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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. mjrsplat


    You're a funny guy. Martin hasnt touched my car, Your car is neither a G6 nor a Grand prix, its a gto, My kids probably waste more food than you have in your cupboards, and racing for Cr rights is stupid. You can't spare the 20 bucks when you lose?:dumb:
  2. mjrsplat


    chris will tell you himself then, he did pull away from me my car was breaking up bad, dumping fuel so bad it was dripping out of my exhaust, I ducked off the freeway to make it home and I barely made it home. I would like an actual race against chris to see how it turns out. btw is your G6 a 5.7 or 6.0? hopefully the latter of the two, I haven't beaten one of those yet. :dumb:
  3. mjrsplat


    Lost? You cant really call that a race. I ducked off the freeway to limp my car home. I can share private messages if you like?
  4. mjrsplat

    thanks ppc

  5. mjrsplat


    Secondhand smoke causes cancer. Keep your windows up, I need my parts guy alive.. :gabe:
  6. mjrsplat


    Phil, why are you even going to try and call me out. Remember the last call out? It ended with something along the lines of you not wanting to race and lose to a 20 yr old piece of shit supra.
  7. I sure hope this is true, otherwise ebay took my money again. http://i51.tinypic.com/avll4o.jpg
  8. mjrsplat


    crazy stuff. wtf did they have you testing?
  9. it took over 30 questions to get Chuck E Cheese.
  10. Holy fuck it got Richard Simmons. It got Keith stone Didn't get Randy Quaid
  11. It's not THAT big. Id toss a stun grenade down at it then run down there and snap it's neck.
  12. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z9bK08-auNs&feature=related http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q5DJUapwdr8&feature=related
  13. mjrsplat


    getting drunk and commenting on how shitty ohio's weather is? :fa:
  14. mjrsplat


    nobody is out. looks like rain is coming.
  15. mjrsplat


    I'll probably be at sawmill in the grand prix.
  16. This has been common knowledge for years. Just about everything causes cancer or puts out harmful radiation these days, there's no escaping it.
  17. mjrsplat


    on my way out to hd in the grand prix.
  18. mjrsplat


    were they his cigarettes or did he bum them?
  19. mjrsplat


    quoted for butthurt. maybe i'll make it my new sig.:gabe:
  20. mjrsplat


    Name change? What's your middle name, you could go by that?
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