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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. I dont wanna go to steven's house. I hear cars with spraypainted wheels arent welcome there. :masturboy:
  2. thats pretty close to where we usually park. we will hit you up.
  3. phil text me if youre going out to busch and 161.
  4. mjrsplat

    Flame war

    phil. you gonna take your gtp out to the meet? Im betting the subaru walks all over you.
  5. mjrsplat

    Flame war

    you're right. we should all just hug it out. with his chick. :no:
  6. mjrsplat

    Flame war

    UPDATE: you look like Justin Beiber. Although, I'm sure if you bring the chick in the picture, plenty of the cr guys will show up to your little meet. http://i52.tinypic.com/211mqgp.jpg
  7. mjrsplat

    Flame war

    Pics of your car? a few of us can check out your meet, but we just want to know who to kick in the nuts when we see its just a bunch of ricer fags doing burnouts and drifting in the parking lot.
  8. I usually put $300 or something as the purchase price. if they ask questions at the dmv, It's because the car needs motor work.
  9. phil, start a cookout thread. :gabe:
  10. http://i209.photobucket.com/albums/bb244/98xploder/lulz/lull.jpg
  11. Boom. Triple. I ran out and snapped a couple pics of my rims. They're still shitty cell pics, but daytime pictures with a cleaner car. http://i54.tinypic.com/2zhmfit.jpg http://i54.tinypic.com/2rwon5w.jpg I'd also like to add if anyone found a passenger door molding for a mk3 supra on 270 between sawmill and polaris, It's probably mine.
  12. thanks. I'd take more pics, but all I have at the moment is a cell phone and an Ipad to take pics with, so even If i took more, they'd probably still suck. :no:
  13. In to see the thread he loves so much.
  14. shits played out. parking lot racing is where its at.
  15. +1 good stuff. It was better a few years ago before all the police attention, But it's still a good time.
  16. powdercoat > paint. I will be getting my rims powdercoated, Along with the rest of my car. :gabe:
  17. Thanks Chris, sorry I couldn't stick around longer last night..
  18. So, you spraypainted them?:dumb:
  19. I'm down to see chris's snowmobile tear this thing apart.
  20. :dumb: I started a thread, James took a shit in it. someone else started a thread, James took a shit in it, bringing my name in it. Chris started a thread, James again took a shit in it. But I'm the problem? Maybe James should leave CR for another 8 months. I haven't instigated shit on here in a while. Lately I just get dragged into shit. :fuuuu:
  21. too bad I missed this. Glad to see cody contributing in threads. the kid has potential.
  22. Big surprise. Shitting in another thread. hey tubbz, Jump thru this bruh. There's cookies on the other side! http://www.visualphotos.com/photo/2x2732958/noose_hanging_from_branch_cb068397.jpg
  23. Big suprise. James ruined another thread e stalking me. get off my dick James. Sorry I'm happy in my life and you aren't.. Jealousy won't fix your problems bruh. Back on topic, call an exterminator unless you've handled poisonous spider infestations before.
  24. Sorry guys, maybe he'll quit e-stalking me and all my threads pretty soon.
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