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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. I'm about to change some fluids, just wondering if there's any good deals out there.
  2. mjrsplat

    Flame war

    what's this crx talk? did martin finally finish a car?
  3. too many gingers. http://i.imgur.com//fH75Q.gif
  4. http://www.twistappel.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/05/dancing-troll-guy.gif
  5. ^ hate to admit it, but it made me giggle. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/jameslovesdix-1.jpg?t=1310794541
  6. mjrsplat


    this thread makes me giggle.
  7. mjrsplat

    WTB ASAP C16.

    3 words. Tuned by Nate.
  8. Y U STICK UP FOR ME? I found this in my photobucket, and felt it needed a revival. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/e6ffa702.jpg :gabe:
  9. Ask James. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/jameslovesdix.jpg
  10. :dumb: I still have yet to find out who I lowballed on OD, or what your name is on there, so it looks like my questions still go unanswered.
  11. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/lull.jpg
  12. funny thing about that explorer. it runs. :dumb:
  13. http://www.fraggednation.com/images/gallery/14484/Reverse_Gun_1233247277.jpg use it.
  14. dont be a fag. I'll be out tomorrow.
  15. HARRY BIEBER, you comin out tomorrow? LOL.HAHA
  16. You are still avoiding my questions. You claim you're a founder of OD, You claim you've had problems with me on OD. So far your responses have yet to prove any of this. I'm done cluttering this thread, If you have a real issue, feel free to contact me.
  17. ^ I see you are still nursing that man crush.
  18. Who are you to take privileges from anyone? You are avoiding every question I've asked so far, yet you have the audacity to call me names? Nobody is scared of you, you're pussy. Kindly shut your cocksucker. When we want to talk about watches or cigars then you can speak, until then go back to lurking. You're obviously just butthurt about what was said about sr20 motors.
  19. wtf are you talking about? I never said I want to fight you, I dont care that my car is beat, I'll admit it. My car doesnt need to look pretty, It just needs to run. It does. I simply stated if you have issues with me personally, we could talk it out in person, since obviously you have some deep resentment toward me either because my car is in primer or because i apparently lowballed one of your friends on od. speaking of ohiodrifting, whats your name on there? just wondering.
  20. Ohiodrifting is full of beat dick cars, tons worse than mine. You say you hate people who mod cars like I do, then turn around and bragging about starting a site full of them? You're a joke. Idk why you came out of nowhere thinking you're Tommy tuff nuts and you're here to run me out of town,But it's not working. You just come across as another whiny prick that likes to pick try to e thug when having a bad day. If you have a serious issue, put your big boy pants on and speak with me about it personally. If you're trying to e thug, you should take that bullshit elsewhere. You couldn't intimidate the kids on the nick Jr forum.
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