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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. Zx2guy19


    Nope- that is a company by company basis. FMLA has no mandate for PTO requirement utilization. There is FMLA and something called "intermittent" FMLA, which is used on an "as needed" basis. Nailed it. This guy must be in HR (nice to meet a fellow one).
  2. No chance I'd pay for Tinder (or Bumble). Dinner with ex didn't go well. I'm still in the game.
  3. I've been on this site for nearly 7 years and I don't have a clue who you are, but welcome back.
  4. I think you're thinking of peel and stick...this is different broheam. Yes I use that same color in my rental bathrooms. It's really good quality.
  5. This is what we're referencing by the way: http://www.homedepot.com/b/Flooring/N-5yc1vZaq7r/Ntk-BrandSearch/Ntt-allure?Ntx=mode+matchall&NCNI-5&NCNI-5&searchRedirect=allure+flooring&semanticToken=20040+++%3E+++allure+%7Bbrand%7D+flooring+%7Bcategory%7D+canaveral%7B0%3A0%7D
  6. I know what you're referring to, but it's a bit different. It barely locks together (as opposed to traditional laminate where that shit like actually clicks in). I'd recommend you go to HD and check it out to see exactly what I mean. The level 1 can be cut with a razor, but the level 2 needs cut with a saw. Hmm- I usually don't put a barrier down with this stuff. I'm sure it wouldn't hurt, but when I first started using it, HD explicitly told me it wasn't needed, going over any material. To be fair, I've only laid it over concrete twice, so majority is over wood/existing laminate.
  7. The first level is stick together (if you get it on your leg hair, you're fucked) and the second level is not really click together, but it does lock in together. As far as how it looks, I'd just google it. I had a floor done this past weekend that turned out awesome. It's perfect for a basement.
  8. I use luxury vinyl in all of my rentals. It's durable as hell. Note, there are 2 levels of quality. The first level is water RESISTANT, the second is water PROOF. Most of the lower level runs around $1.99 a square foot. The next level is between $2.99-$3.49. Also, again, if you think Lowe's really does tile for $3/sq ft, you're crazy man. I know what they say- I spend around $50k a year at Lowe's (actually I recently transitioned to Home Depot). That is just to get them in the door, and then it's all down hill from there. Seriously- have them come out and get a quote and post it. I'm not trying to be a dick, just saying that $3/sq ft. isn't what they actually charge.
  9. Anyone have a recommendation on where to get glasses? I am thinking about driving to TN early as shit Monday morning, seeing it and then going home. Air BnB's are like $500+.
  10. Lol, I can only assume the OP is referencing you when he made his comment about retail. OP- if you really think Lowe's (or anywhere) charges $3 for tile, you're batshit. I just got a quote from another flooring guy because my GC is so busy (he ended up squeezing it in) and he said depending on the tile I picked, it would be $10-$18/sq ft. Tile is expensive man. If you can find someone for anything under $8/sq, jump on it. Source: Rehabbed over 20 houses.
  11. What quotes are you getting from retail stores? Expect to pay anywhere from $8-$12 per square foot, regardless of what they tell you. They will fuck you every which way until the average install price is somewhere in between those numbers, or maybe even more. I pay my guy $5/sq ft and he's phenomenal. Unfortunately, he's doing a ton of work for me right now and wouldn't be available for weeks for your job.
  12. Also, if I'm out of the game it'll leave more for you lol.
  13. Ha...the breakup was a mistake from the beginning (I did it). She just haven't given me a chance to make it right until now, so I had fun in the meantime.
  14. I was. Welcome to how I got to this stage in my life lol I prefer Bumble but I don't find Tinder as bad as others. It's just the law of averages. Swipe on everyone and message anyone you'd fuck. You're bound to get one. I hooked up with a girl from Bumble Saturday night (and again last night) and she was hot as hell. I've never tried OKCupid but I've heard it's more dating than hookup (although Bumble is supposed to be too). I'm having dinner with my ex tomorrow night, so this might all be over soon anyway.
  15. $480 a month? Christ, I carry $2M for my rental business and it's like $40 a month. Granted I pay like $700 a month for all the property insurance, but still.
  16. Damn. It's rough out here. What happened to good ole fashioned going steady? Anal? All the other essentials? Unreal.
  17. I'm holding out for 9/14/99 so I don't have to travel.
  18. Hell yeah man, this looks amazing. What a fun trip and even better that your wife took the liberty of booking it!
  19. Lol hopefully I didn't imply that was the case. Correct, I had it vented.
  20. This...I ran my PCV blocked off for years on a boosted engine. Granted...that engine did explode. Twice. :dumb:
  21. Beautiful (no surprise). What model is that?
  22. I love the look of the 200...for a Chrysler (I'm not normally a fan of their styling). I remember seeing a really nice one on the freeway about a year and thought "Damn, what is that?!" Drove closer and saw it was a 200.
  23. Agreed 100%...I think he was trying to say it was overpriced (the CR member's), but if anything, that solidified this is a good deal.
  24. What was the reason behind posting that? Clearly those cars are in 2 different classes. If you're trying to show this one is a good deal, than disregard my comment.
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