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Everything posted by mjrsplat

  1. I like your chins and your girlfriend's....................... . . . . . . . Oh, I guess I have to stop there. Poor virgin. :dumb:
  2. IKNORITE? You hang out with that fag.. Keep your back to the wall buddy.
  3. So. Looks like we will get to see a polished engine block. :dumb:
  4. how did I miss this post? Quoted for proof James wants ginger dick Sorry bud not gonna happen. :dumb: Edit: chris that pic fails, you can't see his chins and he washed the cheetos crumbs off his hands.
  5. Yawn. This thread bores me.
  6. I dont have pictures of him, My camera couldnt handle it. I saw him in person though, he's like a lord of the rings movie. you dont wanna see it. go up to the geek squad, look for a greasy fat guy, chances are, its gonna be him.
  7. http://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.knvegeta.net/cimages/orly.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.knvegeta.net/cpages/orly.html&usg=__qbSeMG8XBvKySRFiuGOfG4wNR1E=&h=392&w=405&sz=17&hl=en&start=2&zoom=1&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=jaEpiqPoPTE78M:&tbnh=120&tbnw=124&prev=/search%3Fq%3Dorly%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26client%3Dopera%26sa%3DN%26rls%3Den%26channel%3Dsuggest%26tbm%3Disch&ei=4g_5TdaAEMLegQfJlZn8Cw sounds like a certain mac lover gets upset a little too quickly. :masturboy:
  8. you dont want pics of james, he makes me look pretty.
  9. Your argument is flawed at best if you could call it an argument. I'm gonna break it down like this James is mad because 1 he is a fat lonely nerd. 2 secretly gay, upset that I'm not 3. Spent billions on a beat dsm that hasn't run in forever 4. Believes the myths that you have to do drugs and have stds to be slim 5. Looked up my public record and found ZERO drug offenses, that killed his arguement, now he's desperate lonely and angry.
  10. You crack me up man.. :lolguy:
  11. Oh noes my name is Alexander and my driving record sucks. When you're done fucking around and licking the cheetos stains off your MacBook then worry about me.
  12. :dumb: U mad fattie? If I buy pork rhinds and twinkies and take them to the geek squad as a peace offering can we be friends? It would be cool if we were friends, I'd let you drive my fog machine now and then so you can tell people you drove a turbo car that runs, we could hit the bars together that way I wouldn't be the ugly friend. It's beneficial for both of us. So wanna be friends Check [ ]yes [ ]no
  13. http://i55.tinypic.com/1zchgrd.jpg phil, I found your next mod for the "Grand Prix" http://washford.scene7.com/is/image/Washford/248372?$prod$
  14. I stated inb4MORE as in new ones.
  15. Sorry I'm late guys. Inb4moredumbsplattyphotoshops
  16. I cant believe this is still available.
  17. That place is full of morons. I had a delivery guy from there run me off the road, so I followed the guy in there and reported it, and they said they got quite a few complaints from the guy, yet they still let him drive the tire van..
  18. this thread is full of fail. Cr insults should be better.
  19. This thread makes me never want to drink again. The fail in this thread is immeasurable.
  20. :dumb: keep your hands off your ankles, Phil. It's not my thing.
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