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Everything posted by acklac7

  1. What do you define as "Last Minute". Days? Weeks?
  2. So I have, and I get the impression this dude knows his shit. Also he is one of the best Doctors I have ever met, just on all levels the guy seems to be top-notch. The only thing that concerns me is his lack of Seniority/Tenor (To be honest my Family is more concerned about that aspect them I am). Are Doctors/Surgeons ready to hit the ground running right out of MedSchool?
  3. Figured you would chime in. (At first was going to just send you a PM, but figured more people could benefit from a thread). I have horrible hammer toes along with high arches. I've had this condition since I can remember (early teens) with almost no noticeable issues. Then, starting about age 30 (4 years ago) began to have trouble with significant pain in the ball of my left foot. Long story short things rapidly progressed to the point where Im now having trouble walking which is leading to significant trouble with my left knee. I am currently scheduled for arthrodesis of hammertoes (my toes will be broken, then fused back together) a Jones Procedure (going to put a nail through my big toe, then relocate the attaching tendon) and last but least a strayer procedure to help relieve pressure on the balls of my feet. (Actually talked about having this done when I was 15, but declined because at that time I wasn't having any mobility issues like I am now) As it pertains to pain; I don't mention that word unless it is absolutely excruciating and I am in honest need of help / medication. Thanks for everyone's feedback, it's appreciated.
  4. I've always been one to stay far, far away from Surgery. Pretty much turn to it as a last resort. Unfortunately I have arrived at just such a Scenario. Questions for those who've had Surgery (any Surgery): Did you get a Second Opinion? If so did the second opinion differ? What was the final outcome? How old / Experienced was your Surgeon? A few other thoughts: My Surgeon, who is a downright awesome, accredited guy, is fresh out of Med School. That concerns me. Should it? Any/All Feedback welcome. Thanks Guize.
  5. This guy, listen to him - He's spent the whole morning helping me trouble shoot my AC (for the 2nd or 3rd time in 3 years). Not a better man can be found on all of Columbus Racing :thumbup:
  6. Great for a 1-car garage. Used it a couple dozen times over the past few years, never had the first issue. Although it says Kerosene on the side it's actually a multi-fuel unit. $85 http://i.imgur.com/D9Td62rl.jpg http://i.imgur.com/EngS7h4l.jpg http://i.imgur.com/afEoQ95l.jpg
  7. Not usually an NFL fan but fawk, these playoff games have been downright epic.
  8. I dont doubt it Just saying, for whatever reason AMG's scare me. Maybe its the fact every last one of them seems to cost almost six figures new. That said, it sounds like yours is one of the more reliable/reputable models: http://thegarage.jalopnik.com/this-mercedes-benz-e55-amg-is-a-smart-buy-because-its-s-1733450258 http://thegarage.jalopnik.com/you-can-buy-this-500-hp-amg-e-class-for-80-percent-off-1658117402
  9. Jet-Black, Limted-Release Avista GNX (Stick + Performance package): You wouldn't be able to keep them on the lot...
  10. I have absolutely no evidence or experience to justify my viewpoint, But the only thing that scares me more then a Mercedes Repair Bill is an AMG repair Bill. Something about those AMG's just screams "Im going to eat your wallet".
  11. And to clear up any confusion this post was directed towards Aaron's post, Not Smokey's (he snuck in and posted as I was replying)
  12. I cannot agree more. Chatbox can attest to my rants over 993 owners limp-dicking around town "driving Miss Daisy". Seriously, I don't think i've ever seen a 993 driven harder then my Grandmother drives her Oldmobile. Fucking Stoobid. Also, I didn't quite get the fact that Chris is a boss-level race car instructor. Makes me feel alot better. Which brings up the question: are those cars really that epic on the track? I know the power comes on strong up in the RPM band, which is a blast, but how well do they handle? Just dont seem to see them being tracked much, then again you don't seem to see them anymore period And where would you suggest looking for one? Like a clean, non-molested example - none of that wack ricer crap. They seem damn near impossible to find.
  13. Sorry, but that FD is one of the hottest cars i've ever seen on CR. The thought of it getting wrecked makes me want to :barf:
  14. ^^ Absolutely Gorgeous. Please, for the love of god, keep that gem away from the race track
  15. Back on topic, I would get Chromebooks or older Mac's. PC's can be a nightmare for small Business if you don't have every last security box checked, and even then... Edit: just caught where you already purchased a PC. Cross your T's and dot your i's when it comes to Security.
  16. I would stop right here before your smart Business decision becomes your worst Nightmare. Please don't take offense, but it's obvious your not up-to-speed on the threats facing Small Business's in today's online environment. Spend a solid 8-hours researching online-threats as it pertains to running a Small Business. (http://krebsonsecurity.com is a great start) Then ask yourself these questions: Who is going to be using these computers? Are they tech savvy? Are any financial transactions going to be taking place on the network? Are you, the Vice President, going to be interfacing with the network with any of your personal devices? do you use said devices to conduct financial transactions? There's a reason the salesman looked at you funny... http://krebsonsecurity.com/2012/10/the-scrap-value-of-a-hacked-pc-revisited/ http://krebsonsecurity.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/10/HackedPC2012-600x381.png
  17. Did you attempt any mods to address the issue, aside from swapping the rear end? Looks like some people are having luck with new Axles: http://www.cadillacforums.com/forums/2004-2007-cadillac-cts-v-performance/718210-2005-cts-v-wheel-hop.html
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