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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. mjrsplat


    Starting rumors is totally different than sharing stories heard from a trusted source.. Of course Cody is going to say "oh, that whole blow up doll thing is just a rumor" its easy to pass blame that way. I dont doubt for a second that he would be one to go around and tell people he had a blow up doll and wanted to take pictures of his car with the blow up doll posing.. If I felt it was false information, I probably wouldn't have shared it.
  2. mjrsplat


    What about me? Hopefully Wagner's comments aren't directed toward me, but for arguement's sake, I'm going to assume they are, since Cody is mad I blocked him on facebook so he can't pester me. At any rate, since my name got brought into this, lets make two things clear. 1. I never text bombed Cody, If he said that was the case, it was because he assumed I text bombed him due to the fact i posted in his "wheels for sale" thread. The truth on that matter is my buddy was an interested party for the wheels, I texted cody asking for pics to pass along to my buddy, and never got a response from cody. That weekend, I spoke with Cody in regards to the matter and he basically called me out saying I text bombed him. Obviously this wasn't the case, I had no problem with him at that point, no motivation to waste my time text bombing people. Truthfully, that's the reason I have beef with the kid, because he assumed I text bombed him, and ran his mouth about it. As far as starting rumors about him? Hardly. I hear about him, given the fact he is the same age as my girlfriend's little sisters, they go to school with him, and apparently nobody there likes him either. I have openly shared what I have heard about the kid, I see no reason to hold back information about blow up dolls and such. Did I go into his school and start telling people he has blow up dolls and wants to pose them in a photo shoot of his car? No. I'm not one to start rumors, and if I were, I think I could come up with something a little more damaging than blow up doll jokes. This all sounds to me like a typical pissed off 17 year old that couldn't take the heat of the CR kitchen, and felt the need to find a scapegoat to shine the spotlight on. :dumb: CLIFFS: Cody is full of shit.
  3. In related news, I saw a white GT40 today on sancus, It made me think of this thread.
  4. mjrsplat


    If they were overnight parts, I would have them, wouldnt I?:dumb: dumbass.:gabe:
  5. mjrsplat


    LOL. I'm not dancing around anything. My car is apart waiting on parts, when its together, I'll drag you around with my 21 year old fog machine. I'd also like to pull one of my favorite Phil quotes from the kitchen thread entitled "Phil" thread can be found Here.
  6. mjrsplat


    Facebook just got gayer. Cody, put your man pants on and speak in here. stop trying to be a leghumper.
  7. mjrsplat


    Negative ghostrider. He messaged me. Is facebook really that confusing? :dumb:
  8. mjrsplat


    I think we scared Cody off cr. He is now bothering me on facebook. Cody Hudson I dont recall taking a blowup doll to prom... i should have tho probably would of got more action... What is the frisbee incident? Im intrigued... Cody. apparently you bragged about how you own a blowup doll, and how you were going to stage a photoshoot with her and your car.. taking her to prom was merely a suggestion, given the fact you repel women with such amazing precision and skill.. The frisbee incident involved you, a frisbee, a basketball hoop, and all of your classmates calling you a fat loser. I noticed you didn't try to deny that girl you are stalking. What was her name again?
  9. anal expedition anal rubicon anal wrangler anal impulse anal samurai anal soarer anal pup anal trooper
  10. mjrsplat


    cliffs: he is a ricer who picks on women due to the fact he is sexually frustrated, fells compelled to stalk women, and he is the proud owner of a blow up doll/ prom date.
  11. mjrsplat


  12. mjrsplat


    Let's start off slow. You flew past me on Cleveland Ave. Something along the lines of "There's that faggot Cody" was uttered in the car. this was followed by my wife's urgent need to express her feelings toward you. Because of this, I sped up a bit to pull beside you so that her true emotions may speak to you through the words of universal sign language. You looked like you had been crying already, so she gave 1 quick display of the traffic finger, I then slowed my speed. At this time it appeared you dropped back, but NOT FOR LONG ZOOOM RICER FLYBYE quickly followed by blasting across 2 lanes. you did this at 40MPH? Not possible. I was doing 50 and you passed me like I was standing still. I think the moral of the story here is that we shouldn't be so quick to judge honda owners and call them ricers, that we should work from a system that states innocent until proven ricer. Last night sir, you were proven a ricer. Next subject: Lets talk about why you attack everyone's lady. It's clear to my you're just sexually frustrated, and probably a virgin, (:fa:) so whenever a guy gives you problems, you naturally verbally attack his lady to prey on the "weaker sex". (sorry ladies, not my opinion of women, just Cody's.. be mad at him) I assume this gives you tremendous feelings of power, almost like you're seeking payback for all the women in your high school that won't give you the time of day. :dumb: Down to specifics here: Because you are upset with something I said, you claim my lady is acne infested? Nope. Not Nikki, Her skin is fine. You must have been daydreaming about that girl you stalk at your school. I forget her name, I'll have to ask Nikki's sister what it was. While we are on the subject of your romantic life, would you care to elaborate why you brag to everyone in school about owning a blow up doll, and how you're going to take pictures of it with your car? From what I hear you talk about it a hell of a lot. Is your inflatable friend going to accompany you to prom? I bet you wouldn't have to buy her a ticket, merely deflate her until you're inside the dance. Does your friend have a name? When will we get to meet her? I'll tell you what you should bring her to the car meet. You can bring her deflated (so you don't get any weird looks on the way to sawmill) and we can inflate her in the parking lot so you won't be so lonely at the meet. Is she a big (inflatable) lady? If so, I can bring my portable air compressor. I'm sure everyone here would love to meet your lady friend.. It might help us understand why you feel the need to make fun of all of our women. :gabe: P.S. I heard about the gym class frisbee incident too, that was good for a laugh. :gabe: Handled like a bauce. :fuckyeah: listen to Patterson? If wagner's post deserved 1 fuckyeah, this deserves at least 3 dozen. Here's a few to get you started. :fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah::fuckyeah:
  13. wheel fitment sucks. not up to the audi standard.
  14. isnt that how tv has been for at least a little while now? survivor, man vs wild, survivorman, dual survival, etc? real world vs big brother? price is right vs lets make a deal?
  15. mjrsplat


    Thought id give the thread a bump. Cody, you are a ricer. That ricer flybye you did to me on cleveland avenue followed by cutting me off while zipping across two lanes proves it. I clearly can see how you have a huge dent in the door of your contour racecar now.
  16. mjrsplat


    :lolguy: I'll race phil. If I remember correctly, Phil is the one who backed down before.
  17. mjrsplat


    and what do i get when i win? we all know you wont leave cr. :dumb:
  18. mjrsplat


    I'll do $20, but I wouldn't leave this site if you paid me. I like it here.
  19. mjrsplat


    You know this how? You know nothing about me, nothing about my car, only the little bit you've read and the one time you saw it parked at a car meet. All the rest is your personal assumptions about my car or my driving skill. I do stand a good chance against you seeing your record with transmission issues. Try a driver mod. Maybe then you'll stand a chance against the poopra. /thread.
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