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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-kOEB_YTsa24/TZ3Rv_IG6HI/AAAAAAAAMmQ/1GHEDkl0o4E/s1600/beatdown.gif
  2. I could have had it done by now if you didn't have my jack stands. Changing a clutch fork is a weekend project at best. I could have it fixed in 5 mins with an extended slave rod, but that's a bandaid fix and I'd rather not go that route.
  3. You won't get it finished. I'd put money on it.
  4. Sums it up. Idk shit about photography but this seemed the appropriate thread for a picture taken from a cell phone.
  5. A picture summarizing a few things I picked up today, shot with a samsung intercept. Idk how to rotate the photo without getting on the pc so deal with it.:gabe: http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/0b21a0a4.jpg
  6. Paging Chris. Hit up Major Payne about this, he may be interested.
  7. Duffgtp's Holiday dating guide. :fuckyeah: +1 Imaginary rep since I don't have rep powers.
  8. Clothes, cash, tools, badass homer Simpson slippers, random other shit. The kids made out like bandits as usual so plenty of toys to play with.
  9. To be fair at least eman has moved on from miatas.
  10. I have been under the weather, ill pick mine up sometime after the holiday.
  11. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ilMqUsa4Hbc&feature=related I'd rather do this.
  12. You let her pick out the ring? :dumb: http://images.cheezburger.com/completestore/2010/8/1/f2a7e10d-8087-44ea-ac6c-ebe60eac10c9.jpg
  13. Sorry if it's a repost, I searched first.
  14. Sorry if it's a repost, I searched. Watch the whole video.
  15. So you don't handle them much? I'm suprised they aren't all plucking.
  16. WOAH WOAH WOAH. You spelled bladder wrong.
  17. Inb4picsofringokid BRITISH CHAMPEEOOONNN!
  18. +1 Find a replacement even if you have to order it in from somewhere.
  19. What's the price on these? I know a couple people that are into exotic birds that would possibly be interested.
  20. This is what I was going to say. I've known him for a long time, he's the only person I use for plumbing issues.
  21. Brilliant! If I crash my car, I'm going to tell the cops the people driving around me are idiots. :gabe:
  22. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/fixedcopy.jpg I fixed the issue.
  23. Sandisk makes great mp3 players for the money, or you could always buy one of the cheap ipod knockoffs from microcenter.
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