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Everything posted by Zx2guy19

  1. I ordered an EcoBee 4 for $49. Fuck it...may as well upgrade and throw the EcoBee3 in one of my rentals.
  2. It went up $1,000 already?!?!?!?! Fuck....
  3. I also have an EcoBee (mine is a 3) that's paired to my Echo (Alexa). Seriously love it. As if pulling out my phone to change my thermostat isn't easy enough, now I can just shout out what temperature I want my house to be and boom, it changes it. Laziness at it's peak.
  4. Holy fuck. So these things were like $1 a few years ago? That's unreal.
  5. So how much is 1 single bitcoin, like right now?
  6. What's everyone think so far? I actually really like it...haven't played too much but the online play I have played (I never play the story mode) is really fun.
  7. Turns out the injectors were just dirty and the spark plugs were being flooded by oil from the valve cover gasket. A $40 gasket later and we are good to go. The car basically has no traction above 4k RPM's in 1-3 gear (it doesn't help the existing clutch is slipping badly due to the rear main and my power level). Ordering a new clutch and flywheel today! I love this car so far. I'll keep doing little shit to it but I've addressed most of the major concerns/upgrades, so now it's about just enjoying it.
  8. Fucking crazy...saw it on the news this morning and thought...damn, for 200k, that'd be the car I would absolutely pick in that range. Obviously I'll never have that but still...extremely impressive.
  9. For the first time, I agree with you. These posts are clearly deeper than just the passion for your job or your car.
  10. Dude I completely agree. My 335 is around 500 and it's more than fast enough for me. Anything more and I'll just get myself in trouble. I have a blast with where it is now and don't need anymore.
  11. I still regret selling my first toy car all the time. I stripped it down to a shell and gave it to a friend in Cleveland and he rebuilt the car from the ground up. If he ever sells that thing he knows I'm the first person to call. I'd say keep the one with sentimental value and ditch the Corvette to get something you'd enjoy a little more (or not- pocket the money).
  12. Zx2guy19

    The Pikey

    Sad to hear- I don't know of this guy but a CR member passing is sad nonetheless.
  13. The turbos are done (thanks Lauren) and the car is freaking insane. On the way home, the car fell on it's face and developed a really bad injector tick. Since the valve cover gasket needs done anyways, I'm ordering everything today to do it likely next weekend. While doing the turbo's Lauren found that the rear main is leaking. Not a major job and with my power, I needed a new clutch anyways, so we'll do that together. Overall, I am replacing stuff that I would be upgrading anyways (outside of the injectors and VC gasket). New brakes went on too. Loving the car and oddly not mad at all about the amount of money going into it because it's all upgrades.
  14. Thanks for the response to my PM's.
  15. I spend about an hour every night either playing Xbox or watching Netflix. I'm normally at work 8-5 and then the gym and usually a rental property, so I don't get home until 8/9 each night. By then I just want to go to sleep but use that hour to wind down. I make the most of my weekends though.
  16. Lol thanks guys. Can't go that low
  17. Bump, get this bitch out of my storage unit so I can store more crap.
  18. Damn...I have a boring ass turkey every year it appears. It's always dry as fuck lol. I need to get one of those smokers and do one for the family.
  19. So what are expectations for the rest of the season? You guys think we'll drop 1 more? If not, best case scenario we win the Big10 and go to a New Year's bowl?
  20. I picked it up Friday and played it for a few hours this weekend. So far, so good. My gamertag is ZX2guy19 if anyone wants to play! I'll be on Thursday or Friday since I'm traveling for work this week.
  21. Anyone getting the game tonight? I have tomorrow off to replace my turbos so I'll probably be up at Midnight. Might pop over to Target and grab it.
  22. I still don't understand what the fuck this is. Someone help.
  23. Damn, what a deal. If I was still using beater trucks for my rental I'd pick this up in a heartbeat. Guarantee it's gone by the end of the weekend.
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