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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. Home depot on sawmill. I'm probably coming out Saturday.
  2. new title. "dig racers get trolled"
  3. why are you so offended by my corbeau's or my z wheels? It's not your car. :gabe: Change your tampon. :dumb:
  4. You are a complete fucking idiot. In the future when you want to try trolling, don't. Yes, you're really that bad at it. :fa:
  5. Honestly thought I was gonna win a nice shiny turd trophy.
  6. What do I win? too late. You've declared a winner. I want my trophy. :fuckyeah: My car couldn't lose enough weight to keep up with that thing. If he gave me 10 cars and the hit, I'd go from an 80 roll 80 to 100 :gabe:
  7. You can't grasp simple statements I've made? Trying to reuse insults I just threw at you? Yes clearly IM the dumb one. As I said before, put your protective gear on and go back to your bowl of lucky charms. :dumb:
  8. Again, you know nothing. Who are you to talk about janky and untuned when you were slapping shit from james' car onto your car just to get it to run and the tune was apparently way off. Yes my car idles rich, I'm not the greatest setting the idle on a standalone, I'll admit that, but it's far from "untuned" I have been doing nothing but tuning the car. As for my turbo, I have one oil seal that has a slight leak. It still boosts fine with no shaft play, so to say the turbo is blown is a little much. I have to replace a seal. By your logic, if a car leaks a bit of oil out of the valve cover, the motor is blown? If that's the case, I need a new motor for my dd.
  9. How does it not hold true? Are you that stupid? The guy said he made blah blah power on stock cams blah blah lucky blah. Therefore my last statement does hold true. The guy said the CAMS were stock, he never specified about the rest, therefore he COULD be running with a built head with stock cams dropped in it. If that doesn't make sense to you, put your life jacket and helmet back on, and go back to your bowl of lucky charms.
  10. :lolguy: yep my setup is exactly the same as when I got the car. :gabe:
  11. What's nonsensical about it? Are you stating that only sr motors with increased displacement are susceptible to damage?
  12. Gonna sit here acting like I started shit? Get your little bitch nephew in check and get off my nuts. As for implying I don't know about "car stuff" that's a bold statement for someone who tried to make a n/a bimmer fast, sold it for a car that was pre built, then let his nephew fuck it up. Don't get me wrong Erik, you're a decent guy, but you really need to remove your head from your ass.
  13. 2pointslow brought up displacement. Has nothing to do with cams, the statement I made about cams was that stock cams doesn't equal stock motor. In other words the guy could have a built head, or a fully built motor with stock cams. You guys need to stop misinterpreting what I say and worry about your cars James broke.:dumb:
  14. James. Shut your cocksucker. This isn't a thread about how to wash your rings, fail to ever put your car back together, be a shitty dad, and break your uncle's car. You are not relevant to this thread, so kindly see your way out. Pro tip: keep my name out of your mouth, people are realizing what a whiny little bitch you are. Pro tip 2: fix your car then you can set up races instead of pissing your uncle off and getting drug home. Pro tip 3: you look like you need a vacation. How about another 8month vacation from cr?
  15. Read back thru the thread and kill yourself, your post is irrelevant. I'm not the one that brought up displacement, I merely stated it wasn't necessary. :dumb:
  16. the stock sr can make enough power to grenade without increasing displacement to increase power. that's all i was stating.
  17. :dumb: no worries, a stock sr20 is a time bomb way before you hit any power limits due to displacement.
  18. He stated stock cams, he could have a built head with stock cams.
  19. Stock cams or unopened motor.. There IS a difference. :dumb:
  20. Brb swapping my rear tires for 185's so I can get no traction and call my car "fast"
  21. The sr20 is a time bomb in stock form over 400hp. It is in no way in the same league as a 4g63 or a jz motor.
  22. sr20det? that's a joke right? its not even in the same league.
  23. This made me giggle.:masturboy: THIS made me spit out my sprite.:lolguy:
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