and vote for him if you think he's the way. He's not going to win, or even get close. It's going to be interesting how the whole debacle fairs for the Republican Party though. This is going to be a first for this Country. And I don't like Hillary either, I couldn't stand to see her in the White House. She's a National Security Disaster. Sorry but Russia/ISIS/Arabs will give 0 fucks about anything a Women says. Kasich would be my pick to be honest.
  21. I don't even pay attention to the Media. I desperately want everyone to worry about the fact every last gun owner out there is seemingly obsessed with the last four words of the Second Amendment and only the last four words of the Second Amendment. Do I believe any of what I said has a real chance at starting a war? No. Do I think it's going to cause some controversy? yes. Do I believe 75% of gun owners have the potential to be easily (and I mean easily) Manipulated based on their knee-jerk reactions to Gun Control? Absolutely.
  22. Just for the record, I don't own a gun, I don't want to overthrow the Government. I've always took the 2A to mean something much more then just personal gun rights. Call me crazy.
  23. Our Country is more Fucked then I thought
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