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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. better than that westerville shit for sure.
  2. I'd be interested in the radar detector / amplifier if they are still available.
  3. Heat gun, baseball bat, jack. It's easy.
  4. should be a no brainer. loosen bolts, reclock, tighten. if the housings wont come off the center cartridge easily, use a rubber mallet to persuade them.
  5. Doesn't a member here have the plate "PIIHB"? I saw a car with it at one of the sawmill meets, IIRC pretty sure it was a fox body. I laughed pretty hard when I saw that plate.
  6. Hand built ariel atom inspired car... guy is from ohio, wonder if anyone knows who he is..
  7. pretty quick.. I'm assuming the bike speedo is km/h though?
  8. his power didnt go out, there was literally 3 ft of water that showed up in less than 10 mins. other people's situations may have been different. anyway, here's a couple pics of how it looks today. http://i53.tinypic.com/qz42tj.jpg http://i52.tinypic.com/npkqqu.jpg and before pics. http://i54.tinypic.com/5kmw7d.jpg http://i52.tinypic.com/2116kd2.jpg overall, I was suprised how quickly it was cleaned up, he was already almost done by the time I showed up to lend a hand.
  9. I gotcha buddy. I'm on the iPad, gimme a few.
  10. +1. idk what the weekend holds for me yet, we shall see.
  11. I got too many toys here, I'll hook you up.. Post up after pictures, your place looks great now..
  12. kevin if youre worried about marion, I can hand you another race in the rain. 20 bucks should get you there. Btw kevin, you should race kermit. I beat him from a roll, should be no problem for you.
  13. Your ignorance makes me giggle. I'm not actually mad. I sat there and explained my mods in person first of all. Second, im pretty sure you spoke in a previous thread when I first called you out that you looked thru my photo album.. I'm not mad I got waxed, we knew it would happen, I handed you a race.. Next time ill just throw you 20 bucks and save my gas lol.
  14. 1.5j? You obviously have the wrong car in mind. I'm still a 2.5l
  15. Nope not even a little mad, seems you assume shit. You have witnesses, I have witnesses, doesn't matter I know what I said, you know what you heard, apparently thats 2 different things. I'll try extra hard next time to make sure you fully understand the message I'm trying to convey. As far as my car goes, I told you all about it. A couple times. I'm sure if you didn't fail so hard at listening you would have known everything you needed to know. :dumb:
  16. 1. My story is straight, you need to learn to listen. 2. Unless you were sandbagging pretty hard when Chris beat you, you got no reason to get cocky little boy. 3. I know you're the Judgemental little punk bitch type, but I bet you don't hide in your car and run your mouth about me and my lady this weekend. 4. I did say i was going on with the race, everyone there knew I was going to sit and spin while you grab traction and go. It's just 20 bucks, I don't really care, you needed it more than I did.
  17. The car I raced was awd dumbass. :dumb:
  18. Let's not get into that. As soon as you said I need a passenger, I said I don't want to be on film. BECAUSE I dont want my business on the Internet. So you said the cam would stay off. I look over and there's a camera in my face. I get back and you said the video was for personal use, wouldn't end up on the Internet. The whole night was bullshit to begin with, you whined about wanting to go forward with the planned race because the roads were wet and you are awd. This is of course after I let you off the hook the previous weekend because you forgot to bring money. Matter of fact I remember asking if you brought money, then people saw your friend hand you money after I walked away. I could give a shit less how it all went down at this point, it is what it is. I can piss $20 but it shows what type of person you are.. Fwiw I already have a +10hp sticker on my car, youll see it when I get traction. EDIT: I also hear you begged Phil like a little bitch not to post the vid. :lolguy:
  19. Roads were wet, and I do know how to modulate throttle, I was still spinning. My rear tires are fine, they are 255's in the rear, plenty of rubber there. I said the car spun 2 nd 3 rd and 4 th I didn't say I ever hit full throttle.
  20. I heard that supra sat and spun thru 2nd, 3rd, and 4th. Also heard the run wouldn't be recorded. I even heard It wouldn't surface on cr or any local sites. Oh well, Not my problem.
  21. I'll keep that in mind next time. Next time you want us to watch your kids, It better not be raining. :gabe:
  22. Crazy stuff Chris. I felt bad that shit happened way too quick. Could have gottten worse I suppose, I really thought it was going to start coming in your back/side door into the kitchen. First vid shows the water flowing, (didn't think anything of it, given Chris had told me its common for his yard/driveway to flood out.) 2nd video is after chris shows up, we move electronics out of the basement, then Chris takes a swim in the street.. It was pretty intense, within 10 mins the water level raised by a couple feet. It was almost waist deep in the street. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/floodsville/th_0724111900.jpg http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/floodsville/th_0724111940.jpg EDIT: pics added. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/floodsville/beginning.jpg Right when things started getting bad. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/floodsville/bettermovethecar.jpg not even 5 mins later, moved the car just in time. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/floodsville/pushingcars.jpg neighbors pushing cars. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/floodsville/waistdeep.jpg Chris's swimming pool http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/floodsville/firetruck.jpg firetruck.
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