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Posts posted by mjrsplat

  1. Mrjsplat



    mrsplatalloverhisgayface still has my number one vote



  2. If you are in an argument and he agrees with you I would highly suggest jumping to the other side. Just think of Phil as a homing beacon for a nuclear missile on a boat made of popsicle sticks.


    I LOL'd at that. i may have found sig material.

  3. their identity theft protection is a joke. its all the same crap coverage no matter which bank you get it from (except chase) i used to be a retention agent for affinion group, theyre the ones who control the identity theft programs for wells fargo, 5/3rd, bank of america, and a bunch of others. i had the service free when i worked there, and still was unsatisfied with the benefits.
  4. man so many haters in here. glad nobody has a sense of humor. everyone on this forum can sit here and flame me all day and im just supposed to keep my mouth shut and take it? fuck that. sorry, thats not how i operate. if you want to ban me for having a voice, do it, i really dont give a fuck. just shows your character, not mine. i am who i am, if you guys really feel that stongly that i shouldnt be here, ban me.
  5. legal or not I wanna punch you little honda fags in the face when you blind my ass with your duct tape and zip tie bullshit headlights driving by me


    +1 just noticed he drives an integra. @op. ignore my previous post. buy the cheapest shit you can on ebay, put it together with zipties and bubble gum and be a ricer faggot. oh, and buy an ebay turbo and run it without a tune.

  6. stick with white, in a proper setup (projection housings, or a retrofit) the blues, purples, etc are rice. you cant see as well as white hid's and youll draw unnecessary attention (mainly from law enforcement). projector housings are important for good light spread and cutoff, so you dont blind other drivers, and you get the most usable light output.
  7. Be a redhead with a supra, atleast ill have a supra


    Would you rather get beat by a kia




    Get beat up by a racquetball player?


    Neither makes you look any better than the other.


    neither would happen. ;)

  8. i'll go with a.


    since im a redhead with a supra, im gonna go ahead and make this next post about a certain raquetball player who hits on everyone's baby mamas in a kia.


    would you rather


    play raquetball and drive a kia


    be redheaded and drive a supra

  9. i'll take the island with jones. i like audis.


    would you rather have your fingers, toes, arms and legs smashed with a ball peen hammer breaking all the bones 1 by 1 right outside the hospital, but you gotta crawl inside




    have someone drill holes in your kneecaps, elbows, teeth, shoulders, and fingertips trying to extract bone marrow in a garage filled with off duty paramedics in johnstown

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